Chapter Six

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Emily entered the house and when she closed the door, her parent's voices rang through the house. "Emily? Is that you." Her mother called out followed by her father's angry voice as they approached the living room, "Where have you been young lady. We were worried sick about you and-" He paused as he stopped in front of his daughter, his gaze placed on her wounded cheek that started to drip with blood again.

"Oh God, what happened?" His voice dropped as he grabbed her shoulders lightly, inspecting her cheek a little closer.

"Well, I-I tripped and-" She paused when she heard her mother gasp as she rush to her daughter's side.

"What happened? Is my baby girl okay?" She said as she touched her wound only for Emily to whine as it began to sting again. Her father mumbled to the mother to get the first aid get as he sat his daughter down on the couch. He rubbed her shoulders gently as her mother came back with the kit. Her father grabbed the kit and searched for some rubbing alcohol to treat his daughter's wound. He found the liquid and dapped some on a large cotton ball. He gently held Emily's chin and dapped her wound. Emily jerked with pain as she scooted away from her father.

"I know it hurts but can you please stay still." He said as he continued to treat the wound. As the father finished, he placed a large bandage on the wound so that it may heal. Her mother guided her to her bedroom so she may get some rest. Emily got ready for bed as her mother made her some soup to help retain the heat she had lost while walking in the cold.

Emily laid on her bed, her mind spinning around at what happened earlier. She was still shaken up by the event as she tried to focus at something else like the boy that had save her. He was nice and somewhat protected over her but had a bright smile that could light up a night sky. She smiled at the thought of him as she ate her soup. While eating, she heard her phone vibrate as she had received a text message.

~ * ~ * ~

As he return home, Ryeowook immediately went to his room to ponder at what he had done that evening. He was happy that he finally got to speak with Emily for first time but also worried that Leetuek may be angry at him for killing those men without his approval. He paced his room, coming up with some explanations and reasons that he could tell Leetuek without angering him to the point of destruction. He loved his brother very much but at the same time, feared him. He flopped on to his bed with a thump, rubbing his temples as he felt a headache come on. He sighed as he got more confused than satisfied with his answers that his thoughts produced.

"What am I going to do?" He said out loud as turning in his bed. He was too focused with his thoughts that he didn't notice Yesung was also in the room with him.

"So what are you going to do." Yesung said as Ryeowook sat up, startled at Yesung's sudden appearance. Yesung sat on his bed opposite to Ryeowook's with a book settled on his legs as he sat criss-crossed on his bed. His eyes were dark as he hasn't fed in days as they stared at he wore a blank expression on his face.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there, Yesung. But I...never mind..." Ryeowook trailed off as he turned away from Yesung and stared at the wall beside him. He sighed as Yesung sat next to him and leaned against him until his face was next to Ryeowook's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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