Chapter 12

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I couldn't sleep all night. I stared at the ceiling, listening to Kellin's breathing while my mind reviewed eveything I've seen. How Kellin's dad hit him with a glass bottle. It was the worst thing, but I couldn't get it off my mind. I was starting to develop hate for his dad too. I was shivering. Kellin didn't deserve something like that. He deserved so much better. He deserved the best.

I was so lucky to have him. But why the hell did he pick me? I was just some weird, stupid ugly kid. And him... He was perfect. I never truly believed in perfection until I had met him. 'That's just what happens when you fall in love, I suppose.', I thought.

I checked my phone 6:21am. It was gonna get light soon. I got up and went downstairs. I turned the light on in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. 'Great ice cream!', I thought when I scanned what was inside, half asleep. Ben and Jerry's cookie dough was my favorite ice cream.

I turned on the TV, went on Netflix and started watching Adventure Time. I ate the ice cream, really fast. When I finshed it, my stomach started aching. Great. I watched three more episodes and then I fell asleep.

Kellin Pov.
When I woke up it was 8am. I yawned. My head still hurt but it wasn't as bad as it had been the day before. I got up, went to the bathroom and then downstairs. "Vic?", I said quietly. I walked into the living room and saw him asleep on the couch.

He looked really cute and Adventure Time was still on. I sat down next to him and watched it. A bit later Vic woke up too. "Good morning", I said.
He yawned. "Mornin.."

"How do you feel?", he asked. "Better", I said and smiled. "I couldn't sleep last night. I was up till like 7am", he said.

"Why not?"
"Thoughts and shit..."
"I know what you mean."
I hugged him tight.
"I'm really worried bout you Kellin."
"You don't have to. Everything's gonna turn out alright.", I said although I didn't really believe in that myself.

"I love you", he whispered. I had the sudden urge to kiss him really bad, so I did. "I love you too, Vic", I said breathlessly when we stopped kissing.
"I like kissing you.", I said, "Why did we stop again?

Vic grinned. "Dunno", he said and shrugged. He looked at me for a few seconds and leaned in to kiss me again. We just kept kissing until Vic pushed me off softly. "I feel like I'm getting watched.", he said and had trouble catching his breath. I looked around and saw Mike standing in the door.

He was grinning. "How long have you been watching?", Vic asked and I could hear the anger and embarrassment in his voice. "A few minutes", Mike said calmly. "You're gross Mike.", Vic said and got up, "Leave."

"Naaaah. You guys are cute.", he answered. I was just sitting there, feeling really awkward and probably blushing. "Leave.", Vic repeated louder. "Okay, okay. Fine.", Mike said, raised his hands, turned around and left. "Sorry..", Vic mumbled when he sat back down next to me. "It's fine", I smiled, "wanna go for a walk or something?"

Vic nodded. When we were dressed we left the house towards the huge playground where Vic tried skateboarding. It was completely empty. We sat down on the swings and talked.

When there was an awkward pause, Vic suddenly said: "Man, I fell for you pretty damn fast", and stared at the ground. I had to smile. "You have no idea how happy you make me, Vikturrrr.", I said and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss. "Vikturrrr", he laughed, "I like that".

I felt a lot better. My head didn't hurt anymore. I kissed Vic again. I just couldn't stop, it was the best feeling ever. I could feel him smiling. "Vic, I think I'm going home.", I said.

"Sure?", he asked, "I mean, you can, of course but... I don't know..."
"It's gonna be fine Vic.", I smiled.
"Promise me to call me when something happens or just come to my house you can come there whenever okay?", he said with a worried look on his face. "I promise.", I whispered and he leaned in to kiss me.

We got up and walked back to the street together. He hugged me. "I'll text you.", he said and turned around. I walked home.

Vic Pov.
I walked down the street with a smile on my face. Suddenly a strong hand grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. I looked into a face I had never seen before. "So you have a boyfriend now, huh?", the guy that pushed me against the wall shouted and spit into my face.

"The fuck is wrong with you?", I asked and kicked his private parts. He let go of me. "Come back if you've got the guts you fucker!", a different voice said.

A different guy came up to me. He kept pushing me. He hit me in the face. What the hell was up with all that beating people up shit? My nose started to bleed. I ran as fast as I could.
"Trust me you faggot, this isn't over!", the guys screamed.

I ran home. Mike was about to leave so I just ran into the open door.
"Vic, what the hell...?"
"Close the door, Mike!", I shouted
"What.. Why?", he asked.
"Just close the fucking door already!"

He closed the door. "Vic, what the fuck is happening now?", he asked. "There were these... Guys..", I said, out of breath, "they wanted to beat me up.."
"Shit, Vic! What did you do?", he shouted, "you need to stop this!"

"I didn't even do anything! I swear! They probably saw me and Kellin.. Kellin! Fuck! What if they got him too?! Fuck, I need to go look for him.", I panicked and attempted running out again but Mike stopped me. He was taller than me, although he was younger so I didn't even try to push him away.

"Please Mike! I need to know that he's okay! Please let me go!", I whispered.
"You must really love him.", Mike said when he noticed me tearing up. I nodded. "I'm coming with you.", he said so we ran down the street all the way down to Kellin's house.

He was just unlocking his door. "Vic? What's wrong?", he said and I could see the confusion on his face. I explained everything to him. And he just hugged me tight.

"I'll leave you alone now. Call me when something happens", I said. "Promise", he answered and went inside. I walked back home with Mike. "Thanks", I said and hugged him, "you're the best "little" brother ever"

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