Chapter 1

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9/14/19- 9/16/9

Jade, Henry, James and Lily were in hiding again. Their secret keeper this time is Dumbledore. Sirius is the secret keeper of Grimauld Place now. Albus said they may need to change secret keeper at the end of the year so tell the Order when they do. That way at least they know.

Like last time they used the Fidelius Charm. They're all a little nervous about a repeat of the last time. But trust Dumbledore enough.

The only people that know where they are is Sirius, Remus, the Weasley's, Hermione, the Order except for Snape to be extra careful. Dumbledore, Jade, Henry, Lily, James and a few other people trust him but it's still to be careful. Jade's friends couldn't come because their parents are Death Eaters except for Astoria and Daphne.

Snape is still working for Voldemort as a spy and a lot of people know Voldemort is a very good legilimance.

But people that know Voldemort is a legilimance that he uses it nonstop on his Death Eaters the most.

Jade stopped getting in the connection right now but still keeps her mind locked as strong as she can full time now.

Their friends will come visit them some days. Hermione was staying with the Weasley's right now. Sirius and Remus will come check them out every day.

Sirius and Remus were with them right now for dinner.

Jade was spending only the weekends and if she needed to get away at Grimauld Place this summer.

"So, how are you doing?" Sirius asked.

"Dying of boredom." James said.

"Yup. I may have Ron and Hermione to come but it still kills me." Henry said.

"Tweeky is still with us and lets us cook with her though. So that's good." Jade said.

"Well, it's your sixth and seventh year this year. Which means Henry learns silent magic now. Did you get your OWL results back?" Remus said.

"Yeah." Henry said

"Well let's see it. I want to see your history, James probably wants to see transfiguration, Remus wants to see Defense Against the Dark Arts and I'm sure Lily wants to see Charms." Sirius said.

So he headed upstairs and grabbed them.

"Let's see. James and Lily never saw your results either Jade. So why don't you show them your's?" Remus said.

Henry James Potter

Transfiguration- Outstanding

Potions- Outstanding

History of Magic- Outstanding

Charms- Outstanding

Defense Against the Dark Arts- Outstanding

Divination- Poor

Care of Magical Creatures- Exceeds Expectations

Herbology- Exceeds Expectations

Astronomy- Acceptable.

Jade Lily Potter

Transfiguration- Outstanding

Potions- Outstanding

History of Magic- Outstanding

Charms- Outstanding

Defense Against the Dark Art- Outstanding

Ancient Runes- Outstanding

Care of Magical Creatures- Outstanding

Herbology- Outstanding

Sirius whistled.

"Wow, Henry got an outstanding in potions."

"I've been helping them a bit over the holidays and summers. You all know that was my second best class." Lily said.

"To bad Snape only accepts Outstanding. Ron won't be there this year." Henry said.

"What did Jade get her fifth year?" James asked.

"You just saw it. She got an outstanding on everything." Remus said.

"Same thing with her NEWT last year." Sirius said.

James and Lily sat there in silence. They had missed so much of her life.

A few minutes later the night Daily Prophet came and Jade, Henry, James, Lily, Sirius and Remus were shocked at what it said.

'Jade Potter, the Chosen One?'

They put down the paper and Jade just sat in.

"Where did they come up with that? Girl-Who-Lived is bad enough! But the Chosen One?" she said covering her face.

"Well after the Department of Mysteries and a prophecy that involved you they know you're the only one who can defeat him. He chose you." Lily said.

She sighed.


Then they heard the Flew networks and headed to the living room.

"Oh, Albus. Did you need something?" James asked.

"I was just checking on you four." Dumbledore said.

"We're doing good. Sirius and Remus come visit everyday. And Jade stays overnight on the weekend." Lily said.

"Sir?" Jade started.

"Yes Jade?"

"What happened to your hand?" she asked.

"Later Jade." he said.

So she and Henry went up to their rooms and Jade finished her homework.

Back downstairs,

"Did you just say Horace Slughorn is coming back?" Lily asked.

"Yes, and I'll have Severus teach Defense Against the Dark Arts." Dumbledore said.

"Alright then. Is that everything?" Remus asked.

"Yes. I'll see Jade and Henry in school."

"Alright." James said.

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