Chapter 3

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I was thoroughly surprised to see Haynes face in P.E class second period. It was Tuesday so that meant that we would go into the gym and weight lift. This was my least favorite day because even though I stayed on a very strict exercise schedule I don't really have any muscle because of the amount I ate. The bar itself on bench press was hard for me to pick up.
We walked in a line to the weight room and the coach blew his whistle to get our attention. "Everyone pick a partner to do sets with and to spot you. This should be someone that does about the same weight you do."
I looked around for my usual partner Gracie. She was a quiet girl on the skinnier side and we usually worked out side by side quietly. It didn't seem she was here today. I jumped when I heard Haynes voice behind me. "You need a gym partner Liv." There it was again. The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine.
"Yes. Do you know someone who needs one?"
"Yea. Me. Colby isn't here today." Colby was his usual partner. Colby didn't bench anywhere near Haynes weight but no one did. Haynes was just a different breed.
"Didn't coach say you needed someone who lifts about the same as you. I can't help you if you actually need help lifting anything."
"Now come on, I obviously know that, little bunny. I haven't needed a spotter since seventh grade. Come'on darlin you really think I would ever be stupid enough to pick up a weight I knew I couldn't lift."
"I mean I guess not."
"Come on. We're doing arms today." He pulled me over to the side to stretch. I followed his lead because I figured he knew how to stretch way better than I did. The first thing he did after we were done stretching is take me over to the dreaded bench press. He went first and put started out with three forty-five pound weights on each side.
He showed me where he puts his hands and where to put my head on the bench. He easily did a set of ten and then got up and took all the weight off each side. "Alright your turn little bunny."
"Why do you keep calling me that."
"Because you are jumpy like a bunny you are the size of a toothpick." That was true. But I don't like people commenting on my size or weight. I got under the bar without saying anything else. I was going to get it this time. Haynes stood behind me and put both hands on the bar.
"You ready." I nodded. Haynes helped me lift the bar off the rack and I slowly went down with it. Going down wasn't hard but it was the coming up part that seemed to always get me.
"Come on Liv you can do this."
I pushed harder but the weight didn't move. "No, I can't." I strained harder. The weight was immediately all taken off me by Haynes lifting it with one hand.
He helped me sit up. "That's ok Liv. You will get it next time."
The boys that had been watching me from afar got closer. It was two football players Tristian and Blake. "So little miss Texas Twig can't even lift the bar. How cute."
Haynes had a smile on his face that I saw immediately drop at the statement. I had seen Haynes on the football field and wrestling looking intimidating but I had never seen him look as scary as he did in this moment. "Liv get up." What. Why was he telling me what to do. I didn't do anything wrong. I saw the look in his eyes though and got up immediately. "Tristian. Come lay down right here." He patted the bench press seat.
"I already did Bench press today."
I saw Haynes fist ball up and I gulped. I was scared for these boys now. Haynes has a reputation for fights and violence. I have never seen it before but it is said he has a temper that is very easier turned on and it makes him very violent. Few ever saw this though.
"As your captain I'm saying you need a little extra practice." The words were seethed and came out as more of a growl.
"Fine dude. Gosh." Tristian slowly went to lay down on the bench but Haynes shoved him down. He had a firm set to his jaw that said he wasn't playing around. All of the sudden Haynes started stacking weight on the side of the bar. Then after he had a butt load of weight on it, (at least three hundred pounds) he picked up the bar and put it in Tristians hands.
"Since your so strong, bench this." The weight immediately went straight down to Tristians chest and he struggled to get it up.
Tristian strained and the weight didn't budge at all. I looked around for the gym teacher and he wasn't anywhere in sight. No one interfered. Sweat beaded down Tristians face as he struggled to get the bar up. "Dude this isn't funny."
Haynes smiled. A quick smile that didn't show he was actually happy but more of a menacing smirk. "No I don't think any of this is funny."
I actually started to see tears fall done Tristians face. "Dude. Please pick it up. This really hurts." The weight looked to be crushing his chest.
"I thought you were strong. If you are so strong pick the damn weight up yourself. Huh. Stop crying like a baby. Pick the weight up since you are so strong. You gonna start crying for your mama go ahead. Show us all what a wimp pussy you are." His tone was seething and made shivers run down my spine. How was this the same guy that had just sweetly offered to be my gym partner?
"Please, I'll do anything, just get it off."
Tristian was sobbing now and moving side to side trying to get the weight to fall off his chest but Haynes was holding it steady with one hand.
"I'll get it off. You only have to do one thing."
"Anything." Tristians hands shook and tears now flowed freely and snot dropped down his face.
"Tell Liv you are sorry."
"I'm sorry Olivia."
Haynes actually pushed down on the bar to give it more weight. "Say it like you mean it." He seethed. This was the Haynes I had only heard about, the violent one that got aggressive very quickly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings Olivia. I was ....," he stopped for a second to release a jagged breath interrupted by sobs. "I was being a dick." The words we finally choked out and seemed to be hard to say as his contorted in pain.                    He looked pale as a sheet and I was    afraid he would pass out soon. I gave Haynes a pleading look.
        "Please stop Haynes." He gave me a look that was almost pained and then he nodded and with one hand picked the weight up off Tristians chest. It slammed back on the hooks on the side with a loud bang that made me gasp and jump back.
Tristian sat up and gasped for air holding his probably very bruised chest. Haynes grabbed him by the shoulder, "Next time you want to say anything else to Liv, remember this moment." Haynes turned to everyone that had been staring quietly as the scene unfounded. "All of you might want to remember the same." Then he gave me one last look and stalked out of the weight room slamming the door behind him.

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