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𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄:Stay at home

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Stay at home


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And the Cullen family couldn't help but feel relieved at the fact that Bella is alive and well, except for Rosalie. Of course, she can't seem to find herself the reason even to care.

"Come now, gather up for a picture now," Esme says as she holds a camera in her hand.

"Do we really have to do this?" Edward asks. He's wearing a black suit. His hair was styled quite carelessly.

"Of course, we have. We've been doing this for decades now," Alice chirps as she skips towards the living room, where the others are waiting.

Thalia just smiled, in her pajamas, she was requested to attend the prom, and she didn't want to go. A room full of sweaty teenagers isn't her thing.

"Why isn't Thalia dressed?" Emmett asks as he looks at Thalia and Alice, and the pixie just huffs. She tries to convince Thalia to go, and the woman is stubborn just as much as her.

"I'm not a high school student. I'm a teacher," Thalia tells him, and Emmett just grumbles in response. Rosalie then pulls him towards her as they pose for their picture.

"Let's just get this over with," Rosalie says as she, Emmett, Edward, and Jasper, pose for the picture.

With that being done, the others drove to school, and Edward was going to pick Bella up at her house.

"Well, the kids are out, finally, have some privacy," Christopher says gleefully and looks at Esme and asks, "Join me for a hunt?"

Esme just smiles and nods as she and Christopher exit through the balcony window.

"I think this may be the first time we have the main house to ourselves," Thalia says as she leans into Carlisle's chest, and the man just wraps his arms around her small waist and places a kiss on her temple as he hums in agreement.

"You're right," Carlisle says with a blissful smile upon his face. He had a peaceful house with Thalia in his arms.

He couldn't ask for more.

"What happens after this?" Thalia asks as she looks up at him, placing a hand on his chest, tracing circles.

"We continue, we'll go on with our lives with Bella," Carlisle answers, and Thalia just smiles. The thought of Edward being happy made her extremely happy.

"What happens if the Volturi finds out?" Thalia asks worriedly as she curls up in his embrace with a blanket covering her body.

"We'll cross that path when we get there. If so, we'll always figure it out, like always," Carlisle answers as he rubs her arm gently and pulls her towards her even more.

"I think our family will have many obstacles, yet will always have great outcomes," Thalia tells her. Her being optimistic is new to her. She's always been on the realistic side of the matter, yet, she just couldn't help but think that her family will have a good immortal life.

"Always the beautiful thinking, my love," Carlisle chuckles as he places a peck on her forehead, and Thalia just smiles at him blissfully as the woman leans forwards and captures his lips, with a smile Carlisle didn't even second-guess on kissing back.

As they pulled away, foreheads touching, both of their eyes closed, savoring every moment of ecstasy, Thalia whispered, "I love you, Carlisle."

"I love you more, Thalia Elie."


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