Are you serious??!

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Harry's POV:

I looked down at my hand and saw I was still holding Graces hand from before. I could feel my face turning red,so I let go of her hand and sat back down at the table.

"So Grace we are pretty much done with the meet and great would u like to come hang out with us for a little"

please say yes please say yes I kept saying to myself..

"Umm well I actually came here with my friend and was just about to grab some lunch..." Grace said

"She can join us the more the merrier" Liam spoke up.

"Yeah sure I would love that let me go get her and I'll be right back."

As I watched Grace walk back out the door I could feel the rest of the guys eyes starring me down.

Liam's POV:

I waited for Grace to leave to speak up.

"Harry we hardly even know this girl and you invited her to hang out?"

"Well I feel bad after the whole Niall thing." Harry said back

"Hey! I zoned out I feel bad enough for making her walk out" Niall yelled

"Liam what does it matter she's a fan and everything is gonna be fine, it's not like we had plans for today and plus we made a new friend."

But by the looks of there faces I knew they didn't think so.

Graces POV:

"Cassie!" Where is this girl

"Yeah, where have you been I've been looking everyone for you."

"Craziest thing ever, but that doesn't matter right now I will explain everything later but our plans have been changed."

"What, why what do you mean?"

"We are spending the day with One Direction."

"Your hilarious, can we get food now"

"No I'm serious Cassie"

"Yeah and I'm serious to I'm starving."

"Cassandra I'm not kidding"


Harry's POV:

The lads and I were getting our stuff ready to head out as we heard a yell come from outside.


"Yeah, where have you been I've been looking everyone for you."

"Craziest thing ever, but that doesn't matter right now I will explain everything later but our plans have been changed."

"What, why what do you mean?"

"We are spending the day with One Direction."

"Your hilarious, can we get food now"

"No I'm serious Cassie"

"Yeah and I'm serious to I'm starving."

"Cassandra I'm not kidding"

And on that the boys and I walked outside.


"Is everything alright out here love?" Liam asked

"Umm yeah everything's great I think" Grace said.

"On that note, I'm starving and need food so LETS GO!!" Niall screamed

He grabbed I think her name was Cassie and started off towards the restaurant. I never thought someone could eat as much as Niall but Cassie proved that wrong.

Graces POV:

I never thought someone could eat as much as Cassie but you never know there's always Niall. I couldn't stop smiling, I was just having the best day of my life.

"So lets go around the table and say our names and a little bit about ourselves. Well I'm Liam and I like toy story".

I was looking around the room and realized it was my turn well that's awkward. "Umm Grace and I like to swim"

"Harry and I like cats"

And before I even realized what I was doing I bursted out laughing.

"Something wrong love"? He looked at me with a smirk

"No sorry Harry, sorry umm.."

"Zayn, and I just got engaged recently".

I looked at Zayn and saw the biggest smile ever and couldn't help but smile back.

Harrys POV:

"Cassandra but call me Cassie, and I'm an only child"

"Niall, I have a brother".

"Louis of course, that's pretty much self explanatory".

"Niall you got something right there on your cheek" Cassie said

"What where? I don't see it"

Cassie grabbed her napkin and wiped it off for him.

"Thanks love"

Cassie smiled at him.

I've been looking at Niall for the past few minutes and everytime he's looking at Cassie. I haven't seen him like that in awhile. Maybe having that meet and great...

"Sorry to cut this short but guys we gotta head back to the hotel" Liam said.

"Oh okay, I had a lot of fun today guys" Grace said.

I could see she was a little upset about what Liam had just announced. Everyone walked outside but I was still inside waiting for Grace to get her coat on.

"Grace can I see your phone for a minute."

"Yeah sure, here" she passed me her phone.

I quickly went into her contacts and added my number so she would have it and sent myself a text so I would also have hers.

"Alright thanks" I passed her phone back to her.

"So I guess this is goodbye" Grace said softly

"I wouldn't call it goodbye Grace".

I gave her hug and I had a weird feeling, I couldn't really explain but everything in that one moment just felt right. The lads and I set off to the hotel we are staying in and the girls went there separate way.

Graces POV:

Cassie and I set off to our apartment and the boys went there own way back to there hotel. Hopefully this isn't the last time we will see them.

"Hellooooo.. Earth to Grace"

"Sorry Cass whats up"

"I got The Last Song in the dvd player"

"Seriously, you know I.."

"Love that movie"

"No more like strongly dislike Cass"

"Would this make up for it" Cassie holds up a bag of sour path kids

I stood up and walked up towards her, "I hate you"

"Love you to girl, now lets go"

We walk towards the couch and I open my bag, all a sudden next thing I knew they were all over the floor.

"Great. Why did I leave my phone plugged in again"

"You really need to change your ringtone" Cassie said laughing

I turned to her with a straight face "T-Swift is perfect".

I jogged into my room and unplugged my phone.


Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Comment and tell me what y'all thought!!

If you have any question feel free to ask.

I will be updating soon as well!

It all started at the Meet and Greet?!Where stories live. Discover now