Chapter Three

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Sitting patiently in front of the fireplace, leader Leeteuk waited for the others to arrive so that he may start the meeting to delivery some news – both good and bad. With the passing minutes, he grew annoyed with the sound effects coming from Kyuhyun's game that he was playing on the computer across the room from where he was sitting. He sigh and began to rub his temples, trying to relax from the recent stress that has plagued his mind for the past week. Just as he was about to speak to Kyuhyun, Donghae suddenly walked into the room announcing, “Yesung and Ryeowook are almost home. I can sense them coming. They are about three blocks away.”

“Ah, yes. I can also sense them coming. Thank you, Donghae” Leeteuk said leaning back into the couch as Donghae took a seat next to the leader.

“Yeah, thanks for that unnecessary announcement. I'm sure the whole dorm had heard you.” Kyuhyun mumbled as he focused on his computer game. It was Leeteuk who spoke next, “Well sense you do have your ears opened for us, can you please turn down the sound. It's turning me up the wall and I'd very much appreciate it if it was turned down.”

Kyuhyun sighed before obeying the leader's order as he turns the sound down making Leeteuk calm. With the leader being calm, Donghae decided to have a side conversation with him before the meeting was to begin. They talked causally until they heard thumbing sounds, immediately turning their heads towards Kyuhyun and his game. Leeteuk glared at him with warning, “Kyu!”

“What” The youngest whined as he glared back at the leader. “Kyu, I thought I told you to turn--”

“We're home!” Yesung's voice boomed through the dorm as they heard the front door open and close with the following sound of shoes being placed on the floor. The two men both walked into the living room and sensed that the air was tense.

“Did we miss anything?” Ryeowook asked as he sat next to Donghae and Yesung taking the chair next to the leader. Leeteuk replied, “Oh no. You two didn't miss a thing. We were just waiting for your return so I can tell you all some news that I have received recently. Kyu, what you mind getting the others for me?”

Kyuhyun muttered under his breath as he fetched the other members as they waited patiently. One by one, each member enter and took a seat. After a few moments had passed as they gathered around the leader. Some whispered amongst themselves as others shushed them, waiting for the leader to speak. It was a few minutes before Leeteuk stood and began to pace the room which worried some of the members. Then he finally spoke, “Do you want the good news or bad news.” The members looked around at each other as Siwon spoke out, “Let's hear the good news first.”

The leader smiled as he stopped pacing the room and turned towards his members – his brothers, “We are very close to a special occasion. A very special day that has brought us together not only as members of this club but as brothers. Brothers that will always have each other's back and to comfort one another if times become rough. Brothers, the club'ss fiftieth anniversary is only a week away and I want us to be together as a family and to celebrate the times we've had together. Even though, some of us have known other members longer than others, I want us to come together as one.”

All members looked to each other with smiles on their faces remembering the good memories of one another. The room fulled with happiness that has replaced the tense, dull air that previously fulled the room before the meeting had toke place. But the moment didn't last as Heechul spoke with tension in his voice, “And what of the bad news?” The air came dull and tense again as Leeteuk face turned hard. He began to pace the room again making the members worried even fearful of the news of which some didn't what to hear.

The leader's voice was emotionless as he spoke, “The police are on our trail. They have just discovered our disposal site and are now investigating the site as we speak.” The room was silence as the members feared for their immoral lives. They even feared the thought of having to relocate again. The leader spoke again, “So I made a decision either of you would want to take but it had to be done.” He paused for a moment, “We would have to cut down on the amount of blood we drink daily. Instead of hunting three times a week, I reduced it to once a week for our own safety.”

The sound of groans were heard even some of the members began vocal about the issue. “This is just ridiculous! What about our health?” One member said .“How long will this reduction last?” Another questioned. The voices in the room increased as they soon became into shouts of anger. The leader watched as the room turned into complete chaos as he tried to reason with some of his brothers. He too started to have enough of this shenanigans as he roared for silence. The room died down as the members became fearful of their leader. Leeteuk growled and showed his fangs signaling that he had control and dominance. The room was silent expect for Leeteuk's heavy breathing. Anger fulled the air as he began to said to the frightened members.

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