Chapter Four

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The room was silent as Leeteuk began to speak in a demanding tone towards the frighten members. “We all have to make sacrifices, for better or for worse and this is for the better good. Are we not men at all? Do we have any control of ourselves? This is what we have to do in order to survive and I know many of us do not want to relocate again like last time. Especially when we had to leave everything we had behind and had to move forward with our own lives.”

Leeteuk's face soften as he sat down in a chair across from the other members. He rubbed his temples, trying to piece together solutions that could solve their current problem. The silence in the room was unsettling as they patiently waited for their leader to say something, just something that would kill the silence. Leeteuk looked to his brothers and sighed. “This is only way we'll survive. Take it as you will. This meeting is dismissed.” He said as he looked out the window as the sun was beginning to come up.

One by one, each member slowly left the room, troubled by the bad news that now put them all at risk of being discovered. Siwon was the only one left as he stood next to the leader and placed his hand on Leeteuk's shoulder in a comforting matter. Leeteuk sighed as he patted his brother's hand before speaking, “This is gonna be a long life for us all. I just hope we can over come our troubles as the years come and go.”

“Don't worry brother, the Lord will guide us along the path and He will gift us with strength and wisdom for when obstacles block each of our paths. We will over come this problem with the guidance and love of the Lord at our wake.” Siwon said, comforting Leeteuk as he tried to relax and to let the stress flow out of his mind. He smiled, knowing Siwon's faith in the imaginary man up high in the sky still remain strong. He gave Siwon's hand a squeeze before taking it off his shoulder and stood up.

“I see your faith has not weaken over the years I have known you.” He said walking to the balcony windows to close the curtains so that they may block out the sun.

“I will always have faith in the Lord for He is our creator and He will reward us for our good deeds and worship.” Siwon replied as Leeteuk stopped for a moment. He watch the sun rise in the east, the streams of light slowly gliding into the living room as a stream of light hit Leeteuk's wrist. The skin on his wrist began to sizzle, slowly burning the skin. It didn't bother him as must as he has had a few experiences with the sun multiply times in the past. He pulled his arm away from the light and completely closed the curtains leaving the room in darkness as he turned towards Siwon.

“You should get some rest now. We all need it.” Siwon nodded in agreement as he headed towards the hallway. He sensed that Leeteuk was not following him and called out, “Are you coming?”

“I'll be there in a moment.” Leeteuk called back from the kitchen as he started to rinse his burn in cold water. Siwon continued down the hallway and entered his room that he shared with Donghae as he laid down for a long day of sleep. A few minutes later, Leeteuk came down the same hallway towards his room that he also shared but with Kangin. As he laid down, his mind started to wonder about the consequences that will come from reducing the member's meal times and possible disposal sites for their human trash. He slowly drifted off to sleep as the morning sun rose.

While the members were sleeping the morning away, Emily was now getting ready for another tiring day of school. She slipped her shoes on and said her goodbyes to her parents as she stepped out into the chilly winter air. 'Thank God its Friday.' She thought as she started to walk in the direction of the school. The birds chirped loudly as she walked along and eventually made it to the school gates where her two friends sat on the bench waiting for her to arrive.

“Hey girls! How was your guy's mornings?” She asked as she approached them.

“Tired” Heather replied as Jaeden said, “I'm doing well but this morning, my cat stepped on my art project I was working on and turned his whole paw turned blue due to the pastel dust on it. I swear my cat is damn.”

Emily giggled as she patted Jaeden on the back. The girls casually chatted as they parted their separate ways. Heather made her way to the band room while the other two girls made their way to the Art room on the other side of the school. The school day dragged on as the students began to get rowdy during homeroom as the bell rang signaling that the school week was over. Students flooded the hallways as they hurried outside. The school yard was filled with loud teenagers as they gossiped and bragged about their plans for their weekend.

But not all of the teenagers had gone home as Emily and her friends remain helping their World History teacher put books back on the bookshelf and cleaned the whiteboards. As they finished cleaning, they started their homework and worked on it together as the afternoon soon turned into night. Finally, the girls began to pack up and exited the school together.

“Finally! I can get some rest this weekend.”

“Yeah, I can finally sleep-in after a long week.”

“I agree with both of your suggestions.” Jaeden said as she exited the gates and turned towards the other girls for a group hug before heading on home while calling out a goodbye.. As Jaeden walked out of view, Emily and Heather shared a personal hug before saying goodnight to each other and headed off in separate directions towards their own homes. The night was chilly but it was more gloomy and dark then the previous night before as the wind began to howl. Emily wrapped her jacket closer to her body and continued to walk home. She heard rustling sounds as the trees shook, hoping that she would make it home safely for the night.

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