Chapter 11

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The next morning, I woke up in the exact same position I fell asleep. I wasn't sure if Kellin was sleeping or unconscious. "Kellin?", I said, "Kellin wake up!" He didn't move. I decided to call an ambulance. I was so worried about him. 15mins later, the ambulance stopped in front of my house.

They wanted to come in but I was sure that that would take way longer than me just carrying Kellin downstairs and outside. I was scared, because I didn't know when Mike or my parents would be home. When everything was stored, I asked to come with and they allowed me to. I stood next to Kellin all the time. I looked at his perfect face. It was so pale, which was unusual.

Kellin was put into a hospital room. He just lied there. I sat on a chair and looked at him. "Kellin, you need to wake up baby", I whispered. The doctor came in and shook my hand. He checked Kellin's heart rate and all of that stuff.

He didn't show any reaction. He wanted to inject him something and was about to roll up his sleeve on his left arm when I jumped and rolled up his right one and held it up. The doctor looked at me in confusion but took his right arm. I was relived. I didn't want anyone to see.

"So... What happened?", asked the doctor. "I... I'm not quite sure. I think someone just beat him up for some reason. Don't know why or who.", I lied. I was a bad liar but people who don't know me never noticed. "Mh... Alright then. He should wake up in the next thirty minutes. You can wait, if you want to. When he wakes up, we'll check him again, and if there's nothing serious, you can take him home.", he said. "Great", I smiled.

When the doctor left, my phone rang. It was Mike.

"Mike. Very very bad timing."
"Vic where the hell are you? You should be home!"
"You sound like I'm the younger one."
"Vic, please. Come home. Where are you?"
"I'm with Kellin. It's a long story. I swear I'll explain later but I can't come home now."
Mike sighed.
"Fine. Take care, love ya"
He hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued staring at Kellin. I loved him so much. I got up and kissed his soft, yet dry lips. I sat back down. Just a bit later Kellin moved. He slowly opened his eyes. "Kells!", I said happily.

"What.. Where am I? What the heck happened? Oh shit", he put his hand on his forehead, "my head.. It hurts.."
"You're at the hospital. You passed out last night. Remember?", I said softly.
"Partly...", he answered. The doctor came in and checked him on everything

"I'm afraid to say, you have a concussion, mister.", he said and looked at Kellin, "you should probably stay here for today and the night. But you don't have to. It's only for your best."
"Sorry, I'm not staying.", Kellin said.
"It's your decision.", the doctor said and shrugged. So we left.

Peu á peu, his memory of the night came back. He got angry again. "Kells, you need rest.", I said. "I'm not going home, no way.", he said loudly. "It's okay baby, I'm not asking you to. You can come to my house. Only my little brother's home. Alright?", I asked. He nodded and we went home. "Oh fuck.. Do you have any pain killers Vic? I'm dying.", he whined when he lied down on my bed.

"I'm not giving you some random medicine, Kellin.", I said, "you just have to lay down and get through it. Maybe sleep a bit and it will get better, I promise."
"Fine.", he turned around and closed his eyes. After a minute or two, when I wanted to leave, he said: "Vic?"
I turned around, "Mh?"
"Thank you so much. I love you."
"No need to thank me. I love you too.", I smiled and closed the door behind me.

Mike was waiting for me in the living room downstairs. "Hey", I said and sat down on the couch next to him. "So what's up with Kellin?", he asked.
I told him everything. Except that it was his dad who hit him. I said it had been some weird kids that had nothing better to do. Mike didn't even seem to notice that I had been lying, which was good.

"Can I ask you something, Vic?", he suddenly asked. "Sure, anytime", I said.
"What... What is that between you and Kellin?", he asked and he was obviously feeling awkward. "I... We.. We're.. We're friends.", I lied. I just couldn't lie, ugh! "Come on, Vic. I'm not that stupid.", Mike said.

"Then don't ask questions you already know the answer to.", I snapped.
"But I don't!", he said. "Me and Kellin... We... We're like... Dating.. Together.. You know?", I said and blushed. I hated blushing. Mike started grinning. "Cute.", he said and acted as if nothing had happened and I really appreciated it.

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