Chapter Twelve.

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Jenny's POV.

"It's coming,it's coming." I said calmly as both Samantha and Andrea cried for their bottles. Once i fastened each bottle top i quickly walked over to their chairs and gave them both to the girls. With the girls now being 7 months old,i don't need to hold them and feed them, they can do it themselves.

The past couple months have been hectic, i was let go from my job, they told me that i was a 'valued' member of staff but they had to make cuts, and i was one of them. Harry was as sweet as anything when he found out,and was probably more devastated about me losing my job than i actually was, he'd bring me presents home to cheer me up, he'd run me baths, just sweet gestures. In a way i'm glad i can stay at home and spend time with the girls.

Harry will be busy one week, and free the next,there's really no guessing, one week he'll be in France for 3 days, the next he'll be in Sweden, there's no keeping up.

   "Babe?" I heard Harry walk in through the front door.
"Living room," I called.
   "Hey," Harry smiled kissing me then kissing the girls on the forehead.
"Hey,how was your day?" I asked as he sat next to me and patted my thigh.
   "Alright,i guess." He smiled looking a bit.. odd.
"You sure you okay?" I asked taking his hand and kissing it.
   "Yeah, it's just well.. The boys and i..Well, the girls from our music video invited us for a meal tonight, you know just to say well done and stuff."
"Oh, okay," I replied kissing his hand again.
   "You okay with that?" He quirked an eyebrow.
"Yes Harry," I giggled. "Don't be so nervous, i mean you guys are just going for a friendly meal,not like you're going on a date with one of them," I laughed.
   "You're right," He smirked kissing my lips.
"I always am,"

He went and picked Andrea up out of her chair,then he picked up Samantha.

   "How are my beautiful girls?" He asked sitting them both on his knees. They both giggled, and i smiled taking a photo of him with them both giggling.

Jenny_stagram: My beautiful girls,and my beautiful boy :D

I put the photo on instagram getting 40 like in 22 seconds. Craaazy.
By the way, Harry made up my instagram name, not very original.

   "You know now that i look at them and as they both grow, i think they both look more like you," Harry commented as he studied Andrea and Samantha.
"You think?" I inquired leaning my head on Harry's shoulder as i held Andrea's hand.
   "Mhmm, it means more trouble for me when they're older though,"
"It does?"
Harry nodded. "If they're as gorgeous as you,keeping the boys away is going to be a nightmare."
"If they're as gorgeous? Harry they're more gorgeous," I laughed stroking Andrea's cheek.
   "Well," He started. "I have 3 gorgeous women in my life."
I kissed his cheek. "Let's keep it that way," I laughed poking his dimple.


It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Finally gotten over the stupid writers block, been so long i know! Hope you haven't forgotten about Jenny & Harry!! Got a lot more in store for them, stay tuned:) x

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