chapter 3

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I had thought it over in the Morning and I want to stay, I quickly got out of bed and put on my trousers and my blouse I also put on my boots, I walk downstairs and sit at the kitchen table where all of the berry's are. "Have a nice sleep dear?" Mrs.berry asks me "yes wonderful in fact" I say as I start to eat "so have you decided yet?" She asks me "yes I have actually and....well if it is alright with you I would like to stay" I say diana gets excited I guess they talked to her about it last night "oh thats wonderful well tomorrow we are going to sharlet town so we will adopt you and get you stuff for school you will start next week if you don't mind you will be sharing a room with Diana" she says "oh thank you! And I don't mind I've always wanted sisters" I say getting up and going around the table hugging everyone mr and miss berry were taken aback a little but hugged me back none the less "thank you so much mr and mrs berry!" I say "oh please call us mother and father" they say "ok" I say not knowing what to say 


A/n: sorry this was a short chapter but I got two done today! How are you guys liking it so far?

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