Chapter 3

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You were trying to ignore every letter your mom sent to you in school you'd read them then burn them you hate her

Truly she was once a great mother even if she's kinda crazy as a kid you found her so fun that craziness was what made her such an amazing mother

Now you don't know what to do and your stressed out so much

Neville walks over as he watches you burn a bunch of letters "Wow." He says and you look over and quickly throw them into the fire and watched them burn to ash "You must really hate them." Neville says and you shake your head

"No I love my mother just she's made extremely bad decisions in the past costing her me and our relationship forever I can't hate my mother no matter how hard I try!" You say and you can't say the whole truth but you need someone to talk to

"I'm sorry I know you don't talk about your family much but I'm here for you." Neville says and you smile and hug him

"Thank you." You say as you smiled at him then you kissed him and he kissed you back "Anyways why are you in the Slytherin common room?" You say and he smiles

"I wanted to see you after you looked so upset earlier today so I asked Draco to let me in." He says and you smile

"Sorry I just have a lot on my mind my mother wants to fix our relationship but I feel as if it's beyond repairs." You say and Neville looks at you

"Why don't you try? Maybe it'll be worth it." He says and you shake your head

"It won't trust me it'll just ruin my life I know she will because that's all she's good for. The mother I once cared about is gone!" You say as you felt tears well up in your eyes and Neville hugs you *I know he'll hate me when he finds out who my mother is I can't stop it he'll find out one day and there's nothing I can do about it*

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