Chapter 8

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Liv's POV
As soon as I couldn't see Haynes anymore the situation I was in hit me. What if I couldn't control the horse when I got out there or worse, what if I fell off the horse and embarrassed myself.
I turned to Callie. "Are you nervous." She smiled at me showing perfect straight white teeth.
"Remember I do this all the time. If you need some help though I can stay close to you." Coming from anyone else I would've thought that comment was a jab at me for not being able to ride a horse very hood but from Callie I knew the comment was her genuinely trying to be helpful.
I smiled back at her "Oh yea, my duh. Teen Miss Texas Rodeo. Of course you are used to this." I felt like an idiot.
Samantha chose that moment to sidle up closer beside me on her horse. She also looked gorgeous in a black pantsuit to go with her long jet black hair that fell in waves down her back. She had an evil smile on her face. "Don't worry Olivia, if you fall I promise not to laugh too much."
How did she manage to make my name sound like an insult? This was Samantha's usual behavior when she was around me. Always making snide comments. I understood she didn't like me because we were competitors but did she really have to be a bitch when I have done absolutely nothing to her. I just turned away from her to look at Callie. Being a bitch back to her wouldn't make her any less of a bitch and would just be a waste of my time.
Callie pointed towards the other side of the arena where Haynes was now standing with other cowboys staring in my direction. "So you and Haynes Cole?"
I just shrugged my shoulders. "I really don't know what we are right now. He seems to think that we are something and I'm not really sure what I think about any of it." Callie was nice enough to talk to, and I really needed to talk to someone about this. I definitely wasn't about to mention it to my mom.
Callie seemed to have a cautious look on her face. As if she didn't want to say what she was about to. "Look, I know you don't really do boyfriends, but if you are looking for a first one, Haynes Cole really isn't the right one."
Did she know something I didn't? I mean I knew Haynes left a trail of drooling girls everywhere he went, but was he really that bad about breaking girls hearts?
"What do you mean. Does he not do relationships or something?" I turned to look in Haynes direction where he was standing by the arena gate talking to some other cowboys that I recognized as other bull riders. I couldn't help but notice that compared to all the other guys Haynes seemed to be the best looking. He wore a red and black flannel shirt with wrangler jeans and chaps. His black cowboy hat with his hair sticking out in the back made him look even more irresistible. He made everyone else around him look like they were just wearing a cowboy costume for Halloween or something. I mean Haynes just somehow looked like the real deal. Like he was meant to be here.
"Olivia, you still there." I turned around when I heard Callie's voice realizing that I had been lost in my own thoughts.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" She gave a pitying smile as if she felt bad for me because I had feelings for a guy that would never truly be able to settle down for anyone. I mean he was Haynes Cole, he was too good for anyone around here. Especially me with all my issues.
"Look, I'm not saying Haynes deciding to become an item with you is completely impossible. I mean I did hear him telling some of the other cowboys to stay away from you while you were here."
I tensed on my horse and it whined softly. Had I just heard her right? "He did what!"
"Yea he was talking to Pat and  Jagger about how you were off limits and that they shouldn't try to talk to you while you were here."
It's official. Haynes Cole is an actual lunatic. Who did he think he was staking some kind of claim on me like I was an object? "Maybe he was just trying to be a good friend by keeping me from getting my heart broken by any of his player friends." Even as I said the words I knew they weren't true. Haynes wanted me. Whether it was for a relationship or for something more, he had made it very clear with his actions and words earlier that I was all his.
"Whatever it was for he obviously wants to protect your heart. That means something."
I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe," I turned away from her and looked away towards the arena lost in my own thoughts.
At that moment the announcer came on and I heard all of our names as we were introduced.
I took a deep breath. I can do this. Nothing to worry about. Just don't fall off the horse and make sure you smile and wave. I lightly kicked Ginger and off we went towards the crowd of people that made me want to throw up and gallop away on Ginger as fast as I could.
I stayed beside Callie and smiled and waved to everyone as we galloped around the arena. I met eyes with Haynes who gave mama proud smile. I was doing it. I was riding a horse around the arena and not embarrassing myself.
I could barely even hear the announcer talking about our titles and upcoming events for the year. At that moment there was only Haynes and the fact that I felt in debt to him at this moment for not only making sure I wasn't scared out of my mind for this moment but also being here to support me. 
I wasn't even paying attention and almost rode right into the back of Callie when she slowed down as we got near the exit of the arena.
I pulled back on the reigns and let Callie and Samantha go first. I softly kicked Ginger and urged her to exit when all of the sudden she started backing up quickly and shaking her head aggressively. I reached forward to calm her and just as quickly yanked my hand back to grab on to the reigns more firmly when I realized what had upset her. A tiny dog had just entered the arena. Ginger continued to back up, and I held on tight praying she wouldn't buck. Do I jump off? Is it better to stay on? A million questions ran through my head of which I did not have a answer to. All I could do is hold on tight. My worst fears came true when the dog got closer and all of the sudden Gingers front legs came up and she bucked. I tried to lean forward and hold on, grabbing onto the horn and screaming. Her legs hit the ground hard. The horn of the saddle went into my ribs painfully and the breath was knocked out of me. While the whole moment happened quickly to me, it felt like minutes had passed. The horse was moving around still trying to get away from the dog. Would she buck again? Would I be able to hold on a second time?
All of the sudden I hear my name called and hear feet running my way. It's Haynes. He sprints towards me and doesn't even hesitate as he grabs me by the waist and hauls me off the horse with it still jerking around trying to get away from the tiny animal. I can't even walk away from the frantic horse. He has to drag me. I can't breathe. It feels as if I'm doing everything I can to make my lungs expand and I feel as if I'm having a panic attack. I'd almost died. That horse probably would have thrown me and trampled all over me if Haynes hadn't been here. I look up at him from where he is holding me.
He is speaking to me, no, yelling and I hadn't heard a word he was saying. "Liv, are you okay!"
He shakes me. "Liv, honey, are you alright!"
I just nod and I know I look completely dazed. More people have begun to enter the arena. The dog is now gone and the other cowboys are trying to calm Ginger down.
Haynes let's out a breath of relief and rests his forehead on mine.
He picks me up in his arms and we exit the arena. He sits down on the first bleacher we see with me still in his arms.
He is breathing hard and his eyes look wild. "When I saw that horse start bucking, I think I almost had a heart attack." He seemed to look me over as if seeing me for the first time. "You're so tiny. You're so tiny and that horse is so big and if you would've fell under it's hooves..."
He didn't finished the statement as if he couldn't bare the thought of something like that happening to me.
I reach up and grab his face. Haynes almost seems more shook up than me at this moment. "Haynes, I'm alright. Nothing happened to me. You got there in time."
He just nodded as if he couldn't make words to speak.
I don't know what I was more shocked about. The fact that I had almost been killed by a horse with a fear of puppies or the fact that Haynes Cole is so shaken up about my near death experience.
I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful eyes that seemed to hold so much worry for me at this moment. Our gazes were broken by a shriek I recognized very well. That would be my mom. Shelia Fallon was nothing if not overdramatic.
She was running up behind us, her designer back swinging with every step. "Oh my goodness. Olivia, I can't believe someone let that mutt to get into the arena. You could've been injured What if you would've fell? To anyone else if would've looked like she was concerned for my well being like any other mom. That is until you notice that my mom at this very moment was checking my face for bruises because god forbid the face that is on the cover of magazines very frequently get messed up in any way.
She suddenly seemed to notice Haynes and the fact that I was sitting in his lap. "Thank god you were there to save my daughter. Is there any way I can repay you?"
"No ma'am, I had my own reasons for rescuing this pretty damsel in distress." Gone was the Haynes that had just looked like he was about to have a panic attack just like me earlier. This was the Haynes I was used to. The one that liked to put on a show around others. The one everyone liked.
"I think I know you. You're Roberts boy aren't you. The one that does all the bull riding."
Of course my mom would know Robert Cole. He owned the biggest ranch in all of Texas and many more throughout the state. My mom would know of anyone that big and want to get in their hood graces.
"Yes ma'am that would be me. I'm actually riding today if you and Liv want to stick around and watch."
She gave him one of her megawatt smiles. "Why that is so sweet of you. Olivia would love to watch you this afternoon. Of course she needs to make her rounds first around the rodeo and meet with some people, but after that I'm sure she would love to watch."
Leave it to my mom to say yes to something without even consulting with me first. My mom looked at me closer. "In all the drama that went on back there it seems you have messed your makeup up. Let's go to the bathroom. Say bye to Haynes." Here she was telling me where to go like I was a three year old.
I knew better than to go against her though, and I needed some time alone. I got off Haynes lap and gave him a small smile. "I guess I'll see you later. Thank you again for saving me."
He gave me one right back and leaned forward to whisper where my mom couldn't hear him. "I'll always save you Livi. Go with your mama for now, but come meet with me before I go out to ride. I need a good luck kiss." I leaned back from him and blushed before following my mom.

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