𝖎𝖎. Manhattan, New York

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎:Manhattan, New York

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Manhattan, New York

AFTER CELIA CONVINCED THALIA THAT IT'S ONLY A TRAIN AWAY FROM HOME, the woman practically pushed her towards the train station and bid her goodbye

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AFTER CELIA CONVINCED THALIA THAT IT'S ONLY A TRAIN AWAY FROM HOME, the woman practically pushed her towards the train station and bid her goodbye. Celia is so happy for her granddaughter and her next chapter in life. She knew something good was about to happen to her granddaughter, especially on the relationship departed. That is one of the reasons why Celia is eager for Thalia to go to Manhattan.

A thirty-minute train ride wasn't so bad for Thalia. She told her grandmother that it was okay for her to take the train from New Jersey to Manhattan and Manhattan to New Jersey. However, Celia disagreed and reasoned that she'd be too tired and that it might compromise her schedule, that it is better that she'll be a walking distance of the Community College and her apartment so she'll have time to rest.

Celia promised her if Thalia was finally settled down in her new apartment, she'll visit and maybe stay for the weekend, which Thalia said that perhaps her grandmother should come with her. Celia, of course, disagreed with that idea telling her that she needed to learn how to live alone and be independent.

Well, that wasn't really the reason why Celia immediately shut down that idea, the woman knew something or a certain someone would enter her granddaughter's life, and she didn't want to interfere.

Exiting the elevator and walking towards her apartment door, getting the keys in her bag, and unlocking the door, revealing a fully furnished apartment. Thalia and Celia had been busy buying furniture for Thalia's apartment, and Celia made sure that her granddaughter had everything that she needed, from food to other necessities.

Walking towards the fridge, opens a bottle of wine, and pours herself a drink.

"Cheers to living alone."

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

"MY NAME IS THALIA ELIE BENNET, YOUR NEW LITERATURE PROFESSOR," Thalia introduced as she wrote her name on the whiteboard, and she turned around to see her students rather bored or half asleep. She couldn't blame them. College was a pain in the ass for her. She was glad she finished early since she skipped a grade back then.

"Since your old professor recently retired, I took his place, and now I'm here," Thalia tells them, and they ignore her. She sighs and walks around the table, leaning in front of the desk, and crosses her arms, "Look, I know you are all tired. College is hard. We all know it, especially me, since I finished college and became your professor. Let's make a deal."

All the students look up at her with curious eyes, suddenly not finding this new professor boring because of what she said to them.

"Attend my class, pass the needed requirements in time, and you'll never fail this class, eat your breakfast or lunch depending on what time my class is scheduled, but you need to share and not tell the other professors that I allow you to eat in my class because I'll get an earful, look I'm not a terror professor, I'm a very chill one but don't mistake my kindness or I'll strip you all of the privileges that I just said, talk to me about why you can't pass a certain paper, and I'll understand and ask questions or if you all needed to talk to someone come to the teacher lounge, and I'll be there drinking coffee," Thalia tells them with a smile and all the students suddenly beamed at what she just told them and they all started making 'whoo' noises, whistling, clapping, cheering that she's the best professor that they had.

"Lastly, regarding the report papers that Mr. Guzman assigned will be passed on Friday, I'll extend the deadline to next Friday, and that's it. No more extensions, rest, sleep, or whatever you young adult do these days, class dismissed," Thalia tells them as she takes a sip of her coffee and puts her class record on her bag, and all the students stand up and thanks to her as they exit the room.

Suddenly, a pixie-haired girl skipped towards her, her hands clasped on her back as she smiled brightly at Thalia. "Thank you so much for extending the deadline, Ms. Bennet."

Thalia looks at her and smiles. "Call me Thalia, Ms. Bennet sounds old, and you're welcome??"

"Alice, Alice Cullen," The pixie introduces as she grabs Thalia's hand, shaking it excitedly. As for the woman, Alice's hand feels cold, unusually cold, and Thalia feels something off about her.

"Nice to meet you, Alice. I'll see you in my next class," Thalia says and smiles at her as she walks towards the door with Alice beside her.

"You bet! You're already my favorite professor," Alice says as she waves goodbye to her and walks towards the hall to the cafeteria. Thalia shakes her head and proceeds to walk toward the teacher's lounge.

 Thalia shakes her head and proceeds to walk toward the teacher's lounge

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