The #NoMoreBullying Challenge

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The worst thing about bullying is how it destroys a boy or girl's self-esteem, sometimes for the rest of their lives. I've seen beautiful, vibrant children cut down until they withdraw into themselves. When the kids I saw bullied in grade school reached high school graduation, the damage was still evident. I could see the lack of self worth in their eyes.

90% of those who witness bullying in social media ignore it. Be the other 10%.

Say something to a parent or adult you trust. Or report it to the social media company where it's happening. They will do something to stop it.

I challenge RoseSunshine JackHarbon YowenFate Whisperingwater JosephGross to take part. But you get a pass, Rose, for a few weeks since you're busy with school. :)

Go to the @NoMoreBullying profile for more info.

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