Chapter 4

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A few days later it was quidditch tryouts.

Aden was standing there a little nervous but hiding it.

"Quiet please!" Jade yelled.

They all stopped talking and waited.

"Alright, even though you were here last year doesn't mean you will be joining this year to. Got it?" she said using her leadership.

Everyone nodded and remembered what she does to her teams.

"Good, now right now we're going to be doing some drills so I can see what you have."

They all nodded and got into position.

Then Jade had Draco set off everything. She had asked Draco to help a little.

Snape had said Jade was going to stay the seeker.

While they worked on tryouts Jade watched closely. Aden almost fell off his broom.

"Come on Aden." she whispered.

When they were done Jade nodded.

"Alright, not bad. When I find out who's on the team I'll give you a schedule. And people that were on the team with Flint, I won't wake you up at six in the morning or things he did to us. No one can beat Wood from what I've heard but he was still a little hard."

They all sighed in relief.

Later that night they were in the common room.

Before they knew it they were at Hogsmead and it was snowing.

Jade, Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo and Draco were walking when they heard something.

"For weeks you've been reading that book, you practically sleep with it!" Hermione said.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious. And I don't sleep with it." Henry said.

"It's true. I see you reading it every night!" Ron said.

"Well I was curious so I went to-" Hermione started but was interrupted.

"The library." the two of them said together.

"And?" Henry asked.

"And nothing." she said.

"There you go then." he said.

Then they all heard someone.

"Yeah, uh... hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks. Uh no, emergency choir practice from the freighthorse." Slughorn said.

"Anyone up for a butterbeer?" Jade asked.

When they got there Jade looked at Slughorn and wondered what he had done back then.

When Blaise was about to sit down Jade said,

"Uh, I was about to sit there. So can you sit on the other side?"

"Alright." he said.

Then Jade sat down and looked at him.

While they did that Pansy asked the waiter for six butterbeers.

Then Slughorn appeared.

"Jade my girl! You five!" Slughorn said shaking their hand when they stood up.

"Oh Professor it's good to see you." Jade said.

"So what brings you six here? Some heat and a snack?" he asked.

"Yes sir." Jade said.

"All hands on deck, Greengrass. Listen, in the old days, I used to throw together the occassional supper party. Select two student or three. Would you be game?"

"I consider it an honor sir." Jade said.

"Excellent! You're included to Ms. Greengrass."

She put her drink down.

"I'd be delighted sir." she said.

"Splendid. Look for my owl." Then he turned to Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Theo. "Good to see you four."

When he left Jade sat back down. Then Blaise looked at her.

"What are you two on about?"

"Dumbledore wants me to get to know him." Jade said.

He looked at them confused.

"Get to know him?"

"I don't know why. It must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask." she said.

Then they were on their way back to school.

"Ahh!" someone yelled.

Jade, Theo, Draco, Daphne, Blaise and Pansy stopped and looked at what was going on.

"Katie, we don't know what it could be!" she said.

She was going back and forth and then was in the air.

They saw Henry, Ron and Hermione there to.

Then Henry started to walk over to the object.

"Henry, what are you?" Hermione started.

"I know what I'm doing." he said.

"Step back! Don't get any closer, get back all of ya!" Hagrid said.

Then Henry picked up a part of the object.

"Do not touch that! Except for the wrapping, do you understand?"

After that they headed to the Slytherin common room.

When they got there they sat down and Jade looked at Draco.

"It was you wasn't it?" she said.

"Yes. I've been working on fixing the other vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirements to." he said.

"The Dark Lord wants you to do it doesn't he?" Theo asked.

"Yes. I don't want to but obviously I have to."

They sat there quietly and then Jade cleared her throat.

"I think I'm going to sleep now." she said.

Then she said goodnight and headed upstairs.

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