Tag You're It: 20 questions

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20 answers to 20 imaginary questions. Here are mine.

1. I never in a million years expected I would become a writer. And it's even more unbelievable that I'm writing stories that people I don't even know read and enjoy.

2. I'm really old for a Wattpadder (50). I've given birth to people who are older than a lot of Wattpadders. LOL

3. I got my college degree in accounting, but I never worked as an accountant.

4. I met my husband when I was 17 and he'd just turned 18.

5. I have OCD and it kind of makes me crazy. It also makes it very hard for me to take care of a lot of things at once since I tend to get very fixated on one thing to the exclusion of all other things. Currently my fixation is writing, which means my house is kind of a wreck much to the consternation of my family.

6. I once shook Barack Obama's hand. He's taller and thinner than you think he is.

7. I've lived in the northern Midwest of the U.S. for nearly my whole life. Other than a brief period of time in Maine, I've been firmly planted between the Mississippi River and Lake Huron.

8. I'm an extremely cautious person and I would say my risk aversion has kept me from doing a lot things. I don't think that's necessarily been a good thing for me.

9. I'm terrible at math, like I never learned it properly. I still don't know most of the multiplication tables. I know that may seem funny since I became an accountant.

10. I've been a voracious reader for my whole life. I remember getting in trouble in elementary school for hiding one of the Little House on the Prairie books just out of sight so I could read during class. Maybe it's not that much of a stretch that I then became a writer.

11. My favorite place in the world is the small farming town in Illinois where my grandparents lived when I was a kid. I got to spend a few weeks there every summer. It was so peaceful.

12. I wanted to be a cowboy when I was young. For a while, all I watched were westerns, both movies and TV shows and all I read were stories about horses.

13. I'm a fairly shy and quiet person in real life. I find it difficult to be outgoing and 'myself' around strangers, but once I warm up, I'm pretty much like you see me on Wattpad.

14. I was terrified to learn how to drive a car. I didn't get my license until I was 20.

15. I actually have a really bad temper, but I'm really good at hiding it.

16. I use a lot of my experiences and the emotions they brought in my writing - loss, loneliness, and grief, but also love, hope, and the faith that things can and will get better.

17. I'm endlessly fascinated by other people's creative processes. I love watching audio commentaries on movies almost more than the movies themselves. I love watching cooking challenge shows for the same reason.

18. I've always had dogs and cats. I can't imagine not living with them, even though the fur is a pain to deal with.

19. I love music, and have listened to just about every genre over the years, from hard rock to jazz to classical. My current obsession is EDM (electronic dance music).

20. This was an extremely hard list of things to write! It's hard to think of 20 semi-interesting things about yourself. :/ I hope no one was bored to tears.

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