Chapter 6

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      I dropped Liv off at her car and then followed behind her as she drove home. When we got to Liv's house she immediately jumped out of the car without waiting for me to open the door. This made me mad, but I would let it slide for now. I planned on spending a lot more time with Liv in the future and she would learn that I expected her to let me be a gentleman.
      Every time I see Liv's house I am in awe of it again. It's a very nice two story house with a beautiful lawn kept neat by workers that could be frequently seen around the house keeping up the yard. That's one thing the Fallons cared about more than anything, the image they showed to the outside world. They probably cared more about that than their own daughter. This is probably why they hadn't noticed Liv's huge weight loss that got progressively worse with time.
      I followed Liv to the door and held her arm when she went to open it. "Wait a second, I want to talk with you."
      She turned around surprised. "You scared me Haynes, I didn't even know you got out of your truck."
      "I wanted to walk you to the door. I was hoping that I could get a good night kiss." Was that way to quick considering this was our first time actually hanging out alone together, probably? Did I care? Absolutely not.
      "Haynes, we barely even know each other." That cute pink blush on her cheeks was to adorable for me. I couldn't help myself. Moving quickly I pushed her back to the wall and caged her in with an arm on each side of her head.
      She squeaked in surprised. It was a cute sound that made me think she was even more adorable than I already thought. "What's the matter little bunny?"
      She pushed against me. It was cute. As if she could move someone my size when she was so tiny. The idea was laughable.
      I leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "I'll see you at the rodeo tomorrow pretty girl." Another blush. Damn. I needed to leave now before I took her right here on her perfect lawn. I couldn't help myself, I grabbed a strand of her hair and took a breathe in of that wonderful smell she had. I was unhealthily addicted to this girl.
      "Goodnight Liv," I stuck a piece of paper with my number scrawled on it in her hand before walking down the porch steps.
      "Goodnight Hayes," I heard her call to me.
      I turned around. "Text me to let me know when you get to the rodeo tomorrow. If you forget we will have words," I let the threat in the air unfinished. I was only halfway joking.
      She looked flustered for a second. "But I don't have your number."
      I winked at her and motioned to her hand with the paper. "Do ya now?" With that I got in my truck and left.
      I thought about her all the way home. It was official. I had to have that girl. Olivia Fallon would be mine no matter what it takes.

      I woke up the next morning to my mom banging on my door. "Olivia the makeup and hair artists are here."
      Of course they are. Every time I have some kind of public event she would have professionals come and make sure I was no less than perfect. She wouldn't want me to ruin our families perfect reputation or anything.
      I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs to see the hair and makeup artists already set up downstairs. My mom had a big smile on her face as she walked up and handed me flare jeans with pink stars on them, a shiny pink rhinestone top with tassels hanging down, and pink cowboy boots. You have got to be kidding me.
      "Mom what the heck is that," I asked as I stared at the pink in my hands. I would stick out like a sore thumb among the jean and flannel wearing people who go to rodeos.
      "That," she pointed at the outfit in my hand, "is an outfit picked out by one of the best fashion designers I have met. His name is Calvin, you will love him. I will just have to introduce you to him one day." She smiles and shoos me into the bathroom to get dressed.
      I put on the outfit and looked in the mirror. Yep, definitely sticking out today. I walk out and immediately am shoved into a hair and makeup chair to get ready. When I am done and my mom is satisfied with my curled hair and overdone pink eyeshadow she goes and gets my crown and sash. She bobby pins my crown in place and places my sash on me. She steps back to see my entire outfit with a contemplative look on her face. "Good enough," she says and then turns towards the door.
      I followed her out and to the car. The drive to the rodeo was full of my mom telling me about all the influential rich people she knew in the rodeo circuit. I just tuned her out, and was preoccupied by thoughts of Haynes. Had he really wanted to kiss me last night? Would he kiss me today? What did he plan to get out of this? I had so many questions and concerns about him that were unanswered. I mean I'm used to guys going after me constantly because of my fam, but Haynes was a mystery to me. He was one of the only guys that I actually felt nervous to be around.
      When we got to the rodeo I was escorted to an area to meet the owners of the rodeo. They shook my head and explained how everything would be going today. They explained that I wouldn't be going on until later and I could do whatever until about eleven that day when I needed to get set up with my horse. It was eight now so that meant I had three hours to watch the events and do whatever. I couldn't help but be excited that I would get to see Haynes bull ride. I had never actually seen him ride, but from what I've heard he is good, like very good. People talk at school about how he will go pro one day.
      Of course my mom left me to go talk go rich business owners who attend rodeos frequently. Leave it up to her to find someone up to her social standing at any event. We wouldn't want her perfect reputation to be tarnished by her hanging out with someone beneath her.
      I went to go find a seat in the bleacher when I hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into a stable. I started to scream when I hand went over my mouth. I'm turned quickly and I gasp when I see Haynes right in front of me.
      "Haynes what are you..."
      "Why didn't you text me," he cuts me off.
      "Last night told you to text me when you got to the rodeo, and you didn't."
      I totally forgot about that. "Oh I'm sorry Haynes I..."
       The pissed expression he is wearing stops my words.
      "You think I just tell you things for fun Liv. I told you that because I didn't want you walking around alone here. You're a small girl and any of the men here could take you easily. There are some sketchy people that come to rodeos sometimes. Men could try to take advantage of you. You think I didn't see them all salivating you as you were walking over here."
      He was pissing me off now. I shook his hand off my shoulder. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much." I turned on my foot to leave when a hand grabbed my arm. The next thing I know is that I'm pushed up against a wall of the stable with Haynes arms up against my sides.
       "What about if he was a strong guy like me huh Livvy. Try to fight against me see if you could get anywhere. See if you could defend yourself against anything I wanted to do to you." His hand was slowly skimming down my arm to my stomach and making it's way lower. I bucked against him trying not to let his point be proven. I couldn't stop the descent as he held my arms together with one hand keeping me from moving. He removed his hand right before it reached my naval.
      He got so close to me that his lips barely grazed my ear. "You know I'm right. Fix your attitude before I fix it for you." The words were spoken barely above a whisper.
      What the heck was that supposed to mean. "You're not the boss of me asshole."
      "Ahh, that's where your wrong Liv."
      "You fu...." My insult is cut off when his lips overtake mine. It's a strong punishing kiss that gets more rough as time goes by. His hand is up against my throat and he is exerting slight pressure. Not enough to stop my breathing but a threat nontheless.
      "Say it again Livy."
      "Hmm." I'm too busy trying to to jump him to even recognize what he is trying to say.
      "Tell me that I'm not the boss of you."
      "You're not the boss..." he picks me up and shoves me against the wall holding me up with his own body. He grabs both of my wrists and holds them there with one hand.
      He is so close when he leans forward that our lips almost touch.
      "What was that bunny." He leaves a trail of kisses down my neck.
       "Uh." My statement is lost as a moan escapes my lips. Can't think. I can't concentrate on anything but his lips slowly making there way down my neck. A stab of pain in the junction between my neck and shoulder makes me cry out. Did he just bite me? I whimper as the stinging pain in my neck throbs. He kisses the spot he just nipped and I am turned on all over again. His hands go around my throat and he squeezes slightly. "Will you listen to me next time I tell you something."
      I panic as I realize I can't get his hand off of my neck. How stupid am I to go in a stable with a boy I barely even know? He could kill me right here and they probably wouldn't notice for a few hours. I nod my head to answer his question hoping that will make him stop. He lets off enough to let me breathe but doesn't let go altogether.  
      "Answer me," he growls. Fear shoots threw me as well as something else. No way. What kind of psychotic basket case am I. It couldn't be. My body had chosen at this moment to become aroused while I was literally fearing dying. There was something about Haynes dominance that gave me butterflies. Even if he also scared the shit out of me
         "I finally looked at Haynes and choked out, "I will listen next time."
      His hands relaxed on my neck but he didn't take them off. "Good girl."
      Could it be possible to have an orgasm without anyone even touching me. Seriously. I would have to look that up when I got home because I really didn't even think that was something that could happen.
      He moved his hand from the front of my neck to the back and pulled me toward him, his lips meeting mine. The kiss he gave me was rough and possessive. A claim. I groaned when he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
      "Fuck Liv. I have wanted you for so long. You have no idea," he said in a breathy voice.
      He continued to kiss me and I found myself moved from around his hips to under him on the ground covered in hay.
      His hand was in my hand. He put his hands on my crown. "Princess I am going to touch you now, and it will be much less gentle than you deserve. Now is the time to say no. No turning back after."
      What did he mean? Did he know I was a virgin? I didn't speak. I didn't want to. I knew I wanted anything he had to offer. He looked at my eyes for a few seconds then got up and locked the door to the barn we were in.
      "Stand up." It was a command. Nothing less.
      I stood without hesitation. He looked pleased. "Ah, my girl knows how to listen. Good. This will save you many punishments in the future. Take off your pants for me."
      I took off the sash I wore first. Throwing it away like I hadn't worked my ass off to get it. All the late night practices and diets didn't seem to matter at all as I stared into his captivating eyes full of lust. I started to unbutton my pants. I almost got too nervous, but I looked up and saw the lustful look in Haynes eyes. I couldn't help but want to please and obey him. I unzipped my pants and slowly pulled them down my waist keeping eye contact with him the whole time. He watched me like a predator watches prey. His big body seemed to vibrant with tension. When I had my pants completely off he spoke, his voice restrained. "Underwear too, nice and slow."
      This man was going to drive me spontaneously combust. If it was possible for a human being to do that sort of thing. I pulled my underwear off but closed my legs all of the sudden feeling oddly embarrassed. "Don't hide from me. Not ever," Haynes growled taking a step towards me.
      "Open your legs and show me that pretty pussy." From anyone else the alliteration in that statement would make me laugh. Not when Haynes said it though. Everything he said in that lusty tone made my panties wet. That is if I was wearing panties anymore.  Not wanting to disobey him I slowly opened my legs showing him my bare pussy.
      He dropped to his knees. "Fuck, you have the most beautiful pink pussy I have ever seen." I blushed.
      "Turn over and get on all fours ass in the air," he commanded.
      "Haynes I don't think..."
      Scared by his tone I turned over and did as he asked. "Spread those legs."
      I did and I groaned when he rubbed his huge fingers up and down my slit. "My pretty girl is wet for me. I knew you would be. Tell me honey. Has this pussy ever been touched by anyone else."
      "I didn't answer at first embarrassed by my lack of experience. A sharp slap made me cry out as pain radiated from my bottom where he had slapped me.
      "Answer me Liv."
      "No, no one has. Not until you."
      "Good girl. This pussy belongs to me. Say it." His hand wrapped around my throat. It didn't tighten but I knew what it was. Clear as day. It was a threat.
      "It belongs to you Haynes."
       "Such a well behaved girl. Always telling me what I want to hear. Now I want to hear your little moans."
      All of the sudden two of his fingers thrust into me. I cried out at the sensation of being filled.
      "You're so tight and perfect," he groaned.
      He continued thrusting his fingers inside me. "No one touches this pussy. You hear me. I will kill them if they do."
      All I could do was moan.
      He looked at me with so much emotion in his eyes that I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before. Haynes had emotions for me. Big emotions. It was clear in the way he stared into my eyes as I was completely naked in front of him.
      His hand around my throat softened and rested on my cheek as he continued to thrust two fingers inside of me. "You are so beautiful Liv. Gosh, everything about you is perfect. I have been obsessed with you so long. You have no idea," he groaned and sped up the pace with his fingers.
      I felt what could only be an orgasm start to wash over me amidst the rest of the pleasure. He continued to thrust. "Come for me pretty girl. Show me who this pussy belongs to." His hand tightened around my throat which only aroused me more as my world exploded around me and my first orgasm blasted through me.

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