Chapter 12

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While Jade headed to meet up with Dumbledore she heard him and Dumbledore.

"Did you ever cross your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore? That you ask to much?" Snape said.

"Whether it has or hasn't is irrelevant. I will not negotiate with you, Severus. You agreed. Nothing more to discuss." Dumbledore said.

So Snape left and then looked at Jade. Then continued to leave.

After that Jade headed to Dumbledore.

"Oh Jade. You know, I forgot how much you have grown. At times I still see the small girl I visited."

She smiled.

"Forgive my mawkishness you two. I'm an old man." he said.

"You still look the same to me sir." she said.

"Just like your mother you are unfailingly kind. A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid. The place to which we journey tonight is extremely dangerous. I promise you for the company of me and I stand by that promise. But there's one condition. You must obey every command I give you without question."

"Yes sir." she said.

"You understand what I'm saying right? Should I tell you to run, you run. Should I tell you to hide you hide. Should I tell you two to leave me here and protect yourselves you do so. Your word Jade."

"My word." they said.

"Good, now we're going to be apparating to get to where we will."


"We're going to Crystal Cave." Dumbledore said.

So they focused on where they were going and were gone.

A few seconds later they were on a rock in the ocean across from a cave.

When they got across the water and off the ocean Dumbledore looked around.

"This is the place. Oh yes." he said.

Then he took out a knife and started cutting his hand.

"Sir." she said.

"In order to gain passages payment must be made." he said.

"You should have let us sir."

"Oh no. Your blood is more precious than mine." he said.

Then he put his hand and waved it against the wall.

When it was open they walked over to where it was close.

When they got there they looked at what's across from them.

Dumbledore made some light go to it.

"There it is. The question is how do we get there?"

"Perhaps accio would work?" she said.

"Good idea, why don't you try Jade?" Dumbledore said.

"OK, accio!"

It didn't work.

"Hmm, good try Jade." he said.

Then he thought of something and put his hand in front of the water.

Then something started to come out.

"Jade if you will."

She started pulling the string and the boat got closer.

So they went into it and headed across the water.

When they got there they helped each other up to the rocks.

"Do you think this is the Horcrux sir?" Jade said.

"Oh yes. The question is how?" Dumbledore said.

Then he saw the cup and picked it up.

"You remember the conditions on which I brought you with me?

This potion might paralyze me. I may risk to get what I'm here. It'd cause me so much pain that I'd beg for relief. It's your job, Jade, to make sure I keep drinking this potion. Even if you have to force it down my throat. Understood?"

"Why can't I drink it sir?" she asked.

"Because I am much older. You're in good health Jade."

Then he picked some up and put it in his mouth. He started shaking a bit.


She then got some more.

"You have to keep drinking like you said, remember?"

"Stop." Dumbledore said.

"I will stop. I will stop. But only- only if you keep drinking."

"Don't make me- Kill me." he said fighting her hand.

"I'm sorry, sir." she said.

"Kill me! All my fault. My fault." he said.

Finally they were on the last one.

"Just one more, sir. One more, I promise. I promise I'll do what you say." she said.

"No, no."

"I promise!" she said.

So Dumbledore opened his mouth and Jade put it in his mouth.

Then she headed over to the empty shelf.

"We did it sir! We did it." she said.

"Jade, water. Water." Dumbledore said.


She put the locket in her pocket and took out her wand.


Then some water came but didn't work.

Then she headed to the lake and put the cup in it.

When she had water in the cup he was grabbed by people. She got them off.

"Lumos maxima!"

Then she saw bodies.

She started aiming some spells at them.

"Stupefy! Stupefy Sectumsempra!"

"Jade..." Dumbledore said reaching for his wand.

"Incarcerous! Stupefy!"

"Jade... Jade..."

"Partis Temporus!"

Then Jade was underwater.

She finally came up spitting out water and saw fire all over the room.

Then she got up, grabbed Dumbledore's arm and was gone.

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