Trouble at school

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"LET ME GO, LET ME G-" it was too late she had torn the young monster's throat, and drank her blood. Emerald threw the limp body off of her, and looked around seeing monsters running everywhere, trampling bodies. She grabbed another monster's throat, and as she was an inch away from tearing another throat, with her fangs, she caught a familiar scent, then all the monsters stopped and looked at the front entrance in fear. She threw the monster to the floor, who then looked at the door in fear, and she spun around, at the front entrance stood her parents in shock, and scared.

"Emerald, stop this at once!" Her mother yelled.

Emerald just hissed at them with her blood stained fangs, making her parents shocked and a little part of them wanted to join her but they resisted. They looked at Emerald she was wearing skinny jeans, with a blood stained tee, she looked more mature, but she didn't look normal. They looked around and saw all the bodies on the floor, and they relized that she had succumbed to the blood lust, and that scared them.

"Emerald, control yourself, you are better than this." Her father said calmly at her, with fierce eyes. Emerald chuckled, which turned into a laugh, her parents not taking their eyes off of her.

"Is that all you have to say? Really, how pathetic. Even for you, father, after centuries of not seeing your only child, that's all you have to say? Well I was expecting more." Emerald just looked at them, with a fake pouty face. Then laughed, her parents looked at each other and looked back.

"Dawn her energy around her, do you feel that? That is not our daughter talking." Dracula whispered to his wife.

"She's gone crazy." Dawn whispered to herself, then looked at her husband with fear.

"What can we do?" Dawn asked Dracula.

"I don't know." Dracula kept his stance, while whispering to his wife.

"What you can do is Leave me alone while I go on about my business, killing monsters and drinking their blood." Emerald said calmly.

"We can't let you do that." Dawn looked at her with pleading eyes. 

"Please, let us help you." 

"Help me? HELP ME! You just want to help yourself, while you spend all your time taking care of the monsters who don't even like you, I was hurting but you didn't even give me a second glance, you just wanted me to be strong like you, well FATHER IM IN COMPLETE CONTROL NOW! She said while charging at her parents, with her claws swinging at them.

"Stop this, this is not you." Dracula said while trying to dodge her attacks.

"This is not me? Are you sure about that because look around, this is the real me's work, and not your once so call wimpy, weak, uncontrollable daughter."

Dawn grabbed her arms and held her down. While Emerald was yelling at them, Dracula went an inch from her face and roared at her while she tried to avoid her gaze. When he was done roaring, he looked at her, she had her eyes closed tight, and was facing the wall, while a tear went down her face. Dracula became worried.

"Emerald, are you oka-" Emerald starting laughing, slowly turning to her father.

"Father, it's going to take more of that to scare me, and you were gullible enough to believe I am weak enough to cry." Emerald started laughing, there was whimpering happening in one side of the room, he forgot the little monsters were still there, watching them battle, he needed to save the rest of them.

"Everyone run NOW!" Nobody moved they just stared in fear, looking at their ruler.

"NOW!" All of a sudden the students were snapped out of their trance. They ran towards the exit, Emerald got mad.

"No don't go, we were just warming up the party." Emerald's eyes grew redder, and she laughed as she grabbed a monster's throat  she extended her claws longer.

"Shall we dance?" Emerald threw the monster at Dracula, but he caught him, and put the monster behind him. She turned towards Dawn.

"Your turn mother."

"Dawn move now!" Dawn moved out of the way just in time when Emerald swinged her claws at her.

"You two think you can beat me? Don't make me laugh, you two are to weak to even touch me."

"We can at least fight for the good of the monsters." Dracula said to his daughter.

"For the good of the monsters? Look around you father, is this the good of the monsters? Well then I like this future." Emerald and her parents faught, and when Dracula looked down he saw that the blood on the floor wasen't a dead monster's, but it was his own blood from a gushing wound. Dracula saw Dawn trying to avoid Emerald's attacks, but was failing miserably, as she was getting scratches all over her body.

"DAWN!" Dracula launched himself at Emerald, who was stuggling to get out of his grip.

"Father please, it hurts." Emerald said to her father, while tears fell down her face.

"Stop this Emerald, you can control yourself." Emerald looked at her father, then she smiled, and started laughing.

"Father, when will you learn, this is the real me. Now and forever." Emerald freed one of her hands and swiped at her father, then he grabbed his stomach and when he removed his hand blood was pouring out. He started stumbling to a wall, and kneeled down, while Dawn ran up to rim trying to help him up.

"Drac, are you okay." Dawn tenderly touched his stomach, and her eyes turned red. She turned towards Emerald, and roared at her, just as she was about to charge a hand grabbed her arm.

"Don't, i'm fine." Dracula was looking at his wife with pleading eyes. Her eyes turned back to normal and she kneeled besides her husband. Emerald started laughing.

"Awww, she wants to protect him." Emerald said with a pout. Then she laughed.

"Is this really all you got, you two really are pathetic" Emerald looked at them, then she ran towards them with her fangs bared, and claws in front of her, ready to strike the final blow, when suddenly, they all heard a screeching sound only vampires will find horrible, but the sound is pleasant to everyone else. When the vampires heard the sound, Emerald dropped to her knees and placed her hands to their ears, as if their head was gonna fall off, and all in pain from the sound.

" What is that!?" Emerald snarled, head to the floor, nearly crying. When she tried to look up to see it it was, all she saw was a blue fire shaped bird, when she looked closer she saw there was a figure in the fire, but the fire was so bright that she had to look down to shield her eyes. The ball of fire landed on the floor, wings stretched out, and head held up high, Emerald looked at the figure, and gasped.

"No, it can't be? You're not her are you?" Emerald looked scared and surprised. Then the fire started to grow smaller and smaller until it looked like the monster's skin was made of blue fire, she had finally stopped screeching, and Emerald got up to her feet in a hurry, and ran a few feet back, still looking surprised, as she reconized the monster.

The Phoenix just smiled at her, she looked like a person but with blue fire as her skin, hair, almost everything. Emerald knew that a phoenix was powerful enough to take down a whole army of vampires, using just their voice. Emerald knew who she was fighting, she just doesn't want to admit that she is scared. Emerald shook off her thoughts and saw that the Phoenix was staring at her, smiling. Suddenly Emerald saw who this monster was, she couldn't see before because of the fire surrounding her. Emerald chuckled, and regained her bravery.

"So this is your real form, I'll admit it does make me scared a bit." Emerald chuckled.

"And this is your true form, when your not trying to hide it." They both started laughing.

"I'm not going to hide it anymore, this is who I am, and I am never holding back again." Emerald slowly pacing around her side, while chuckling. She didn't want to fight the Phoenix but she knew that if she defeated the vampire's enemy she would be unstoppable.

"So I suppose you came to stop me."

The Phoenix laughed.

"I was hoping I didn't have to but if that's how to make you stop then fine."

"Make your move, Ember."

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