Chapter 28

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Unable to resist, you follow Namjoon into your bedroom. Technically, you should've been the one to invite him. Either way, it isn't going to stop you from sleeping in your own bed. What would happen there, well, you can think of several things. Not all of which are exactly appropriate for a time like now.

It's too much, and to add more confusion into the mess of your feelings would only dig you into a deeper hole, but here you are, trailing behind Namjoon and admiring his backside.

It's quite obvious that he works out. Jungkook is right. Namjoon's thighs look amazing. You could probably stare at them and lose track of time.

His muscles tighten and relax with every step, making it all that much harder to look away. The shorts he's wearing don't help much either.

The moment Namjoon opens your bedroom door and slips inside, his entire body is clouded in darkness. It's late, likely sometime in the very early hours of the morning. Also the perfect time to make mistakes, which you hope not to do with a sober mind.

You take a deep breath before heading into your room, closing the door behind you. When you turn back around, you jolt.

Namjoon is standing right in front you. He's so close you can smell his cologne. Oddly, it's scent is a bit minty with a hint of vanilla. Very strong, very sweet, and also very comforting. You don't even feel yourself leaning towards him. It's almost like you do it instinctively, like it's an innate ability you have no absolute control of.

To make it worse, he lets you. He runs his fingers up your arms and pulls you gently to him in an embrace. His arms wrap around your shorter, curvier figure. His hands rest with ease on your lower back, which sends a warmth throughout your body.

Two puzzle pieces come together and lock into place. It feels right being there just like this.

There's only one person on your mind, and right then, he's all that matters.

"Joon," you say in a breathy whisper. That anger and frustration with all that's happening dissipates, and you tell him the insecurities you hadn't even admitted to yourself yet.

"Joon, I'm scared."

As soon as you say it, your surroundings turn a dark, deep blue. Namjoon blends into your bedroom, and you struggle to stay upright on your own.

It's useless to fight the vision that's about to come, but you try to anyway. Though you want answers, you just want to be there with Namjoon. You want to feel his presence.

Your heart sinks, because as expected, you don't get that liberty, and you black out in his arms.


"It's okay. I'm here." Namjoon's hands are cupping your cheeks. He lifts your head softly to meet his tear stricken gaze. "I know I'm clumsy as fuck and will likely end up hurting myself before they do, but I'll protect you, Y/n. I promise."

He wipes away the tears rolling down your face. You raise your hand to do the same for him. "I don't want you to though, Joon. I don't want to lose you too."

Namjoon immediately shakes his head. "Y-you won't." His voice breaks. He tries hard to convince you of that, but you're not foolish enough to hope for an outcome that favors you and your friends.

What you're up against is stronger, more powerful, than anything you've ever known. Hell, you didn't even know stuff like this existed until now.

Jungkook always loved surprises, but this is one that you thought you'd never anticipate.

"Joon, I'm... I'm sca-ared." You lose strength, giving into the trembling emotions that tower over you.

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