Chapter Eleven

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EXPLICIT CONTENT IN THIS CHAPTER.Do not read if it offends.


Jenny's POV.

Showering was extremely therapeutic at the moment for me, i still have a bit of baby fat and find showering more comfortable than bathing. There was something about closing my eyes and letting the water soothe down my muscles that relaxed me immensely. Turning off the water was the part i hated. The rush of cold air I felt stepping out of the shower chilled me to the bone,making tiny goosebumps surface, and wrapping a towel around myself of helped keep in little warmth.

I quickly dried myself off before wrapping the towel around my hair and squeezing out the excess water. Once my hair was no longer dripping and just damp, I wrapped the towel around my body once more before making my way into the walk-in wardrobe to find some suitable lazy clothes.
       I stopped in front of the full length mirror situated next to my shoe rack. Taking in a deep breath, I dropped my towel, letting it pool at my feet as I observed and criticised myself for the first time since giving birth.
     Pregnancy had definitely changed my body. Before, I would have considered myself scrawny,i wasn't huge or chubby,but i wasn't stick thin with that thigh gap i always wished for.
    Being pregnant had filled me out before my baby bump had started to show. But now, I looked full, chubby, and i hated it.

I grimaced slightly as I squeezed the flap of skin just above my hip bones. I never used to be able to hold any skin in that area. Now my skin hung loose everywhere, especially in my lower regions. Sighing sadly, I traced my fingers lightly over the faint silver lines on my lower stomach; stretch marks that had begun to fade but still remained as a reminder that my body would probably never be the same again, having twins had really damaged me.
     As much as I wanted to believe that the reason it had been so long since Harry and i had had sex was because I was too tired, I knew deep down it had just as much to do with my disgusting insecurity. I've never been uncomfortable about my body,or around Harry; i've never had a reason to be, but now i'm just plain awkward.
     Sighing knowing that this was about as good as it was going to get, I squatted down to pick up my towel before noticing a figure standing in the doorway.

I gasped in horror/shock as I spun to find Harry staring at me, his eyes glistening in the dim fluorescent lighting of the wardrobe. As a reflex, I clutched the towel to shield my body from him. “Harry! What are you doing?! You scared me.”
He tilted his head to the side slightly as his eyes bored into mine. “What are you doing?” He emphasised the 'you' which made me recoil more.
“I..Just got out of the shower,” I had a feeling that my response didn’t answer the question he was actually asking.
    My heart began to pound as he slowly stepped towards me. “I mean, why are you hiding behind that towel. It’s almost as if you’re ashamed of your body, or me seeing it.”

His eyes flashed with anger, as if he was enraged that I felt insecure about my body. Of course I was insecure around him; the guy looked like a god with his clothes on and off. It was difficult to feel sexy naked when I was dating a guy with the world’s most perfect body.
    Defying him, I wrapped the towel around myself tighter. He stepped forward and I gasped as he ripped it from my body as if he was taking down a poster he found offensive.
   I stood stark naked in front of him as he gently held my arms at my side, scanning from my toes up. I felt my anxiety level rise,and my tummy flutter as his eyes carefully inspected every part of me.

   “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as his eyes finally met mine. They were no longer burning with annoyance but now clouded with love. “You always were, and will be.”
I smiled weakly as I tried to convince myself that he was right, but it was hard to feel beautiful when all of my stretch marks and flaws were on display to him. I was literally naked in front of him, and I had never felt so vulnerable in my entire life.
   His brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed as he understood that I still had doubts. “You don’t believe me.”
   Before I could protest, he spun me around and locked my arms to my sides, intertwining his fingertips lightly with mine. He leaned his head over my shoulder, softly brushing his cheek against my own. “Just look at you. I need you to see yourself the way I see you, perfection. I couldn't handle you if you were any other size.”

I slowly lifted my eyes to look at myself in the mirror.  I no longer looked like the awkward girl-next-door type. I was a woman. I was a mother. And I was beautiful.
   I blinked back tears as Harry lifted our intertwined fingers and gently traced over my stretch marks, our fingers lightly grazing my skin and sending shivers throughout my body. He pressed hot kisses into my neck as he repeated the same words.“You're just so perfect.”

And then I gasped even more as his hands released mine and began to massage my breasts. He continued to kiss my neck, tilting my head to the side. All the while, his hand slowly traced down my body from my belly button to my warm, now wet center.
   My eyes widened and I moaned in pleasure as he stuck a finger inside me gently and began to pump in and out slowly. I moaned as my legs went weak. I leaned back against his chest for support as he quickened the pace and added another finger, his lips still leaving wet marks on my neck and the side of my face, his breath warm as he continued to whisper compliments against my skin.

He suddenly stopped, pulling his fingers out and leaving me unsatisfied and begging for release. “Did you hear that?”
   I was too consumed by disappointment to even bother trying to figure out what he had heard.He stepped away from me, causing me to shiver from the sudden loss of warmth. “I think the girls are awake.”
  My ears perked up at the sound of the girls,and I instantly forgot about the warm pressure building up in my lower regions. As soon as I listened closer, I could hear the faint, soft cry of children in need of being fed.
   As much as I wanted to see where our moment could have gone, I was glad Harry was responsible enough to put the girls first. Sighing, I threw on the closest things to me and walked towards the girls' room.

Harry grabbed my hand to stop me. “I got it. You go get some sleep, babe. You look exhausted.”
Sleep sounded amazing right now. “Ok, thanks.” I nodded gratefully although my body was still buzzing from what happened a mere 5 minutes ago.

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