A Small Compromise

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A man appears out of the shadows 

"I need information."

"Who are you?"

"My real name is irrelevant, what's important is that you need to die." 

 > You say "Are you George Washington!?" 

"You're not very observant. Yes, I am, but I've been through a lot, so don't bother trying to kill me or you'll end up dead." 

 > You say "Why can't you just die!?"

"Because I'm still here to help the cause!" 

"What is the cause!? Why are we fighting!?" 

"The North American republic has grown complacent. They've let themselves get weak, and that's no longer acceptable." 

 > You say "Benjamin Franklin told me that in the future the world would be run by a single government, and that it would be managed by a World President, don't hide it, it's you isn't it!"

George laughs.

"Yes, you're right, but the difference is, the world will not bow down to me, it will DIE because of the sheer reality of who I am." 

 > You say "What?! I thought you wanted to save the people!?" 

"I do, but they need to be purged, burned, drowned, buried under snow and crushed by horses!"

George Washington stands up, walks over to you and gets closer... 

"This plan of mine will ensure the survival of not just the United States but all of humanity. There needs to be a cost." 

Then, George shoots you in the head, ending your life.

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