Chapter 11

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When Jade got back to school they headed to Dumbledore's office.

"Sir, I got the memory we needed." Jade said.

"Excellent! Give it here Jade." Dumbledore said smiling.

So she put down the memory and then they went inside.

"I was in the library the other day. In the restricted section...

and I read something rather odd about this rare magic. It's called, as I understand it, a Horcrux." Tom said.

"I beg your pardon?" Slughorn said.

"Horcrux. I came across the term while reading... and I didn't fully understand it."

"I'm not sure what you were reading, Tom, but this is very dark stuff. Very dark, indeed."

"Which is... why I came to you."

"A horcrux is an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul." he started to explain.

"But I don't understand how that works, sir. One splits one's soul and hides part of it in an object."

"By doing so, you are protected, should you be attacked and your body destroyed."

"Protected? That part of your soul which is hidden lives on. In other words, you cannot die."

"And how does one splits his soul, sir?"

Jade noticed Tom playing with the ring.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Tom."


"Yes, killing rips the soul apart and it is a violation against nature."

"Can you only split the soul once? For instance, isn't seven-"

"Seven? Merlin's beard, Tom Isn't it bad enough to consider killing one person? To rip the soul in seven pieces! This is all hypothetical, isn't it, Tom? All academic?"

He turned around and looked at him.

"Of course, sir. It'll be our little secret."

Then they were out of it.

"Sir?" Jade started.

Dumbledore raised his hand.

"This is beyond what I imagined." he said.

"Do you mean sir, that he succeeded?"

"Oh yes, he succeeded. And not just once." He headed to his desk.

"What are they exactly?"

"Could be anything. A ring for example."

He pushed up the ring.

"Or a book."

Then he picked up the book.

"Tom Riddle's diary." she said.

"It's a Horcrux yes. Four years ago when you saved Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets the memory was scared when you were destroying it. After that you brought me this. I knew it then was a very dark and powerful object. Until tonight I had no idea how powerful."

"And the ring?" she asked.

"Belonged to his mother. It was different to find but even more difficult to destroy."

"But if we can find and destroy each Horcrux we can destroy Voldemort. How could you find and destroy them? They could be anywhere!" she said.

"True, but magic, especially dark magic can leave a trace."

"It's where you've been going sir. Isn't it? When you leave school?" she said.

"Yes. And I think I might have found another one. But this time I can't hope to destroy it alone."

He looked at Jade.

"Once again I must ask to much of you."

She looked Dumbledore and nodded.

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