Chapter 35

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Neville read the letter he got from Luna and smiles

"Well Draco heard your mother is coming to Hogwarts sometime soon, we'll get there hopefully when she does, don't worry, but from the other letters I've gotten from Draco it seems your mother has went even more crazy since you left." Neville says and you nod as you felt very sorry for your mother

You know she loves you, she just isn't mentally well, she never has been and you always knew that

She needs help, and you hope when you face her she can see reason and will go and get that help

You don't wanna lose her no matter how bad of a mother she was

You love her

"Now I read the letter and you promised you'd come back and cuddle and your still pacing." Neville says and you chuckle and crawl back into bed with him as he wraps his arms around you

"I know sorry." You say snuggling up next to him getting my comfortable

There was a few moments of silence just embracing each other until Neville sits up slightly and you look at him

"Daring?" You ask confused why he looked so serious right now

"Y/n, do you think we're too young to get married." Neville asks and you chuckle as you wonder why he would ask you that

"I mean if your asking if I'll say yes if you propose, the answer is yes, also your asking someone who's family norm is get married right when you turn 18." You say and Neville chuckles nervously

"Ah right, I forget about that a lot." Neville says and you kiss his cheek as he lays down again going back to the comfortable silence you both enjoy being in

'So I guess Neville is thinking my of proposing soon, well my dad did say to get engaged before I turn 18 so I guess he gets his wish.'

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