Xiao: Her Spirit Never Left.

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This one's really short. 

I almost cried while writing this. 

(Heavy Angst.)


The tree grew, look at the beautiful blossoms this year. But you are not here to see the beauty of these flowers.

Tides changed and many moons passed, but those thoughts and your memories never left me.

Every night i hear your voice, I see you in my dreams. But whenever i get close you vanish into thin air the same way you left my side forever.

He stood there holding Sweet flowers in his hand. They were your favorite. The image of your face flashed in his mind, your laughter echoed in his ears.

He smiled to himself though his eyes didn't match his meek smile, his eyes were sunken and dark.

"I miss you, words cannot express my grief. You left too soon, it's unfair."

You stood behind him and shook your head "I never left you. Not once, Xiao." You smiled with tears in your eyes. You tried to hug him from behind but your arms went through him

"I'll always be here for you."

He sat down infront of the tombstone talking to you as if you were sitting right infront of him.

He told you all about his day and his problems. 

"Where is my Almond Tofu? Nobody makes it as good as you do. Where did you go?" He pouted

You smiled as you heard him talk, leaning on top of your tombstone. The tears never left your eyes nor did it leave his eyes. How you wished you could just touch him one last time, hold him close, feel alive again. Relive those days when you two were together. 

You left him, he's all alone again. This filled you with deep regret and guilt. He couldn't let go either. The pain was a reminder that you were once there with him and he was holding on to it, but he still kept going. He didn't give up on life.

"Hey, you are listening aren't you?" He suddenly spoke. "Dont tell me you spaced out again like you always used to do-" 

The weak smile quickly turned into a frown as he realized how crazy he sounded. He sobbed into the sweet flowers.

"Why did it have to be you?!" He cried out

" No, Please don't cry." Your heart ached at his sight. You frantically tried to reach out to him, trying to wipe his tears but all in vain. You cried helplessly along with him. He lost his composure, the memories must have overwhelmed him.

He repeatedly asked why, cursing the events that took place that ultimately led to your demise.

"I wish you were here..I could have saved you. I let you die."

"I never blamed you, it's not your fault. Dont do this to yourself." Your words couldn't reach him regardless of how loud you were talking.

"Please Come back..i need you." he said almost in a whisper through the tears.

 After moments of crying, he finally calmed himself down and stood up from his place, few tears rolling off his cheek. He said finally,

"It's been another year without you."

He sounded numb, his heart was heavy and you could feel his pain.

he gently placed, the sweet flowers near your tomb.

"Happy Birthday."

You smiled, "Thank you Xiao."

"You thought i'd forget huh?" He laughed through the pain.

He sighed

"Hey." He placed a hand on top of the tombstone, not knowing that he had placed his hand on top of your cold hands. "I hope you can hear me. Always keep smiling and i'll try my best to keep going and stay strong. I'll be back soon, I promise."

You nodded, "i'll be waiting Xiao."

He smiled as he waved you goodbye, before breaking into a sob again.

"I won't forget you. I'll keep going for you."

"and I'll be with you every step of the way." You cried as you waved back. 


✧ Lonely Qingxin | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ✧Where stories live. Discover now