The New Board

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A week had past since Pahooey's, and Donna's birth, and Emilie decided it was time for another board meeting.
"Brigitta,what's with the package?"asked Emilie as they waited for Scrooge,who was no doubt visiting Pahooey, and Donna.
"A present for Scroo- I mean Mr.McDuck."said Brigitta.
"Mmmm."said Emilie.That was the second time she did that.But why? "Brigitta,what's the present?"
"Something that'll keep him safe during adventures."
"Alright,I'm here!"said Scrooge when he arrived.
"Scroogey!"said Brigitta rushing up to Scrooge.
"Brigitta!"said Emilie,completely shocked as Scrooge screamed in fear as Brigitta squeezed him.
"Scroogey!You don't know how long I've wanted to meet you! I got you something!"squealed Brigitta.
"Ah-thanks,Ms.-uh?"said Scrooge.
"Brigitta MacBridge.But you can call me Brigitta."said Brigitta.
"Well,thanks for the lovely present Brigitta,but we've got important business to discuss."
"Aren't you going to open it?"
"Maybe later Brigitta."said Scrooge.Brigitta suddenly looked angry.
"I bet if that thieving hussy Goldie O'Glit got you a gift you would open it right away!"snapped Brigitta.
"What did you call Goldie!?"
"You heard me! A thieving hussy!"
"I'm the only one who calls Goldie a thief!And Goldie's not a hussy!"
"Yes she is!If she wasn't,then she would of married you when she got pregnant with Courtney!"
"It's none of your business what goes on between Goldie, and I!"
"Okay!Let's start this meeting!"said Emilie when she noticed Brigitta's mouth open.
"Good."said Scrooge looking angry.
"Fine."said Brigitta looking pouty?sad?It was hard to tell.
"Okay then."began Emilie. "First of all I think we should put a budget on how much you spend on Pahooey, and Donna."
"A budget!I'm Scrooge McDuck! I can control my spending!"said Scrooge loudly.Emilie raised an eyebrow.
"You missed out on Huey,Dewey, and Louie's early years.Are you sure about that?"
"Alright fine.You have a point.But I can control myself.One present for both of them every visit."
"Mr.McDuck,how many presents have you given the twins?"
"Well...I tend to get distracted."
"He doesn't have to explain himself!"interrupted Brigitta. "He's spoiling them out of love."the last word Brigitta said seductively while batting her eyes at Scrooge who justifiable looked creeped out.
"This has nothing to do with-whatever you have going on-Brigitta!This is about business!"said Emilie. "Now explain!"
"Okay,fine."said Scrooge. "Every once in a while the kids comment how Pahooey, and Donna would like a certain something, and it's like you said. I missed out on the boys' early years, and I'm trying to make up for that."
"Your full of it Mr.McDuck."said Emilie after a while. "You're doing this just to upset Donald.You're just using what I said about you missing the boys' early years as a convenient excuse."
"Alright,you got me. I'm doing it to upset Donald.He thinks I'm too irresponsible to be around Pahooey, and Donna.Keeps bringing up the Spear of Selene.How else am I supposed to bond with them if not through adventuring?"
"Well,Mr.McDuck,for the well-being of your company you have to choose.What would you rather spend your money on?Adventure,or the twins?You can't have both."
"Using my love of adventuring to get me to save money? I hate you,yet respect you for making such a calculating move.Well played Emilie,well played."
"I didn't get this far by being stupid Mr.McDuck."said Emilie smugly. "But seriously,we need to find a way to make back the money you lost buying Pahooey, and Donna gifts. I suggest buying Waddle."
"Buy Waddle?!Are you insane?That company's practically in the red!And run by Mark Beaks!"
"Exactly!Mark Beaks is making no profit, and you know how to make a profit!Especially since Waddle makes cell phones, and other technology.You can make more money!"
"But how would Scroogey convince Mark Beaks to sell Waddle to him?"asked Brigitta.
"Stop calling me Scroogey!"demanded Scrooge. "Why did hire her?"
"She was the only suitable candidate."Emilie said.
"Oh."said Scrooge sadly.
"But Brigitta does have a point.Convincing Mark Beaks to sell will not be easy."
"What if we tell him what he gets from selling Waddle?"suggested Brigitta.
"Like what?"asked Emilie.
"He'll be able to spend more time working on his social media presence."
"Yeah.He's both stupid, and egotistical enough to agree to that.But I think we should add he could be in charge of Waddle, but answer to Mr.McDuck."
"Like a puppet C.E.O.?"asked Scrooge.
"Well,if you want to put it that way,then yes."said Emilie.
"Now that's settled.Anything else?"
"Yeah."said Emilie,deciding to ask a question that been bothering her for years. "How come the characters on M*A*S*H* never noticed that they were reliving the year 1952 over, and over again?"
"Are you going to open my present from me now?"added Brigitta.
"Anything work related?"asked Scrooge.
"Can I call another meeting in the future to discuss the M*A*S*H* question?"asked Emilie.
"No."said Scrooge.
"Then no."
"What about my present?"Brigitta pressed on.
"I'm going to throw it in the trash."said Scrooge.Brigitta preceded to get up, and walk out the door in a huff.
"Well,meeting's done!"said Emilie cheerfully as she got up.

The Chrioncles of Emilie Duckman-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now