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New Chapter!!!!

Grace's POV:

It's been two days since I saw David and my bruise has gone done a lot its hardly even there. We all decided to stay at the beach house for an extra few days. But Harry has been out a lot lately doing stuff so I haven't seen him for a couple days. I've been hanging out with Louis a lot, but he's been a little off as well.

I decided to go for a walk today, to just get some air. Cassie asked to come, but I told her I needed some alone time and she understood. I was walking around the little town near the beach house when I came across a little candy shop. I decided to get some sweets for everyone, I was about to go to the checkout when I saw a magazine. I picked it up and on the cover were the boys. I flipped through the book when I saw a picture of Harry and a girl.

The caption read "Has Harry found a new girl?? What happened to the other girl?"

I was that other girl, was this where Harry was these past few days hanging out with his new girlfriend. No he wouldn't do that, but it says it right there I thought to myself. I walked up to the counter purchased the candy and the magazine and walked out of the store.

I was just about to reach the house when I heard Harry sitting in his car on the phone.

"No, she doesn't know yet. I don't know I'm still trying to figure out the right moment to do it. Yes, yes I know. I will okay I will talk to you later. Love you too bye." he said and hung up the phone.

I didn't know what to say. I love Harry and I thought he loved me, but then again who am I kidding no one loves me. I walked inside and decided to go for a swim, I went upstairs and got my bathing suit and just as I walked out the bathroom Harry was sitting on the bed.

"Hey Grace" Harry said smiling

"Hi" I said

"What's wrong" he said confused. I felt tears in my eyes, I walked over to wear I placed the magazine and placed it next to him. He picked it up and opened it up.

"Grace, I can explain this" he said quietly

"No need Harry. I get it you felt bad for me, don't worry about it. I hope she's special to you."

"Grace no.." but I didn't let him finish I walked out of the room and went to the beach.

I was sitting on the dock wiping my tears trying to pull myself together. I heard footsteps behind me and didn't bother to turn around I didn't want to talk or look at Harry.

Louis's POV:

I saw Grace walk out the door towards the dock and I followed behind her. I guess now was as good as a time to tell her. I walked onto the dock and sat down next to her.

"Hey Grace" I said softly

"Hey Lou" she said sniffing. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, until I finally got the courage to say it.

"I should of done something that night"

Grace looked at me confused. "I saw you and David on your birthday"

She looked at me tears streaming down her face. "Louis he hurt me so bad"

"I know Grace, what he did was wrong and.." she cut me off before I could finish.

"Louis do you remember when I first met you guys." I nodded my head

"You guys saved me"

"What do you mean" I said confused.

"David didn't just rape me, he did a lot more too" she whispered "I wrote you guys a letter and that letter gave me hope, you guys gave me hope. I would listen to your music and it just made me say to myself you can keep going Grace. One more day, one more day that's what I would always say to myself."

"What does the letter say" I asked nervously.

"It said"

Harry's POV:

No this wasn't suppose to happen like this. My old school friend Liz and I have been hanging out a lot these past few days. She's helping me pick out a promise ring for Grace. It's not like marriage or anything it's just that we will be going back on tour soon and I don't want her to forget us. So the promise ring will promise us to always love each other no matter how far apart we are from one another. Some photographer probably took a picture of Liz and I thinking we were together, which were not Liz has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. But that doesn't matter we leave for tour in two days and I need to talk to Grace and set things straight.

I walked outside looking for her and saw her on the dock talking to Louis. I stood there for a few seconds and began to walk towards them.

"Thanks Lou, I love you too" Grace said softly

"Grace" I said. Louis looked at me and smiled and got up and walked back towards the house.

I walked towards her and took Louis spot sitting next to her on the dock.

"It's not true Grace I promise you. I would never do that to you never. I love you Grace." she looked at me tears in her eyes.

"You love me?" she said

I nodded my head I kissed her. "I love you too Harry" she said

"Grace I've been with my old school friend Liz and shes been helping me pick out something for you. We are just friends not more nothing less."

"Who were you on the phone with earlier" she said

"I was talking to my mom, she was asking 21 questions about when I was gonna do it and such."

She smiled at me "What were you picking out?"

I reached into my pocket. "Harry I'm not going to marry you" she said laughing as she saw me pull out a box.

"I hope you will someday Grace" I opened up the box. "This is a promise ring Grace, you know the boys and I are going back on tour in two days and I just want you to know no matter how far away we are I love you always." I said

"It's beautiful Harry, thank you" I put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

"Come on let's go for a walk" I stood up and grabbed her hand.

At that moment I felt like the happiest person in the world.

I know it's short a short chapter.. I hope you guys enjoyed!! Please comment and vote I would really appreciate it:) xxxxx

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