Chapter 5

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After Harrys secret class thing got exposed a few days or so after Neville grabbed your hand and pulled you with him "Yo where we going? Why everyone running?" You ask and he smiles

"Hey I know your amazing at spells like you know everything so I thought you could help us?" Neville says and you nod

"I'll gladly help babe." You say and he smiles at you as you continue to walk off


You all were at the ministry and they told you where they wanted to go and you walked towards the room "You know your way around." Neville says and you nod

"Well my uncle brought me to work a lot and I was here a lot as a kid anyways this is the room you all want." You say and then you open the door and everyone goes inside

Truth is you were here when your mother was thrown into Azkaban and when the malfoys became your legal guardians and people considered you a threat and wanted to put a 3 year old in Azkaban all for being bellatrixs daughter

Harry then walks fast to find his prophecy when he finds it he holds it and listen to what it was saying until someone arrives

"Where's Sirius?" Harry says as you then realized which death eater it is uncle Lucius it had to be

"You know you really should learn to tell the difference from dreams and reality!" Uncle Lucius says as he then removes his mask "You only saw what the dark lord wanted you to see now hand over the prophecy." He says and you try and stay hidden not wanting him to see you and call you out

"Do anything to us and l break it." Harry says and then you heard someone chuckle and you knew that chuckle and it made you want to scream

"He knows how to play Itty bitty baby.......Potter." Your mother says and you gasped why her!

"Bellatrix lestrange." Neville says and you weren't happy about this why of all death eaters was it her!!!!

"Neville longbottom is it? How's mum and dad." She says as she laughs as you glare at her

"Better now as they are about to avenged." Neville says and then you step between them and she smiles as Neville was confused and lowered his wand

"Ah y/n." She says and Neville grabbed your hand scared for you

"Babe what are you doing." He say as you let go of his hand and step closer to her and Neville was shocked and when you were right in front of her your mother smiled

"Missed me?" She says and you shake your head

"Never I could never miss you because you ruined my life why couldn't you have just been a normal fucking person huh?! You used to be kinda normal but that craziness is what made life fun! So what the hell happened! Why did you have to leave me!!!!" You yell and everyone was confused as your mother put a hand on your cheek as she looked at you

"It's been what 12 years since I last saw you last time I saw you I think you were 4 years old. Darling you grew so much you look so much like me." Your mother says and you look at her glaring as tears welled up in your eyes

"I wish I never saw you again!" You yell and you see the smile leave her face as she looked hurt

"Y/n move away from her she's dangerous!" Neville says as Lucius scoffs as he was shocked people didn't know who you are

You go to walk back over but your mother then yells at you

"Y/N M/N LESTRNAGE GET BACK HERE AND LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!! You don't wanna be a bad girl now? You know what happened to bad little girls." Your mother says and you stopped as Neville then backed up from you he was gonna huh you but now he was scared the fear in his eyes showed it

Tears rolled down your cheeks no he hates you

"How can you call yourself my mother when you forced me to kill people? I was a toddler!!!!" You say and she laughs

"You needed to learn quickly Muggles and mudbloods are nothing they deserved to die. Oh wait you look upset does you're little boy toy and friends not know I'm your mother? I'm guessing you lied about your last name too." She says as she walks over and she then hugged you "I always loved you how could I not honestly my daughter the only one who could understand me and my pain inside, I never wanted you until you grabbed my finger and smiled at me after you were born. You were supposed to be raised by narcissa and Lucius as a malfoy and never knowing I was your mother."  Your mother says and right now you wished she didn't want you and gave you to aunt narcissa and uncle Lucius

"I don't see the mother that loved me once your not her. She's dead! She died when she was thrown into Azkaban!" You say and then you attack your mother sending her back and Lucius then grabs you and holds his wand to your neck as you tried to run and you could barely breath

"Y/n you really think they care watch they'll run off now knowing who you truly are, only your family will ever love you or even care." Lucius says and you were struggling to get free

"Uncle Lucius stop please! I actually can't breath—" You say and then you call out for help but none of your so called friends not even Neville moves away but the one who saved you was your mother she attacked Lucius when she realized what was happening she didn't hesitate unlike everyone else

"Y/n! Lucius hurt her again I'll murder you don't test me just because your my sisters husband means shit if you lay your hands on my daughter your dead to me!" Your mother says as you were gasping for air and she was hugging you and she rubs your back "See they don't care the moment they find out about you they won't even try and save you. See they never cared or loved you in the first place."  She says as you start crying "Now join us." Your mother says and you shake your head "You will listen to your mother!!!!!" Your mother yells and you flich and she then hugs you tighter "I'm sorry for yelling forgive me?" She says and you sigh

"I won't be a death eater I'm sorry mum but that's not happening, now if you excuse me I'll be going seems I'm not wanted here. I'll go back to hogwarts honestly it's fine I knew this day would happen where I'll have to stop pretending to be an l/n and become a lestrange again." You say crying as you run off and you hear Luna yell your name

"Y/n were just shocked! We care I care!" Luna says making you stop but then Neville speaks

"Don't make her come back." He says and you look at him so heart broken as Luna was shocked

"Neville she's your girlfriend!" Luna says shocked and your mother turned to you looking at you crying

"Not anymore." He says and you then walk over and slap him

"You think I wanted to be a lestrange? You think I wanted bellatrix as my mother that insane woman that I have to call mother? I never asked for this I guess you never loved me if you can do this shit to me after 4 years together. You know maybe my uncle Lucius was right maybe only family can ever love a monster like me. Draco was right I should have just stayed friends with him he's the only person who'll ever be my true friend." You say then walking past your mom who was laughing as you walk away *I knew it he'd hate me if he knew now he knows and he hates me! I hate my life so much why was I born a lestrange why? It's like life just wanted me to have the worst life ever!*

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