Day 7

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... Another day... oh shit, is it finally the last day?"Good morning, you made it to the final day. Don't worry no one died last night, you four survived. The killing game is almost over, just one more task left. Meet up with everyone in the cafeteria to see the scores and to finish the game. Good luck."FINALLY! We're finally done with this, and nobody died, this is perfect. We just go play Russian Roulette, then whatever happens happens. Red and Black have one kill each, so me and White only have to play with one bullet, not ideal, but it could be worse. In the cafeteria is Red, Black, and White sitting at the table waiting for me. When I sit down, the announcer comes over and explains what's about to happen.

"Congratulations everyone, the four of you have survived. Some with kills, and surprisingly, some without. Whether you regret your actions or not, is up to you, but I'm not here to scold or ridicule anyone. We all know what comes next, but before that, I have a surprise for everyone. I will show you all exactly what happened behind the scenes of each murder. A special reward for the survivors just for today. I'm sure you are all dying to know who killed Blue, or even Grey. I will, as well, show the count of everyone's score, I'll update it in order of the clips I show. One last thing, everyone please take out one bullet from your gun and slide it to the center of the table..."*The center of the table gives away through a trap door and dropped the four bullets into a hole in the floor*"Thank you for your cooperation. Now, please direct your attention to the many screens around the room. Let's start with one everyone knew, day 5, the death of Brown."

*The video starts in Red's room, Red on his bed.*
Purple- *BEEEP* Red, please open up. I need your help.
Red- Yes...?
Purple- Listen, I need your help, Brown killed Blue, and I need you to protect me.
Red- Woah woah woah, what the hell are you talking about?
Purple- I want to confront Brown, but he'll kill me if I'm alone, I want you to protect me.
Red- Ok, how do you know Brown killed Blue?
Purple- Don't you remember? He was paired with me that day, but he threatened to kill me if I said anything during the investigation.
Red- Was he with you...?
Purple- YES! Now can you please protect me?
Red- ...Ok, ok. So what's the plan?
Purple- I invited him into the cafeteria at midnight tonight. I just want to know why he did it, and you need to be there in case either of us snap and try to shoot the other.
Red- If you need someone to keep the whole thing under control, then why not bring Grey?
Purple- Grey... nobody will listen to Grey, you don't silence someone with logic and reason, you do it with power and strength.
Red- ... ok, sure. Tonight, cafeteria, midnight, I'll be there.
Purple- Thank you!
*Next scene is in the cafeteria, Purple is sitting down watching the door and Red is standing behind her off to the side.*
Red- Are you sure he'll show up?
Purple- Yes, he will show.
Red- So... how do you know he did it?
Purple- When he left on that day, he came back and told me 'don't say anything about this.' Then we were called out to the body and I knew what he meant by that.
Red- ...So why didn't you secretly tell Grey-?
Purple- SHHH! Here he comes.
*Brown steps into the room then stands still when he notices Red*
Brown- Why is Red here?
Purple- He is my protection, please have a seat.
Brown- From what? Let me get my own protection then.
Purple- Not happening, have a seat.
Brown- Let me get Green!
Purple- Sit.
*Brown eventually gave in and sat down across from Purple.*
Brown- At least tell me why I'm here.
Purple- You killed Blue.
Brown- No I didn't. But what makes you think I did?
Purple- Don't play dumb, I just want to know why you killed him.
Brown- I didn't kill anyone. What evidence do you have to prove yourself?
Purple- I just want to know what you have against him.
Brown- I wanna know what you have against me.
Purple- This isn't just for me, this is for everyone's safety.
Brown- Then why did you only bring Red and not everybody?
Purple- Because you'd kill me if I did!
Brown- No I wouldn't.
*Red is getting more and more agitated as the pointless argument goes on*
Brown- I'm getting Green, I'll be-.
Red- You are not going anywhere... You will stay here and explain yourself.
Brown- Red I don't know what kind of lies she told you, but I promise, I didn't kill anyone, especially Blue.
Red- I don't want to hear your lies, I want the truth.
Brown- If you think I killed Blue, you are as much of a fool as Purple thinks you are.
Red- ... If that's how you feel, then I apologize...
Purple- Red...
Red- For this...
Purple- RED!
*Red quickly raises his gun and fires just as fast, killing Brown instantly*
Red- To avenge Blue...?
Purple- He didn't actually kill him!
Red- ... Then why the hell did you tell me he did?!
Purple- I just don't wanna die!
Red- So he was a threat? You were scared of him?
Purple- No, It's not about him! ... Forget it, I'll think of something else... This never happened.
*Purple leaves the room, but Red stays almost completely motionless. The clip fast-forwards, Red has not moved until Grey enters the room in the morning. She quickly scans the room, then directly asks Red*
Grey- What happened?
Red- ... I... I killed him... I killed... Brown...
*The clips ends*

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