Chapter 5

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                      Haynes POV
        Liv Fallon is actually at my ranch. I feel like a stupid fangirl when I'm around her and can't help but feel silly. This is the girl I have watched and had a crush on since I first laid eyes on her in Middle School.
           She is right here in front of me. I still can't believe it. After I got my horse and came back I helped Liv get back on and we started to ride. I can barely even pay attention to the trail ahead of me. I have to remind myself that she is grown and doesn't need me to sit behind her and make sure she doesn't fall off as she rides.
      I don't know what it is but she makes my protective instincts I didn't even know I had go off. I first realized this when Tristian made that mean comment to her and I got so angry that I almost killed him. If Liv hadn't said my name and got me out of the daze I probably would have.
      My temper has always got me in trouble. I can't count how many times my dad has had to make donations to the school because they threatened to kick me out because of a fight.
      They were usually over stupid things like someone mouthing me at football practice or people being douchebags for no reason. Then there was the main reason.
        The guys around me had for the most part learned to stop saying anything around me bad or good about her. Anything from them commenting on her body to them talking about the models she was on the arm or in magazines set me off. I don't like her name out of any of guys mouth.
         It was crazy for me to be this possessive over a girl that wasn't even mine, but the truth is that I am.
       Just thinking about her being with another guy makes me go crazy with rage.
       I'm brought out of my thoughts by a scared yelp from Liv as Butterfly jumps an overturned tree.
      "It's okay Liv. Just get back in the middle to the saddle."
      She is now sitting sideways on the saddle breathing hard with a grip so strong on the pommel that her knuckles have gone white.
      I got off my horse Tormento and quickly tied him to a tree. Then I rushed over to her and instead of hauling her off the horse I hoisted myself onto the saddle with her.
      I grabbed her insanely tiny waist in my hands and pushed her back into my chest.
      "Take a deep breath honey. You didn't fall off. It's okay. I got you. I won't let you fall. Ever."
      I felt her stiffen and then relax into me at my words. I grabbed the reigns and had the horse go at a slow trot.
      "This is how fast you will be going at the rodeo. Just concentrate on sitting up straight." She sat up off my body and I was disappointed when he body was no longer against me. "Don't tense up. Feel the horses movements and go with them."
       I kept one hand on her waist as we rode in circles. I eventually got off once I made sure she had completely calmed down and gave her the reigns.
      I got back on my own horse and together we rode back to the ranch in content silence.
      After I hoisted Liv off Butterfly we stood chest to chest. She looked up at me and I was lost in her blue eyes. All I wanted to do was wrap her in my arms and never let go.
      Liv seemed to break out of whatever trance we were in. She took a step back. "You probably think I'm such a baby. You ride bulls and I got prettified from a horse jumping over a log." A cute blush showed on her cheeks.
      The thought of her trying to ride a bull was laughable. She was so tiny she would fly off before the bull was even through with his first jump. She was a small girl though and she had never ridden a horse before. Of course it had scared her when she thought she may fall off and get hurt.
      "I don't think your a baby, Olivia Fallon. I think your amazing. Always have."
      "Let me guess. It's because I was on the cover of Vogue that one time."
      In that moment there was so much I wanted to say. I wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met in all my years. I wanted to say that I saw her even when she thought no one was looking. Saw how she cried every time she saw a stray dog. Saw how she sighed autographs for the little girls in our small down who wanted to be just like her one day. The vulnerability's, the fact that I never saw her eat, and never saw her mom once be soft with her. I saw it all.
      This wasn't the time to profess my feelings though.
      "It's because I see you." I left it at that instead of elaborating like I wanted to.
      Was that a blush I saw on Liv's face?
       When Liv said nothing I grabbed the horses and brought them in the barn so I could get the saddle off and water them down with the hose.
      When I was done I grabbed Liv's arm and led her to the truck. "Let's go little bunny."
      Since my truck was lifted I just went ahead and picked Liv up by the waist and put her small body in the seat.
      I wish I could have my hands around her waist like that everyday.
      I started the truck "I will drop you off at your car, and then I will follow you home."
      "You don't have to do that."
      "It's dark Liv. I want to make sure you get home okay."
      "Well then I can give you my number. You don't have to drive all that way."
         She was starting to piss me off. My protective urges for her would keep me from ever letting her do something I deemed unsafe if I could do something to stop it.
      "I'm following you home. That's that. I don't want to hear anything more about it."
      She looked over at me surprised. "Okay dad." She huffed and turned towards the window.
      Was she really mad I wanted her to get home safe?
      "Stop with the attitude young lady. I'll put you over my knee right here." I was was only partly joking.
      She huffed. "That's the second time today you have mentioned spanking me. I think you have some kind of weird kink or something Haynes."
      I laughed at her. You have no idea princess. No idea. Just about anything with Liv would turn me on. Especially the image I would keep in my head from now on of her over my lap getting her beautiful ass reddened by my palm. I definitely need a cold shower when I get home.

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