Phooey,and Donna

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It was three in the morning when Emilie's phone rang.
"Somebody better be dying."Emilie said angrily to the person on the other side of the phone.
"Um-nobody's dying-but Donald's, and Daisy's eggs are starting to hatch."said the person on the other side of the phone.The voice sounded familiar, but Emilie couldn't really tell who it was.
"Alright,Gladdy, and I will be there."
"Oh,thank-" said the person as Emilie hung up.Rude?Yes,but she needed to wake up Gladstone.
"Gladstone!Wake up!" Emilie said loudly.
"Emilie!Why'd you do that?"asked Gladstone when he woke up.
"Donald's, and Daisy's eggs are starting to hatch.Let's get to the hospital."
"But what about getting dressed first?And brushing our hair?What about Walt?"
"Don't worry, I had that covered Donald, and Daisy returned ."said Emilie opening a drawer on the bureau, and taking out clothes for her, and Gladstone,along with a letter.
"What's this?"asked Gladstone looking at the letter as Emilie was getting dressed.
"A pre-written letter in case the eggs started to hatch while we were asleep.Now get dressed."
"What about our hair?"
"We can brush our hair on the way to the hospital.As long as we don't look like patients everything will be fine.You ready?"
"Okay,let's go."

                                * * *

"We're here"said Emilie when she,and Gladstone arrived at the Maternity Waiting Room.Nobody was there except Scrooge,Della,Mrs.Beakley,Huey,Dewey,Louie,Webby,May,June, and Fethry.
"About time."said Scrooge.
"Well,I'm sorry,we don't live near Donald, and Daisy like most of you you do,or have something that can get us super fast."said Emilie.
"Hey!Mitzi isn't a 'something'!She's a Mitzi!"defended Fethry.
"How long is this going to take?"asked Louie as Emilie, and Gladstone sat down. "It seems like we've been here forever."
"It took Annebelle four hours to hatch."said Emilie.
"Four hours?!Four hours?! We can't be here for four hours!There's no internet connection!No Wi-fi!Nothing to do!"
"Calm down Louie,I'm sure Emilie was only joking."assured Huey.
"No."said Emilie.
"How would you know it took Annebelle four hours to hatch?You were a year old when she was born!"
"It was a day I would never forget."
"The day you became a big sister!"said May excitedly. "Tell us the story!"
"Yeah!Tell us!Would we remember this day forever too?"asked June.
"Well,probably."said Emilie. "But I will tell you the story of me becoming a big sister."May, and June's eyes grew wide as they sat on the floor with huge smiles on their faces.
"It was September 14th when Annebelle's egg began to hatch.Papa called Grandpapa to keep care of me in the waiting room while they were in the Maternity Ward, and a few hours later, we were allowed to go back to see Annebelle."said Emilie.
"That's it?"said June.
"Yeah.Not very exciting."
"Emilie,you have to make it exciting."said Dewey.
"How?" asked Emilie.Dewey thought for a while then smiled.
"The place,Birdyloon,New York,the day,September 14th,Annebelle's egg started to hatch, and-yeah there's no way to make this exciting."
Webby noticed that May, and June looked upset, and decided to do something about it.
"Well,how did you feel when you first saw Annebelle?"asked Webby hoping Emilie would take the hint.
"Amazement, and shocked."said Emilie.
"Really?Why?"asked June.
"Annebelle was so small, and it took her so long to get out of such a big egg."
"But were you happy to see her?"asked May.
"Yes.The happiness has long been replaced by whatever emotion is 'I love you because I have to'."
"That makes prefect sense."said Fethry.
"Considering what kind of person Annebelle is,it does."agreed Mrs.Beakley.
"We won't have that kind of relationship with Donald's, and Daisy's kids,would we?"asked June.
"Would they even consider us their older siblings?"asked May.
"What?"said Della in shock. "Of course they'll consider you family!And you two will have a wonderful relationship with your younger brother, and sister!Annebelle was just a bad egg!"
"Pun intended?"asked Emilie with a smirk.
"Bad egg!"laughed Dewey. "That's hilarious!"
"Oh,boy, I can't wait to get out of this waiting room, and whatever hospital room Uncle Donald, and Aunt Daisy are in, and see our new cousins."said Louie.Louie didn't have to wait much longer when a orderly came to them.
"Okay everybody,the ducklings hatched.You can see them now.Just follow me."the orderly said.
"About time!"said Louie as everybody followed the orderly. "What took so long?"
"Well,we had to get rid of the egg shell fragments,the contents of the eggs,clean, and dress the ducklings."
"It took that long to do all that?"
"It was only a hour."said Scrooge.It didn't take as long as they thought it would to get to the hospital room that Donald, and Daisy were in.
"Donald!Daisy!"said Scrooge when everyone entered the room.
"Hi everybody!"said Donald, and Daisy,both of them them holding a duckling.
"What's their names?"asked Della as the kids crowded around the little ducklings.
"Pahooey Donald Duck, and Donna Daisy Duck."said Daisy.
'Pahooey?Seriously?' thought Emilie,who knew better than to say that out loud.
"Hi Pahooey!Hi Donna!It's us!You'r big sisters!May, and June!"said June as she, and May leaned towards Pahooey, and Donna.Pahooey looked a lot like Donald,while Donna looked a lot like Daisy.
"I can't wait until they're older!"said Webby.
"When they join the Woodchucks!"said Huey.
"And be guests on Dewey Dew-Night!"said Dewey.
"And work at Louie Inc."added Louie.
"Or have their own interests."said Emilie.
"Oh,yeah,that makes sense."said the boys.
"I just want Pahooey, and Donna to meet Mitzi."said Fethry.
"I just want them to like me."said Gladstone.
"I'm sure they'll like you,sweetie. I just don't want them to betray the family."said Emilie.Scrooge, and Mrs.Beakley begin to chuckle.
"I'm sure we'll all get what we want from Pahooey, and Donna."said Scrooge "Come on,let's go."
"But I want to stay."said Emilie.
"Me too."said Della.
"So do we."added May, and June.
"We can come back tomorrow."said Mrs.Beakley.Emilie looked at Gladstone with a hopeful look on her face.
"Of course."Gladstone said with a smile.

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