Chapter 4

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I didn't see Haynes for the rest of the day. We also have last period together and he was no where to be seen. He seemed upset when he left but I have no idea why. It's not like anyone had insulted him. He was the one that had almost killed a boy. I doubt he is going to show up to my photo shoot to pick me up now that he is upset.
I left for my photoshoot directly after school. It was for the cover of Texas Beat. I was chosen for this cover a few weeks ago but really don't know much about the magazine itself.
When I got to the photoshoot there was already a few models there getting ready. I recognized Austin, one of the guys who I have modeled with a few times among the others their for the photoshoot. He is tall and skinny with blonde hair and bright green eyes. Modeling is something he just does on the side. He is a competitive dancer and that is always what he has wanted to do with his life. He seems to be in the same position as me. Living a life they don't want for someone else.
      "Hi Olivia." He waved when he saw me and walked over.
"Hey Austin. I see you have got your hair and makeup done already. I hope I wasn't supposed to be here earlier." As I looked around I realized most of the other models already had their hair and makeup done to perfection.
"No. You know how a lot of them are. They show up two hours before the photoshoot even starts in an attempt to get completely perfect to their specifications and get the chance to get a few extra shots in."
"I would rather them just let me go completely natural than spend all this time on hair and makeup."
Austin patted me on the shoulder "Me and you have the same opinion on that. You can take my hair and makeup chair. I just got done."
      "Thanks," I said sitting down and letting the pretty brunette hair and makeup artist start on my look.
      The look for today was a little less natural than I'm used to but since I was going to be on the cover I got why. The outfit I had to wear for the photoshoot showed a lot of skin. It was a red lingerie set with tassels hanging down on both sides and a red blazer. It was normal for me to wear something like this for a photoshoot but it still was weird to be almost naked in front of other people.
      They had me take off the blazer and just do a few on my knees in front of the lake on a white carpet. I posed like I had for years. It wasn't even something I had to think about anymore. I just changed positions every time the camera clicked instinctually.
      While I was posing a truck pulled up. Could that be Haynes. Hold your pose. Act natural. I continued changing my position and kept a drop lip the entire time on my face. I saw Haynes walk up out of the corner of my eye. He looked... mad? Most guys who looked at me in my outfits in magazines drooled over me but all he looked like was uncomfortable.
      They continued taking pictures and having me change positions for about ten more minutes when they finally called it quits. Haynes was leaning up against a tree. Walking up to him I tried to determine the look on his face. He had an unreadable expression that gave away nothing.
       He shrugged off his jacket. "Here take this."
       "No. That's ok. I'm about to go get changed anyways."
      "Take it." It was a command. No questions asked. This was a man that was used to getting what he wanted. Gone was the fun loving Haynes who rode his horse to school. This was the Haynes who had a temper when he didn't get exactly what he wanted.
      "Your not my dad Haynes." I said but I took his jacket.
      "Your lucky I'm not. If you were I'd take you over my knee for wearing an outfit like that. Actually I'm thinking about it right now as we speak."
      That was a joke right?
      "Look Haynes I think you need to leave."
      I started to walk away. His arm grabbed my wrist stopping me in my tracks. "Wait Liv. I'm sorry I just... I had an off day today. People don't really work me up that often and I've just been out of sorts. That's not an excuse though. I was being a dick. I understand you don't choose your outfits. I was being unfair."
      I sighed. He did seem genuinely sorry. "It's ok Haynes. I'm going to change and then we can go back to your house."
      I walked to the dressing room to get dressed and after I changed and came out Austin walked over to me.      "How did the shoot go?"
      "It went good. I think they got some really good shots."
      He slung a bag over his shoulder. "Yea, me too. Let me walk you out."
       "Sure. I'm leaving with a friend."
      Austin walked me out with his hand over my shoulder. We talked about the other models we recognized and upcoming shoots on the way to Haynes truck.
       Haynes was leaned against his truck with his back turned scrolling through his phone. He turned around when he saw us and his eyes immediately narrowed. "Friend of yours Liv."
      He was scowling and I could tell he wasn't happy. The tension seemed to spike. I looked over at Austin and he also had a scowl on his face. The two men seemed to be challenging each other with their eyes. "Yea... Um this is Austin. We model together sometimes. Austin this is my friend Haynes."
      Austin and Haynes looked each other up and down. Austin was a tall guy but Haynes still towered over him at 6'4.
      Austin was the first one to break the silence. "Your a pretty big dude. What do you bench, 250, 300?" The statement was made a lighthearted joke but Haynes didn't even try to smile back at him.
      Haynes answered without hesitation. "450."
      "Damn. I can't even squat that."
      Haynes looked him up and down. "Not many can." I couldn't believe how rude Haynes was being. I mean Austin was standing here complimenting him and he was indirectly insulting him. All the sudden Haynes grabbed my arm. "We need to get going Liv."
      He drug me around to the passenger side and opened the door. I had to use the steps on the side to get in because the truck was so lifted. "I'll see you later Austin." I waved at him from the truck step."
      He started to walk away and turned to wave back. "Later, Olivia."
      The ride to Haynes house was quiet for a long time. Haynes seemed to be mad and held a tight grip on the steering wheel the whole time. I half expected it to break off in his hands.
      He seemed to be in a daze "Haynes?"
      I tried to make the subject something that wouldn't make him more mad. "I'm scared to ride the horse. What if I fall off."
       He chuckled and some to the strain left his face. "I won't let you fall off Liv. Never."
      The statement made me blush. Why did he say things like that to me? He barely knows me.
      We got to Haynes house and I had to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. I knew he lived on a ranch but the mere size of it was astounding. It was a huge long wooden building that curved in a lot of different places. It was so long I couldn't even see where the end was. Cow fields and stables surrounded the ranch on all sides and their was land as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful.
      "Wow Haynes. You are so lucky to have grown up here."
       "I guess." He shrugged his shoulders and got out the truck. I went to open the door but before I could I heard the door lock. I pulled on the handle and it wouldn't open. Haynes showed up in front of me and hit a button on his keys before opening my door.
      "Well aren't you a gentleman." I stepped down from the truck and continued staring at the ranch in all.
      "Only for you." I turned just in time to see Haynes week at me. My cheeks started to turn a shade of pink.
      "Come on I will take you inside and get you some boots and clothes we keep around for visitors. I wouldn't want you to ruin those shoes or yours."
      I looked down. I would rather not ruin my Air Force ones in horse crap. I followed Haynes inside and to a room lined with different cowboy boots on one side and overalls on the other.
      "What size shoe do you wear."
      I doubt they would have my size anywhere unless they were kids shoes. "I wear a size three."
      He turned and raised his eyebrows at me. "What are you four." I could see he was just joking.
      He moved to the side with the overalls. "I don't really think I have any overalls that will fit you." He grabbed one of the smaller pairs. "Here, we will roll them if we have to."
      I put the overalls on over my clothes. I look down. I look like I'm wearing a plastic bag. Haynes kneels down and I'm confused as to why until I see him rolling my pants. Then he lifts up my leg and put my boots on my feet. He started to lace them up. "I can do that."
      "That's ok. It will be faster this way." He finishes lacing my boots and takes my hand. "Let's go."
       He walks me outside to the stables. We walk down a hallway lined with beautiful horses until we stop at the stall of a big brown horse. He put the halter on and then led the horse out of the stall and to a room lined with saddles. He saddles the horse so fast I didn't even register anything he did. He motioned to me. "Come here."
      I walked closer. I had been standing a few feet away from the horse because big animals always made me wary. "He won't hurt you. Come and pet him so he can get used to you first."
      I walked closer and hesitantly put my hand out. The horse walked closer and my hand touched his snout. "Butterfly meet Liv, Liv meet Butterfly."
      "You ready to get on him."
       "I guess." I'm still really nervous to get on.
       Haynes walks behind me and his hands go around my waist. I blushed at the close contact. I screamed in shock as I felt myself being hoisted up and onto the horse.
       "Hold on." He led the horse with me on it outside and to a fenced in area with barrels placed around it.
        He showed me how to hold the reigns and direct the horse in different directions.
      When I started to get the hang of it he hoisted me off Butterfly and tied him to a railing. "I'm going to go get my horse so we can ride around. I will be right back."
       He walked away leaving me alone in the pen with Butterfly.
       He has done so much nice things for me today. I think of his hands on my waist and blush. It's official I may have a crush on Haynes Cole.

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