Chapter Fifteen.

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Harry's POV.

"Are we there yet?"
   "No, Samantha." I saw her body slump in the car seat in the rear view mirror. "Not long left though," I added.

In five years, a lot of things can change, families,people,friends,fame. Mine and Jenny's life keeps changing,but we don't complain.

In the past five years, the twins have grown up (obviously) to be gorgeous five year olds, they're polar opposites even though they're twins, now that they're talking and making their own (not very funny) jokes up, you can really see their personalities. Samantha is the confident one, she likes anything to do with sport, she talks to anyone, and could charm a snake out of a box. Both of the twins have huge green eyes, Jenny was most pleased as she thinks she has 'boring brown eyes' which i couldn't agree less with.
  Samantha will definitely be something to do with show business when she's older whether that's modelling or tv, or even singing. I want her to do it herself,i don't want her to be famous because her dads the Harry Styles.

Andrea, she's a different kettle of fish. She's a complete daddy's girl, she admires me so much. She loves anything pink,princess-esque or handbags. She's more quiet, and prefers to sit in the garden colouring or reading than running around like Samantha shouting and singing so everyone in Australia can hear.

Thirdly we have Jacob, the last one. He's just two now,Jenny and i were both shocked when we found out we were having a boy, but he came out perfectly weighing a good size of 6lb 9.Samantha and Andrea adore him, they try teaching him things and get him to do things which does lead them to mischief.

 "..Are we there now?"
   "No Samantha," Jenny replied.
 "Muuuuum.." She whined.
   "Samantha,you'll wake Jacob."
I saw her pick up her 3DS,whilst Andrea read cinderella,and Jacob slept peacefully between them both..some how, i don't know.

We're currently on our way to Jenny's parents house for a couple days. It's Jenny's mums birthday so she's having a barbecue with family and friends.

In the last 5 years, myself and the boys have somewhat..matured. Liam and Danielle got married 2 years ago,and now have a daughter; Elouise who is 9 months,Louis and Eleanor aren't married yet,but have a daughter and son; Rosie who is 3 and Nathan who is 1.Neither Niall or Zayn are married or have children but Niall has a girlfriend called Abby, and Zayn is still with Perrie.

 "We're finally here," Jenny cheered, i looked at her and smiled. I love visiting her parents, I love it because Jenny is so at home and natural, everyone just loves her.

I pulled up outside their house and got Andrea out, i held her hand and then walked round to get Samantha out, Jenny unbuckled and woke up Jacob, she could always do it, he would always cry for her if i woke him up.

   "Harry!" Dianne,Jenny's mum exclaimed with happiness as she opened the door.
"Dianne," I smiled.
  "Nanny!" Samantha ran and hugged her making her cough slightly.
    "How are you my little pumpkin?" She asked kissing Samantha repeatedly.
I laughed and let go of Andrea,"Go and say hi to nanny,"

I saw Jenny walk in with a tired looking Jacob,  I'll go get the bags babe," I offered kissing her quickly.

- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -

"..So how has work been for you Jen?" Her mum asked, we were all sat around the garden, Jenny's dad cooked the perfect food, and i was full to the brim. Samantha was playing swingball with her cousins and Jacob,whilst Andrea sat on my knee doing a sticker book.
After Jenny was let go from work, she didn't know what to do with herself, she was a young mum and i was touring 24/7, once i calmed down and could spend more time with her and the girls, she bought a unit, and built up her own business, and now has 3 shops dotted around London called Le Sandre, she gets stressed but she loves it.
  "I love it, had to fire a girl the other day though,she was so lazy." She rolled her eyes. Jenny hated firing girls,especially young girls she knew needed the money,but she also needs to run a good business.

We sat talking with Jenny's parents and family,catching up, talking about memories, also Jenny talking about Jacob's birth? I don't know why it was brought up..

"David..could i talk to you?" I smiled. Jenny looked at me weirdly but i just kissed her cheek and tapped her thigh.
   "Sure son, let's go into the kitchen."

Once inside i shut the kitchen door and David poured a glass of juice.

"So.." I started awkwardly.
He quirked an eyebrow."You okay?" I've never been intimidated or scared of David, i've known him most of my life,which is weird. He's a strong willed business man,and doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to honesty, it must be where Jenny gets it from.
I smiled sheepishly. "As you know, i've been with Jenny for a long time,"
He smiled at the mention of Jenny's name.I gulped even more."And you know, we've had ups and downs, 3 children, and i love her a lot." He nodded and drank more of his drink. "And i know you,and treat you almost like my second father." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring box. "..And i was just wondering if you'd let me marry your daughter?" I opened the box to show him the ring. His eyes softened at the sight of it.
"Harry," He sighed, he took the box and looked at it. I gulped again, is he going to say no? Does he hate me? He can't, he wouldn't let me- "This ring is stunning, and says Jenny all over. When Jenny was born, i stared down at her and said straight away, no man will ever be good enough, i will never let you out of my sight. But as you know with your own girls, you can't always be there,and you can't always be perfect,and one day there will be boyfriends and boys. With Jenny,i always knew that when she married,she'd marry someone like you Harry, and i'd love for you to be my son in law." He gave me the ring back and hugged me firmly. I felt like crying, do not tell Jenny that though.
"Thanks David," He nodded then tapped my shoulder.
   "No problems kid,"
I placed the box back in my pocket and began to walk back out towards the garden. "And David.."
   "My girls will never have boyfriends," I winked. He shook his head and laughed.

 I sighed happily sitting back with everyone,listening to them talk. "You okay?" Jenny asked sitting on my lap.
"Just perfect," I kissed her cheek and took my glasses off her head and placed them on mine.

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