Chapter 11

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It's so awkward. All you can do is sit there and let your food get cold while Namjoon, who's sitting to the right of you, is twisting his chopsticks in the noodles only to stop shortly when he looks up at Jungkook. To no one's surprise, he's shoveling the jajangmyeon into his mouth like it's been days since he's last eaten even though it's only been hours.

Apparently, he's so hungry he doesn't notice the noodles that graze his chin, leaving dark streaks to contrast his caramel skin. The second he's done slurping the noodles into his mouth, you grab a napkin and wipe the sauce off his face.

Jungkook stops eating momentarily. His eyes meet yours in an adorable wide-eyed stare, and for a second, you think you see the night sky twinkling with stars.

But you're quick to realize where you are and who you're with. The next thing you know, you're snapping at him to keep your cheeks from flushing. "Yah, Jungkook! Would you slow down? The food isn't going anywhere."

The words come out before you have a chance to think, and it makes the atmosphere surrounding you become thick with tension. Maybe you're imagining it, but for some reason, your loud statement causes Namjoon to let out a breathy laugh.

"You two remind me of my group of friends." He places his chopsticks on a napkin beside his bowl and smiles at the both of you. "There's not a dull moment with them, but it's taken us a lot of time to get that close. How long have you guys been together?"

You're gaping like a fish in saltwater. The air caught in your throat has you struggle to find the words to say. To your dismay, Jungkook answers.

"It's been about a week."

Namjoon's lips dip into a small frown of disbelief. "What?" He glimpses at Jungkook then at you, as if he trying to figure out if the giant is kidding or not. You don't know if he can tell that you're not breathing but he doesn't say anything about it.

You just can't do anything in that moment. You're still at a loss of words, and because you don't speak up, Jungkook takes the reins on the situation.

"Yeah, I think it was last Friday when I appeared in her apartment." Jungkook finally takes a break from eating to talk. "I wasn't wearing any clothes, and she was this close," he pinches his index and thumb together, leaving only a centimeter of space between them, "to hitting me with a broomstick. Oh, that reminds me."

Jungkook scoots away from the table to stand and head into the living room. When he comes back, he's carrying the clothes Namjoon had lent you and gives them back to their rightful owner.

Namjoon quickly takes them and rests them on his lap. Like you, he doesn't know how to respond, but unlike you, he finds the words a lot quicker. "Um, thanks. I'm just... I'm a little confused."

"About what?"

Oh, fuck. You wish Jungkook would stop talking.

"You showed up here... naked?" Namjoon asks for clarification. "As in, you walked to this apartment... on the 5th floor... for what exactly? What were your intentions? To fuck around with some stranger?" With every word, Namjoon's voice becomes louder and angrier. Jungkook, who doesn't know any better, just looks at Namjoon like he has two heads.

"No, no. I didn't walk here. I appeared here." Jungkook doesn't deny the rest of what Namjoon is accusing him of, and you know that your neighbor is assuming the worst.

God, please have mercy on you. You wished Jungkook would just shut up and that you were able to catch your breath. At this point, you're sure your face is beet red.

"Look, I don't know what you're doing to Y/N so that you can stay here, but I've been pining after her for months now." Standing to match Jungkook's height, Namjoon rams a finger into the his chest. "You can't just show up here and expect her to sleep with you and get away with it. Don't you have any respect? Y/N isn't some object you can play around with. She's a human being. She deserves more than being fucked around with."

Jungkook's face scrunches up in pain. "Ow..." His voice remains soft, and you swear you see tears well up in his eyes.

Namjoon pulls back his arm and sighs. "If you have any sense of morality, you'll leave her apartment and go back to where you came from."

The second the first tear rolls down Jungkook's cheek, you take your first inhale of air. Thank God!

"Namjoon, let me explain," you finally say. He looks at you and his expression softens. "Jungkook, he..." You don't want to tell the truth because it sounds ridiculous, but things have gotten out of hand. You know there's only one way to fix this.

"I drew Jungkook." You suck in another breath to help you just get the words out. "And he came to life."

"Y/N, you don't have to make excuses for him."

"I'm not." You take ahold of Jungkook's wrist. "Touch him."

Namjoon tilts his head in frustration, but he listens. He brushes his fingers against Jungkook's skin and his jaw goes slack. "He... he feels like paper."

You take a moment for Namjoon to gather his thoughts before you continue. "I drew him Thursday evening, and when I woke up, my sketchpad was empty so I thought I dreamt the whole thing. But then I started to notice the similarities and the way his skin felt, and then, he told me about some older woman and that she was giving him a second chance," you ramble on without any pauses.

You don't know why, but you tell him everything. You tell him about why you needed to borrow his clothes, and how before you ever drew Jungkook, you had dreams of him. The truth flows out of you and you can't stop yourself from spilling. It feels good to let it all out.

"So... he's not your boyfriend?" Out of all the things you thought he would ask, you were expecting something more along the lines of "you're insane" but then again, this is Namjoon you're talking about.

You laugh lightly. "No, he's not."

"You know," Namjoon gazes at you intently while his fingers fidget on top of the table. "Jungkook could always stay at my place if you'd like."

"What?" You try to stay calm even though internally you're screaming gratefully. You like Jungkook but you know that now isn't the time to see him in any other way than for what he truly is – your drawing.

"Yeah, I have an extra bedroom he can use. I'm sure he's tired of sleeping on the couch." Namjoon's smile returns.

"Oh, are you sure?" Your neighbor responds with a nod of his head.

With that, you spend the rest of the evening helping Namjoon move the few things that are Jungkook's into his apartment down the hall. At least now, Jungkook will be more comfortable, and he can walk around shirtless whenever he wants without you ogling him all the time. This will be good for you and him.

Once Namjoon goes inside his home, you have a minute alone with Jungkook.

"I didn't ask you before, and I should've, but are you okay with this, Kook?"

"What? Oh, um, y-yeah." He forces his lips into a smile but it's small, and his eyes refuse to meet yours. He's been hurt too many times tonight, but this is for the best. Jungkook will see it that way soon.

"Hey, you can come over anytime you want, okay?" You try to comfort him. "I'm not abandoning you. It's just that people will misunderstand if you continue to live with me, like how Yoongi and Namjoon did. Besides, we have a whole day tomorrow to spend time together. I'll see you in the morning. Good night."

"Good night, Y/N..."

He stands at the doorway and watches you walk back to your apartment. You give him one last smile as you close your door, but the minute it's shut, the reality comes sinking in.

You don't know why, but you feel kind of sad about making Jungkook live with Namjoon. Ah, you're being silly. You haven't known him for very long. How can you possibly be sad about this?

You need to focus on you right now and your future. You're going to be a  well renown artist some day. Still, no matter how much you try to ignore it, your heart feels just a little heavy.

note: can you guys believe that y/n told namjoon the truth but not her own brother? i wonder how hurt he's going to be when he finds out... and now jungkook is living with namjoon?! whaaaaaaaat lol how do you think that's going to go? do you think namjoon might rub off on jungkook? lol if he does, y/n is in for another surprise ;)

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