Chapter Five

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The tree branches shook as the wind howled against the night. Emily pushed against the wind as she walked, her blonde hair flying her face and eyes as she tried to walk straight. She stumbled as the wind pushed her back as she continued to fight against it. She walked on passing by empty streets and alleyways. As she passed by an alley, she heard a male's voice speak out to her, “Hey! What's a doll face like you doing out this late?”

The voice was followed by another's man's laughter, she turned to see two tall men with their faces hidden by black hoods. She quickly walked away as fast as she could only to be followed by the hooded men. She started to run as the hooded men continued to follow her only for them to pick up speed and run after her. She run with all her might as the wind whipped against her only for her to be pushed back. Eventually the men caught up to her as they both grabbed her arms.

Emily screamed, the man pulled her into an abandoned alleyway as they ripped her bag from her and push her up against the brick wall of the building. One man held her hands while the other men held his switch knife close to her neck. She shrieked as she tried to shake the man off of her only for the men to laugh to her defenseless figure.

“What should we do with this one?” The man with the switch knife asked as the other man eyed Emily body.

“I suggest we have our fun with her before dumping her somewhere.” The man said as she shivered at the thought. The man came closer to her face only for Emily to turn her head away from his advances. This only angered him as he grabbed her chin roughly and made her look at him. Unexpectedly, he roughly kissed her as she tried to push him off. His hand traveled downward from her chin to her crest, groping her. She shrieked again resulting in her kneeing the man in the crouch as she ran down the alleyway. She didn't get have far as the other man quickly grabbed her by the hair and slammed her to the concrete ground. She yelped as she hit the ground hard as her glasses flew off her face and was smashed hitting the ground on impact.

The man turned her body around, climbed on top of her while pointing his switch knife at her. He roughly grabbed her hair as she started to scream, “Help! Someone help me!” The man quickly shushed her by slashing her left cheek as she whimpered. Blood trickled down her cheek as she cried, her tears mixed with the blood resulting in a slight stinging pain with the slash wound.

“I had enough of you. You're wasting some of our valuable time.” He said gesturing to his friend lying on the ground, still moaning in pain from the kick in the crouch. “Now I'm gotta finish you off like we should of done a while ago.” He brought the switch knife upward as Emily cried, “Oh God! Please don't!” As he was about to bring the sharp object down, a voice ringed out through the alleyway halting his action.

“You leave that girl alone! Or else!” There stood Ryeowook, his sudden appearance nearly stroked fear into the men if not for his small, petite figure but his aura was darken with his face hard as stone. The men looked at each other and snickered as the first man got up.

“Or what? What could a little guy like you do to me? Huh?” He asked Ryeowook as he stepped closer to him as the other man up, bringing Emily up with him and wrapping his arm around her neck, and his knife at her throat. Ryeowook felt a pain in his heart seeing her like that only made him even madder as he knew that he was going to kill them for hurting his girl. His eyes darken as he approached the first man as he stood ready to attack. But he was prepared as Ryeowook suddenly ran towards and slid underneath between his legs as he gripped one of his ankles pulling the man off his feet. The man hit the ground head first as the other man started to shake at how fast Ryeowook attacked.

He then was caught off guard as Ryeowook grabbed his hand that held his knife and twisted the man's arm around his back as he ripped the man from Emily. Emily gasped, falling to her knees as Ryeowook swing the man into the brick wall behind her. A crack was heard as the man's face collided with the wall as he was threw across the alley, his back hitting another wall as he fell to the ground. Taking a few deep breaths, Ryeowook slowly calmed down and he stepped closer to the whimpering girl.

Emily's arm was wrapped around her chest as her heart raced out of her chest. She then was startle as she felt arms wrap around her waist when she realized it was her savior. He comforted her as she settled into his crest, absorbing some of his body heat to keep herself warm from the winter cold. They stayed that way for a while until Emily remembered that she had to get home. She immediately stood from Ryeowook's arms taking him by surprise by saying, “I have get home. My parents are probably worried sick about me. Oh God, I'm gotta get grounded for sure.” She looked around for her backpack, her vision blurred as she was nearsighted. The search took awhile as she finally found it amongst the trash cans. She put it on her back and was about to walk away as she remembered something, “Ah, shit. My glasses. Where are they?” She mumbled to herself as she looked along the ground. She was stopped by two hands being placed on her shoulders.

“Hey, hey, hey. Let's slow down for a minute. Now, are you okay?” Ryeowook asked as he stood in front of Emily holding her glasses out for her. Her face started to blush as she gently took her smashed glasses out of his hands and replied, “I-I'm sorry. I think I'm kinda in shock right now...I guess I'm okay.” Her cheeks started to get hot as she reach up to feel them only to realize that the blood her wound was starting to dry up.

“Here, let me clean that for you.” Ryeowook said as he fished out his handkerchief and dabbed at the wound. She flinch as her wound stung. “I'm sorry.” He whispered as he caressed her other cheek as he cleaned her wound. She blushed as she felt a tug in her heart as it started to thump faster in her chest. Then she asked him, “What's your name?”

He smiled at her as he answered, “My name is Ryeowook. So what's your name, beautiful?”

“Oh, my name's Emily.” She smiled as she rested her hand on top of his hand that caressed her cheek. The pain in her wounded cheek started to fade.

“That's a pretty name for a stunning lady.” She giggle as she looked down. Emily had never been complement by any man before but in the moment, she felt like she was floating on cloud nine.

“Th-thank you for-uh you know.” She gestured to the men that were still laying on the ground, unconscious.

“I would do anything for anyone who was in trouble. But I hate when a man mistreats a woman. They are nothing but scum. Especially those two.” He said with venom on his tongue but quickly changed his tone as he finished cleaning her wound. “There! It's all done.” He said in a cheerful tone. She smiled but her smiled faded as she remembered that she had to get home.

“Thank you for everything. I wish I could chat with you longer but I have get home. My parents are probably worried sick about me and I hate to see them hurt.”

“I understand completely.” Ryeowook said as he offered his arm. “I hope you don't matter if I escorted you. Just to make should you make it home safely.”

Emily smiled as she took his offer and walked with him out of the alleyway. The wind had died down and the air was calm as they walked down the streets togeather. She snuggled closer to him, trying to stay warm by absorbing some of his body heat as the winter air nipped. Of course, Ryeowook didn't mind the action at all as he found her little action to be rather cute and attrative. They casually chatted about themselves as Ryeowook made up a story about him moving to the U.S when he was yound and how he was staying here to go to college. Emily told him that she was graduating this year and that she was also planning on college. They eventually made it to Emily's house as we said their goodbyes to each other but not without exchanging their numbers first. Ryeowook gave Emily a small kiss to the forehand as he said a final goodbye to her. She then walked her way up the path and entered her home, blushing.

He watched her as she safely entered the house and began to walk in the direction of his own home. As he was out of sight of her home, he then unexpectedly threw his fist in the air yelling, “Yes!” He began to skip and twirled around in happiness as it gently snowed. He chuckled to himself before slipping on a chunk of ice, quickly recovering himself from falling. He looked around to see if anyone had saw him as he smoothed out his clothes. He shaved his hands into his coat pockets as he continued walking home with a bright smile on his face.

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