Day 4

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... Another day... another killer... ... no one woke me up. Does this mean no one died? Can I finally go one full day without someone dying? That would be fantastic, not having anybody else killed, or stressing out about who, how, and why the killer did it. One day that I can relax and not run the risk of me dying, where I can open this door, and see nothing but-... ... no... no no no... "HEY! HEY! ARE YOU...?" I rush over to the body, trying to shake her awake. "HEY! Please tell me you're still alive..." I can't find a pulse... "Quit playing games and wake up!" She was so young, she was just a kid. She had her whole life ahead of her, but... Are you... FUCKING KIDDING ME?! ... why did I even get my hopes up, I'm in a killing game and really thought someone would be safe, just because of their age... I'm not going to get anywhere by myself... I'll just wake everybody up so they can see her in the middle of the hallway. One by one I woke everyone up until we all were staring at her. Red started the questions, "WHAT THE HELL?! WHY HER?!" Good start, Orange's kill had to be an accident, it makes no sense to target her, right? Black jumps on the leader role immediately. "Assuming this took place either last night or this morning, we can rule out alibis and witnesses. Unless anyone has any objections, Grey, please explain what you see." "The position of the body says the killer was behind her when she died without her ever knowing. And the angle says she was walking to someone's room or trying to hug the wall to get to the other facilities." Not making any sense whatsoever, all I hear is, Orange was walking somewhere and was shot in the back of her head. And because she was shot from behind, the walls and a couple of the room doors had splats of her blood on them. The worst part is, I'm getting used to seeing these gory kills, blood everywhere, a hole through the head... speaking of, the blood on the walls kinda, starts up outta nowhere. Like there's a section where there is no blood whatsoever, but there's blood all around it. I'm thinking too deep into this stuff. The sooner I get out of here, the better. "Any other clues?" Black asked. Grey shook her head no. Brown stepped up, "do we at least have ANY suspects?" No response from Grey. So we're fucked, great. Another unknown killer, we can't keep doing this. Just then, the announcer came on. "Good morning all. I noticed you were all having trouble, in this case, so with everyone's permission, I'd like to give a hint." We all, in unison, agreed. "Ok, here is your hint... Jigsaw puzzles only work when all the pieces fit perfectly." ... ... ... these hints never make any sense, I don't know why he even bothers... wait... 'fit perfectly' ... whose room is that? Black. The right of Black's door has the blood-free section... "Black, open your door." "For what reason?" "Questions later. Open the door." Black looked at me with the face of a stubborn kid, then opened his door. I fully opened his door, stood over Orange's body, and looked at the door. The door makes a perfect fit for the blood. Grey reads my mind and says, "Black killed Orange." I wouldn't have said it so bluntly, but yeah, it adds up. Black gets defensive, "On what grounds, with what evidence?" Grey lays it all down in front of everybody. "Black's open door reveals that his door was open when Orange was killed. This proves it because, if it wasn't Black, he wouldn't have left his door open, especially if he wasn't in the room. I have some theories as to why his door was open, but I'd rather hear from him." Surprisingly Black wasn't pissed or shocked or anything like that. He was just staring at Grey as if it was more of a mild inconvenience than literally being called out for murder. "Alright, fine, you're right, it was me, I killed her. However I had a reason, I believe Orange killed Blue. It makes sense that when we went to the bathroom, she quickly ran to Blue's room, killed him, then ran back to the bathrooms. I doubt anyone else could have killed him in the short time we were in there. Also, Orange had two kills, for everyone's safety, I can't let anyone be too far in the lead." Grey seemed skeptical but didn't say anything. Does that really justify killing a kid? It wasn't even self-defense, it was future preservation. Preservation for the good of all of us yeah, but... I don't know. On paper, sure, killing orange made sense, but... she was just a kid... how low are our morals? She had a family and-... just a few more days left, and then, hopefully, I can leave. I walked towards the kitchen for a snack, Brown catches me in there and asks me.

Brown- You ok?
Green- ...I was wondering the same thing myself.
Brown- I know what you're thinking, she deserved better, she was just a kid-
Green- You sure seem to know a lot about what I'm thinking. Why don't you go ahead and lull me into a false sense of safety and then kill me like the rest?
Brown- I'm not gonna do that-
Green- And how do I know that? In case you haven't noticed yet, these kills were based on trust, all the victims trusted the killer.
Brown- I noticed-
Green- Then go ahead and take advantage of my trust. Kill me when I'm vulnerable, secure your safe leave from here. I'm gonna die here anyway, whether it's me being killed by another, or on the last day from pure luck.
Brown- GREEN! ... I know you're scared, you wanna leave, you wanna go home, I know because I do too. But fear is only going to get you killed faster here, we all have a reason to get out of here, whether it's family, friends, or even just to see the sunlight one more time. But the ones who act stupid don't get that chance, they play right into the announcer's hand. And if you think killing is the only way to live, then you're no smarter than the people they think they brought in here. But I believe in you. I believe that no matter what happens, you can make it out alive without killing anyone, I believe you can win this killing game. We have to stay strong and stay together, I am willing to put my trust in you if you do the same for me. Now I want you to know, if ever you need help with anything like protection, someone to talk to, or a second thought, I am here for you, as long as you do the same for me. Please.
Green- ...Fine.
Brown- Thank you, and hey, if we both make it out of here alive, I'll buy us lunch. My favorite steakhouse has some really good strips.
Green- Steak does sound pretty good right now. Too bad the kitchen doesn't have any.
Brown- Even if they did, I'd bet money that my steakhouse would top it.

We continued talking about steak for about an hour before we got tired and went to bed. I wonder how he got so good at inspirational speeches, maybe with his job? Or with friends or family? I don't know, but Brown sounds like one hell of a friend to keep outside of here... He could hype me up to try and pick up girls, or coach me through tough parts of my life. Exactly what I need in my life... ... a good friend is all I need... ... ...

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