The final round

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"The game's not over bitch." Emerald said while sinking her talons deeper into Ember's arm.

"Let go, let go of me!" Ember yelled while panicking. Emerald was laughing slowly.

"Aww you thought you won, but here's the thing about vampires, we DON'T give up easily." Emerald threw Ember across the room, making Ember go through a wall. Ember shrugged the debris off of her and flew out of the room. When she did she saw Emerald standing up with her own neon blue blood dripping from her talons. 

"You know I was going to give you a painless death, but i didn't realize that your blood smells amazing." Emerald gave a quick chuckle.

"So, now i'm going to drink all your warm delicious blood, while you are awake; i'm going to make you suffer and you won't be able to move or do anything about it." Emerald smiled.

"Emerald stop this, please i know this isn't you." Ember pleaded.

"Just shut up, all your chirping is so annoying, all i'm hearing is the same thing but, here's the thing, I am NEVER becoming that weak, little piece of crap that everyone bullied all her life!" Emerald ran towards Ember and stabbed her in her back and threw her towards the other wall. Ember struggled to get up but Emerald grabbed her again and threw her towards the front doors. Ember felt her life force fading away.

"Come on, punch me or something, don't just sit there, FIGHT ME!" Ember struggled to get up and when she did she was wobbly, so when she ran towards Emerald she was just punched back down.

"Emerald, stop." Ember said weakly, as she saw a shadow cover her. All of a sudden she felt a hand strangling her neck, she felt herself being carried and her feet barely touched the floor. Her flames were almost out.

"Now" Emerald brought her face close to her's. 

" To eat." Emerald said coolly. Ember felt Emerald's fangs near her neck and closed her eyes for impact.  Ember felt pain in her neck and she tried to struggled to get free of Emerald's grip from her fangs. Then Ember felt herself getting weaker, and she felt herself losing more and more energy. Then as soon as the pain started, the pain ended, Ember fell to the floor and touched the spot where Emerald sank her fangs into, it was starting to heal, she looked for Emerald and saw her struggling to stay standing, and was wobbling all over the room, while clutching her throat.

"What the hell did you do to me." Emerald tried to yell to Ember, while clutching her throat, gagging. Ember got to her knees and looked on in surprise wondering what was going on.

"What did you do to-" She started gagging and neon blue liquid started dripping from her mouth. Emerald looked at Ember with hate and she swooped over and picked her up from her arms, and pinned them to the sides of her body. Ember felt that Ember was shaking but not out of hate, out of fear. Emerald opened her mouth and said softly;

"What the hell did you do?" Ember thought about it for a moment and realized what was happening to Emerald, she remembered the first time Emerald drank her blood,  back in the first grade when they first met. 



Emerald was being bullied as usual in the girls  bathroom, she was on the floor, trying to keep her sanity, while the other monsters were taunting her. 

"Freak, you don't belong here." 

"You never belonged here, you are not wanted here."

"You are going to be a weak leader, you will never be like your father." Then they started punching her and kicked her. When Ember walked in they told her to go away,

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