Donald,and Daisy's Return

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It was a year since Donald, and Daisy left to sail around the world,and now they were returning to Duckburg.
"I wonder what marvelous adventures they had at sea."said Fethry.
"I wonder if May, and June took photos of where they went?"said Webby,referring to her clones.
"I wonder why Donald, and Daisy didn't come back to attend Carl, and Virginia's wedding."said Emilie.
"They probably couldn't make it."said Huey.
"I would of changed the date!"
"It was Carl, and Virginia's wedding."said Gladstone.
"And they couldn't even move to Duckburg."complained Emilie crossing her arms. "I bet they did it just to spite me."
"Oh,give it a rest already!"snapped Scrooge. "This is a happy occasion.We haven't seen Donald,Daisy,and the girls in a year, and we don't need you to complain about-whatever!"Scrooge suddenly turned to Gladstone. "Honestly,how do you put up with her constant complaining?"
"She says it drives away evil sprits."explained Gladstone.
"Oh-Okay."said Scrooge.
"Fascinating."said Violet looking interested.
"I see the boat!"yelled Della who was looking out for Donald's house boat on the boating dock.Everyone rushed towards the boating dock to welcome them back.The first people who got off the house boat were May, and June.
"Donald, and Daisy have some surprises for you!"said June.
"Really?"said Dewey.
"Oooo.Wonder what they got us?"wondered Louie.
"Ummm.About that...." said May awkwardly.Donald,and Daisy got off the house boat-with two eggs.
"What the blazes?"said Scrooge.
"We got married!"said Daisy.
"And are going to have two kids!"added Donald.Everybody just stood there.
"Mazel Tov!" said Emilie suddenly walking forwards, and grabbing the eggs from Daisy.
"Ohhh,I can't wait until you're born so I can undermine your parents' authority by criticizing everything they do."
'And I can't wait until you, and Gladstone have your own kid so I can have my revenge.' thought Daisy.
"But what about them missing Carl, and Virginia's wedding?"asked Gladstone.Emilie thought for a bit.
"Meh."she said finally before walking off.
"Gimme back my eggs!"Daisy yelled at Emilie rushing after her.
"Why didn't you tell us?"demanded Scrooge when he recovered from the shock.
"We wanted to surprise you!"said Donald.
"Well,you certainly did that!And where did you get married?Las Vegas?And did you only come back because Daisy laid some eggs?!"
"We didn't get married in Las Vegas!Las Vegas is land locked!We got married in the Bahamas!"
"You didn't answer my last question!"Scrooge yelled.May, and June decided to leave at that point.It wasn't that they weren't happy for Donald, and Daisy.In fact,when they got married May, and June were the happiest in their lives.But now,with Donald, and Daisy having their own children on the way-what was going to happen to the two of them?May, and June finally found Emilie.
"Give me back my eggs,you loon!"Daisy told Emilie as she grabbed her eggs.
"At least I'm happy for you!"stated Emilie. "Most of the people here aren't happy with you, and Donald right now!"
"They're mad at what we did!Not at us!Why did you take them anyway?"
"I just wanted to see the little bubalas."
"Well,now you have."said Daisy before walking away with her eggs right past May, and June.
"Um-Emilie-ma'am?"said May.
"Yes."said Emilie calmly.
"Well,you're the oldest of eleven siblings right?"
"Are you writing a biography about me?"
"Oh no,nothing like that."said June. "It's just that we're happy that Donald, and Daisy are going to be parents,but after what happened to Black Heron they took us in, and now we're wondering what's going to happen to us now." Emilie thought for a bit.
"Well,they kept you after Daisy laid the eggs." Emilie said finally. "So,what's the problem?"
"What if they just start ignoring us in favor of their own kids?"May cried out while tearing up like June.
"There,there."said Emilie kneeling down to May, and June's level, and holding out her arms.May, and June ran to Emilie's arms.
"It's okay."said Emilie hugging May, and June. "You'll probably be expected to help them.After all,it wouldn't be easy for new parents to care for new born twins by themselves."
"How old were you when you started to help your parents with your siblings?"asked June, who,along with May withdraw herself from Emilie's embrace.
"I was nine.That was when Mimi was born."
"What was your reaction when you found out that you were going to be a big sister for the first time?"asked May.
"Well,"said Emilie. "When I first saw the egg with Annebelle in it, I thought we were going to eat it because the only eggs I knew of at the time were the ones we got at the grocery store."May, and June looked at her like there was something mentally wrong with her.
"I was a year old."explained Emilie.
"Oh,that makes sense."said June.
"Yeah,if I was an one year old I would of come to the same conclusion."said May.
"Papa explained everything-as soon as Grandpapa stopped laughing-and I got confused."
"Why?"asked May.
"He told me Mama laid the egg, and then he had to explain how that happened.Then I got horrified."
"Because of how it happened?"said June remembering when Donald, and Daisy telling her,and May how the eggs that Daisy laid came to be.
"No."said Emilie. "Because I thought the eggs from the grocery store had babies in them, and we were eating babies.It took me a while to realize we weren't."
"Well,thanks for telling us that."said May.
"Yeah.Thanks for the talk.Bye."said June.
"Yeah.See you later Emilie."said May as she, and June left.
"I'm so glad I made them feel better."said Emilie waving them goodbye.

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