You didn't mean to hurt me??

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Grace's POV:


"It's nice to see you again" David said and brushed my cheek with his cold hand.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "Grace I've missed you"

"David don't.." and before I could finish my face burned from the impact of his hand colliding with my face.

I stood there frozen. I wasn't going to let him do this to me again. "I don't know who you are David! How can you stand here and talk to me after what you did to me 2 years ago!" I yelled at him.

"I never meant to hurt you"

"You never meant to hurt me. You raped me David! You fucking raped me, and you're saying you never meant to hurt me." I said trying to fight back my tears.

He heard my voice crack and began wiping my tears, just like Harry does. I turned away from him.

"I know Grace, I know I hurt you but I love you and you loved me"

"You're right I loved David, past tense not anymore. I love.." I stopped myself knowing that if I continue it wouldn't end well.

"No I know you love me Grace. You don't love Harry." saying Harry's name with abomination

"How do you know about him" I stuttered

He laughed. "Grace I know everything, where you go, who you're with, and where you live."

"GRACE" a voice called out distance away from us.

I began to walk away, till I felt a tug on my arm.

"Grace, no one will know about this you hear me." I nodded my head. "I will see you soon Grace, and soon it will just be you and I again. Harry will no longer be in the picture." I turned my head.

"Promise me Grace." he said in a harsh tone

I knew that if I didn't give him the answer he wanted, there would be no escaping this. It took everything inside of me to say this one word "Promise." I turned around and he was no longer there and all of a sudden Louis was in my view.

Louis ran towards me hobbling. "Louis what the heck"

"When you ran off, I tripped on some stupid rock and stubbed my toe." He said laughing.

"How is that funny"

"It's not, but you know Grace you look really nice multi colored."

"It was you" I punched him in the shoulder and he let out a groan.

"The prank master was losing his touch and now he's got it back"

"Sure whatever you say Lou, come on lets head back."

****Back at the House*****

"Do you guys think the prank worked" I heard Niall say just as Louis and I walked through the door.

"I think it worked out pretty well Niall" Louis said. Everyone turned towards us and began laughing.

"Love the new color Grace" Zayn shouted.

"Ha ha ha very funny all of you" I said sarcastically

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Harry and placed my head on his shoulder.

"I think you look hot" he whispered in my ear. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"I'm gonna go shower" I said to him.

"I'll join you" he said smiling

I got off the couch and threw a pillow at him. "In your dreams Styles." I ran up the stairs before he could get me back for throwing the pillow at him.

After my shower which let me tell you was a pain in the butt to get all the stupid paint off me. I went into my room and changed into my sweats and hoodie and braided my hair down. I walked out of the room to see where everyone else was. Everyone was still down stairs joking around and laughing at me from earlier. I walked into Harry's room to say goodnight because I was tired from this crazy day and just wanted it to be over.

"Hey love" Harry said as he saw me walk in the room.

"I just wanted to say goodnight" I walked over to his bed which he was laying on and leaned in to give him a kiss. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto the bed.

I began laughing and laid next to him and placed my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and it was extremely fast. "Harry are you nervous"

"I wouldn't say nervous, but really happy"

"Why" I asked

"Because I'm with you, but mostly.." he stopped.

I sat up and looked at him, waiting for him to finish. "Omg Grace what happened to your face"

"What do you mean?" I said confused. Harry grabbed his phone and put the camera on when I saw my reflection there was a huge bruise on my right cheek right where David had hit me. I didn't see it because the paint was covering it, but now its really noticeable.

"What happened" Harry said and placed his hand on my cheek. I winced in pain because David didn't hit me lightly at all.

"When the paint fell on me, I wasn't looking where I was going and pumped into something and I guess I hit my cheek. I'm not really sure it happened so fast." I mean it wasn't entirely a lie, I did pump into something but that something was a person.

"I'm gonna go get you an ice pack okay" Harry said softly

When Harry left I placed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

Harry's POV:

I ran downstairs to grab Grace an ice pack so the bruise wouldn't get worst. I'm not sure if I entirely believe the story, but who knows I'm not really concerned about that right now.

"Have you guys seen the ice pack" I called out from the kitchen.

"It's all the way in the back" Liam called out

I grabbed it and began walking back towards the stairs.

"What's wrong, why do you need that" Liam said

"Grace has this huge bruise on her cheek, she apparently ran into something." Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Cassie all had concerned faces but when I looked at Louis he had his head down. Why was he acting like that. I shook it off and walked back up stairs saying goodnight to the boys and Cassie.

I walked back into the room and Grace was fast asleep. I gently placed the ice pack on her cheek for a few minutes. I took it off and placed it on the side and laid back next to Grace. I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled up close to me.

"What I was gonna say before was that I'm not nervous, I'm just in love with you and I hope you feel the same way." I whispered, I placed a small kiss on the top of her head and drifted off to sleep feeling really happy.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! There is gonna be a few more chapters after this and then it's gonna be over :( But don't worry there's still a lot more coming!

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