Chapter 9

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      I followed my mom into the bathroom and quickly fixed my mascara before walking sneaking out while she was in one of the stalls. The last thing I wanted was to talk to her about Haynes.
      As I was walking back to the arena I couldn't help but stop when I heard Haynes mentioned by a group of young boys who seems to be in their early teens. "Did you hear Haynes has to ride Outlaw today. No one has ever been able to last eight seconds with him. I heard the last guy who tried to ride him ended up having to leave in an ambulance. Outlaw threw him down and then as if that wasn't enough he started trying to squash the guy before he could get out of the way." The young boy whistles before he continues. "That is one mean bull."
      My blood ran cold. Yea I know Haynes is good, but is he good enough to stay on an unbeatable bull? While things were new with Haynes and I, and he did scare me with his psychotic comments about our relationship that should probably land him in the looney bin because of the mere fact that we barely know each other, I still didn't want to see him get hurt.
     Should I tell Haynes not to ride the bull today. Would he listen to me? If he likes me as much as he says he does, wouldn't he care about my opinion on things?
      I walk around until I find Haynes beside the entrance to the arena talking to a worker with a clipboard in their hands and nodding to something he is saying. Haynes looks utterly devouring in his cowboy hat and boots. If I wasn't scared for his life at this very moment I might would be compelled to jump him. Not that it would be appropriate at this particular place, but when it comes to Haynes I'm not exactly in the most sound state of mind.
      He turns away from the worker and smiles when he sees me. "Did my girl come to see me off."
       Why did he always have to make crazy comments like that? Does he have amnesia or something? We aren't freaking dating. It's like in his mind we have been together for months or something. I mean we haven't even said like five words to each other before last week and now he was calling me his girl.
      "Haynes, we aren't dating."
      I expect him to get mad like he did earlier when I said I wasn't his, but the mischievous smile stays on his face. "So if I get on mean olé' Outlaw and meet my maker, the last thing I have to remember before I go will be my favorite girl denying the fact that she is mine. You're breaking my heart Bunny."
"I don't think you riding Oulaw is a good idea."
He tilted his head back and laughed. "Baby I've got a lot of bad ideas. One of them include taking you to the nearest stable and bending you over a hay bail to show you who you belong to. That would be a bad idea."
I felt my cheeks turning red from his inappropriate comment. "That will not be happening. Neither will you riding on that bull. I heard some people talking earlier. That bull is dangerous. You could get hurt."
He put his hand over his heart and stepped forward to grab my arm and pull me close to him with the other. "You worried about me getting hurt Bunny. That makes my heart happy. If I meet my maker when that gate opens in a few minutes I will go a happy man."
Before I can second guess my decision I slap his chest. "Don't make jokes like that. It's not funny."
He pulled me into his strong arms and laid his head on top of mine for a moment. He pulled back and grabbed my chin with two fingers to tilt my head back and meet my eyes. "I'm just teasing you Liv. I'm going to be just fine. I would never let anything happen to me before I truly get the chance to make you mine in all ways."
"Haynes this isn't funny. You could seriously get hurt."
"Baby you have obviously never seen my ride before. I could do this in my sleep."
The guy with the clipboard that was talking to Haynes a moment ago starts walking our way. "Haynes you're on after Tyler."
Haynes never turns away from me. "Don't worry I'm ready."
He grabs my arm and leads me over to a bench to sit beside me. "Watch Tyler go with me. I'll explain how bull riding works." We both watched as the Tyler climbed the gate and sat on top of his bull. The bull moves around angrily trying to buck and shaking the bars. I leaned closer into Haynes.
"Haynes he just looks so aggressive. How are you not terrified."
I was scared just watching the raging bull. I couldn't imagine the strength it would take to ride one of those.
"I've been doing this for a long time. Don't worry, I promise I'm not nervous at all."
The announcer started to speak. "First up tonight we have Tyler riding on Whiplash. Whiplash has been all over the United States this year testing the resolves and grips of cowboys from good ole' Georgia all the way to the California and the good ole' Lone Star State. This is Tyler Gerald riding Whiplash." The crowd roared as the gate swung open releasing Whiplash. The bull immediately bucked and jumped in circles. I gasped as Tyler went immediately flying off feet away from the bull. I felt Haynes hand in mine squeezing it.
      Tyler was on the ground backing away from the angry bull as it made it's way to him. He finally got up and ran out of the arena.
       Haynes turned to me. "Tyler is a great example of what not to do. Don't worry Bunny. I'm not the national champion for no reason." With that he kissed my cheek and walked up to the gate to climb over and get on his bull.
       I thought Whiplash was bad. Compared to Outlaw he was like riding a Shetland pony. Outlaw moved around aggressively shaking the bars on the sides. I looked at Haynes trying to find any hint of nerves on his face. There was none. Just calm concentration. Was he secretly nervous or did nothing shake him?
      The announcers voice broke my train of thought. "Here is a real treat for all of you today. We have our very own Haynes Cole, National Championship bull rider in the Junior division. That's right we have got the best under eighteen bull rider in the country riding for us today. This is his last year in the Junior division and his last year to bring home the national championship title before he is moved up with the big dogs. Today he is riding Outlaw. Outlaw is a new bull to the circuit. He has been ridden over fifty times all over the state this year and no one has made it eight seconds yet. Will our national champion be the first? Let's find out. Riding now is Haynes Cole on Outlaw." As soon as the announcers words stopped the gate was swung open by two ropes on the side and the bull charged out with so much power and ferocity, it took my breath away. Time seemed to slow down. The bull bucked in circles doing everything in his power to get rid of the boy on his back. No way he could stay on for eight seconds. Who could hold on to something like that with one hand and expect to stay on? How much sheer strength would he have to have to not fall off something like that? I averted my eyes from Haynes to look at the clock. There was two seconds left to eight. I couldn't help myself. "Come on Haynes, you got this." The words came out as though they came from another person, but it had been me who had said them. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to be there for him like he had for me. The clock dinged with a loud shrill that signaled eight seconds. I found myself on my feet with the rest of the crowd and they roared. Haynes came off the side of the bull but somehow landed on his feet before he ran out of the arena. The announcer spoke seeming to be out of breathe from screaming along with everyone else. "Haynes has done it! He has beat the unbeatable beast and has put himself on the top of the leaderboard! Give it up for Haynes Cole the who just did the impossible. Haynes we will see you at the national championship yet again in good ole Las Vegas where you will get the chance to defend your title."
      I got up to congratulate Haynes and looked for him on the side of the arena near the gate. I didn't see him anywhere. A cowboy standing near the entrance saw me and walked up. "You must be Olivia, Haynes girl. I'm Pat, one of his friends."
       I couldn't help the redness that seemed to creep up my neck. Had he really told people we were an item without even consulting me first? "Yea I guess that is me." I let out a nervous laugh. "Do you happen to know where Haynes is? I was gonna congratulate him."
      "You mean the guy that's walking up here right now looking pissed because I'm talking to you."
      I quickly turn to see Haynes storming up to us. He looked magnificent in his cowboy hat covered in sweat with his flannel pulled back to show the veins that bulged out from huge muscles.
"Congratulations Haynes." I walk towards him as I say it hoping to wipe that look off his face, but he isn't paying me any attention. He briskly walks over to Pat and grabs him by the throat before slamming him in the gate behind him. It rattles with the force of the hit.
He gets so close to Pats face I can't even see the look on it. "I told you one damn thing. One thing. Stay away from Liv, and you decide you move in on my girl the one moment I'm occupied." As he talks he slams Pat's head against the fence with each words as he shakes him.
Haynes finally moves far back enough that I can see the look on Pat's face. I am shocked when I see that he is wearing a big smile. "Haynes, I meant no offense. I was just introducing myself. I meant no harm. She is all yours I promise." He is smiling as he says the words as if it is some big joke.
Haynes turns back to me. I've been standing the whole time shocked. Should I have tried to get Haynes off the guy? I obviously couldn't have made him budge, but I could've at least tried to talk him out of choking the guy against a fence. "Is this the truth Liv. He just introduced himself. Nothing else?"
I can't find words yet so I just nod my head. Haynes finally releases Pat back to the ground and he holds his neck adjusting it in his hand as he groans. Without saying anything to him Haynes heads towards me and grabs my arm to pull me away. I turn back around and motion to where Pat is massaging his red neck. "Aren't you going to apologize for overreacting?"
He shakes his head. "That would mean that I was sorry for doing it. I'm not. If he tries to talk to you again it will be worse. That was nothing but a warning."
I don't even know how to respond to that. What have I got myself into with Haynes?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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