chapter 5

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I wake up in the moring and go down stairs for breakfest "morning" I say to everyone as I quickly grab a piece of toast and grab my school stuff "love you, don't want to be late for school got to go bye!" I say running out the door while eating my toast "bye!" Mom says "I'd better go before she gets lost" Diana says while getting her stuff and walking out the door after me "elysia wait up!" She says catching up to me "excited are we?" She says raising a eyebrow at me "yes of course I am! new people! hopefully nice but still new people!" I say jumping around, she just chuckles at me


The school house comes into view, we walk in and everyone's gaze turns to me "ah, you must be elysia the one who the berry's just adopted, I'm mr.Philips your teacher and you will be sitting by diana, my what ugly clothes you have" he says having a disgusted look on his face when he looked at my clothes, almost everyone had stop to look at me when he said that "well actually sir I quite like my clothes now if you don't mind I'm going to go sit down now" I say I could hear him clench his fist out of anger because of my back talk but I could care less i was pissed off because of his remark about my clothes, I sit down by diana as the lesson begins


The bell goes off announcing lunch, I head outside to get my lunch as well as diana "hey elysia?" She says "hm?" I mumble as I grab my ice cold milk "the girls were wondering if you wanted to sit by them for lunch" she asks me "sure, I guess but if one of them is rude to me I will knock some knowledge into them" I say and she chuckles, we head inside to the corner that they are all sitting at, I set my stuff down and sit down "elysia this is, ruby,joise,jane, and tillie, guys this elysia berry" she says "it's lovely to meet you all" I say "you as well" tillie says "hi I'm Josie as you already know because of diana, if you don't mind me asking where did you go before you came here?" Joise asks me "I went to livelihood in England" I say "wait isn't that the school that had a bomb there a few months back?" She says, my blood started to boil i knew that that wasn't true and a few people had started that rumor because I was new in town I also new that the people that started it was joises dad who started it "no that never happened it is just a rumor that someone had started after people heard I was adopted by the berry's" I say clenching my fist "oh well ok" she says embarrassed, I knew it wasn't her fault of course but I knew it wasn't true and it made my blood boil on how someone would start that rumor when that was the best school I ever went to, we eat in peace the rest of the time

A/N: sorry for the wait I have been  very busy and I had very bad writers block, originally this chapter is still not finished but I have to end it at that and finish this in the next chapter because I had to hurry up and publish this chapter because I have a deadline for how long I have before I have to post a chapter because I entered this book in a fanfiction contest so yeah 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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