chapter 2

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We arrive at the orphanage after traveling for 16 hours nonstop my back and head hurt my back well from sitting in the same place for 16 hours and head because mini may is quite the talker, we pull up to the orphanage and I get out "thank you for the ride miss.berry" I say smiling warmly at her and the sleeping mini may "oh its quite alright dear it was no trouble at all" she says smiling "oh well I best be going, have a wonderful evening mrs.berry" I say walking towards the orphanage "elysia...perhaps you needn't go now..." she says, I turn around "whatever do you mean mrs?" I ask her confused "what I mean is....stay with us instead of going to that horrible place, and let us adopt you we have a little girl of our own who could use a sister like you her name is Diana perphaps you two will get along" she says " oh that is very kind of you but I don't want to intrude" I say "i'll tell you what you can stay will us tonight and if you like it you can live with us and we will adopt you" she says "" I say getting back in the carriage    this is certainly was not what I had expected to have in store for me.


we arrive at the berrys in one peice, mrs berry shakes mini may "mini may wake up" she says, mini may just rolls over and groans "oh it's alright i'll carry her" I say "you most cerrtainly will not, that is not lady like" she says infuriated "who cares what is lady like? it's fine i'm actually quite strong" I say picking mini may up and walking in the house, I hear miss berry huff behind me, she gives up and just walks in the house, I put mini may on one of the many couches "do you prefer tea or lemonade?" she asks me "oh um tea please" I say sitting down next to the sleeping mini may, mini may moves from where she is laying ,10 mintunes later mrs.berry comes around the corner with some hot tea "do you take sugar or milk in your tea? or maybe both?" she asks me "uh just sugar will be fine" I say, the door opens and in comes man man with a little girl who looks to be my age "whos this?" the man asks mrs.berry " elysia, elysia this is mr.berry and rember me talking about my little girl diana? this is her" she says I get up and shake mr.berrys hand which takes him back a bit probably because girls usually curtsy and not shake hands, it takes him some time but he shakes my hand back  "nice to meet you elysia, dear may I talk to you in private?" he asks his wife "of coruse dear" she says walking outside with mr.berry following shortly after  " oh hello you must be diana" I say to the girl "yes I am and nice to meet you" shes says curtsying, we hear yelling from outside "the orphan girl really?" I heared mr.berry say and I only heared a few words after that along the lines of "fine if it makes you happy.........what will we tell diana.........fine we will fihure this out tomorrow after she has made a choice" ,they come back inside  "so elysia you will be sleeping in the guset room who is ready for dinner?" she says 


dinner was boring and now I am laying in the guests bed 'so now for the hard part, do I want to stay or not? yes I would have a family if I stayed but what if they give me up? but if I stay i'll finally have siblings.... oh no this is gonna be a hard choice' I think before letting sleep over take me.


A/N: how did I do?

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