This is a collection of questions and answers, and other Wattpad projects I've participated in over the years. Inside you'll learn more about me!
Tag You're It: 20 Questions
10 (More) Facts About Me
The #NoMoreBullying Challenge
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I grew up in a family that took books seriously. I have more than one family member who devoted whole rooms to books, lining the walls with built in bookcases to hold their massive collection. Even my mother had an entire wall of paperback books in her bedroom. I carried on the tradition by saving every book I ever acquired, even after I'd read them. And then I got married.
My husband grew up in a family that was, for the most part, not readers. I think the only books his family had in their home was a set of Encyclopedia Britannica's. He kept questioning why I needed to keep all these books, especially when we had to move them to a new home. There were a few books that had special meaning to me, but I could see his point about the ones I'd read and would probably never read again.
So I purged a large number of my books. The ones in the picture above are in that I must keep camp or I haven't read yet, and I'll admit they were acquired a number of years ago. That's because a wonderful thing happened. I got a Kindle for Christmas one year, and suddenly I could have 100, 200, 300 or even more books - and it didn't take up any more space than a thin paperback and storage on the hard drive of my pc.
Now I do all my reading on my phone on Wattpad and my Kindle. This is a more accurate representation of my 'shelf'.
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A lot of the books on my Kindle are written by friends from Wattpad, including some of those shown above. Someday, I hope I'll be able to see The Boy in the Woods, The Man Inside the Iron Fence, and more of mine on that screen.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there!