Chapter 27

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Today Voldemort found out your not under the spell

"Bellatrix did you know?" He asks and your mother shakes her head lying to him

"No I think she fooled us all because not even Draco knew." Your mother says saving Draco from any blame

You look towards the door wondering if you could make it and then got hit with crucio by Voldemort

Your mother gets up and runs to you as you fall onto the ground in pain

"Bellatrix put your daughter under the spell again, we need to use her." He says and you started to cry as you were shaking from the pain still

Your mother nods and got Narcissa to help her pick you up

They brought you into the forest and told you if you don't start acting like your under the spell, they will have to put the spell back on you

"Y/n I don't wanna do it again, but disobey me and I will, and if your under that spell you will probably hurt neville so think carefully of what you choose y/n." Your mother says as you were leaning against a tree crying

You didn't want to be under that spell but you can't pretend anymore

"Please just let me run away? Say I escape please mom let me leave I won't cause trouble or say anything please mom, let me run away." You say and your mother sits in front of you

"No! Because I finally get to spend time with my daughter again, after years so I'm not gonna let you run off, maybe I should just put you under the spell you at least love me when your under it." Your mom says and you start to cry even more

"Mom I do love you just I can't forgive you for the stuff you did." You say and your mom points her wand at you

"Sorry sweetie this is to protect you, I hope you'll forgive me when you wake up again."

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