𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Scream

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IT'S MIDNIGHT, AND THALIA HAS BEEN WANDERING OUT IN THE STREETS OF MANHATTAN FOR HOURS NOW. She told Diane that she was just going for a midnight stroll and waiting until she felt drowsy enough to let sleep take over, but she lied.

Her ancestors have been whispering that something will happen and that she should get somewhere hidden, where her screams wouldn't get heard. However, as she always does, she tries to find the source of her possible scream, and how she will try to stop it, again, and fail miserably, again.

"No, no, please," she hears from a distance, and Thalia hides on a nearby warehouse wall, "I have money. Take it, please, don't kill me," the person begs. Thalia mentally curses herself for not bringing anything to protect herself or anything to help save the person.

Then she feels it, the need to scream. She covers her mouth forcefully with her hands, trying to contain the upcoming scream, and then the person cries out in pain, then the cries become silent. She releases a muffled scream that she tries so hard to contain that she tears up from how painful it is to stop her screams, and then it's over.

She releases a heavy sigh and tries to even her breaths. Removing herself from her hiding spot, she looked at her surroundings, claiming it was clear. She grabs the flashlight from her pocket and opens it, walking slowly toward the direction where the cries of the person from earlier were. Thalia knew that the person was dead. It's one of the brutal realities she has to face of being a banshee.

Following the drops of blood and cautiously avoiding stepping on it, she doesn't really want to be a suspect in an investigation, drops of blood become splotches, and then she sees it, the body.

She gasps and covers her mouth, tearing up at the sight. It never gets easier. It just gets harder and harder every time she witnesses something like this, she'll never get used to a person dying right in front of her or knowing that they'll die in the next minute, and she didn't do anything to prevent it from happening, then there's the guilt.

Thalia notices that the person's heart is carved out from its body, and she only feels worse than before. She walks away from the scene and calls the police. It's the least she can do for the person so that the person's family will be peaceful that they've found their loved one's body.

After that brief interview with the police and telling them her honest explanation that she's just taking a midnight stroll and found the body by accident, they let her go without suspicion, saying that she was just at the wrong place at the time, she is about to go back to her apartment when she saw a familiar blonde wearing a white coat and examining the body, Carlisle Cullen.

And Thalia doesn't know what to do because this is a murder investigation, and Carlisle is working. She turns around. However, someone calls her from behind, "Thalia!"

Carlisle Cullen is honestly wasn't surprised to see Thalia. Alice told him hours earlier that Thalia's about to scream, so he followed Alice's direction, and he saw Thalia looking at the dead body. "What are you doing here?" He asks as he walks towards her, removing the nitrile gloves from his hands.

"I'm the unfortunate witness that reported the body," Thalia answers while pursing her lips and tucking her cold hands in her pockets while releasing a breath and becoming a misty cloud because of the cold night.

"Let me take you home. It's not safe for you to walk around, especially with what just happened right now," Carlisle says to her, and she looks back at the body, seeing that it's been carried into a trolley covered in a white blanket.

"Don't you have to go to the hospital? I mean, examine the body further?" Thalia asks, and Carlisle shakes his head gently and walks towards his car, Thalia following behind, "They called me to look into the body, but the mortuary will take care of it." She just nods and quietly enters the car, and on the way to her apartment, Thalia feels a heavyweight on her shoulders that just can't easily shrug off, and Carlisle knows what she is thinking, the guilt of not preventing it from happening, of not doing something or anything.

And he doesn't know what to do.

So he just placed a hand over hers and gently holding it in his, trying to put a sense of comfort to ease her thoughts, and it worked. Oh, how Carlisle Cullen could easily calm her nerves.

Arriving at the front door, she quietly unlocks it carefully not to wake Diane from her sleep, she turns around and tries to smile at Carlisle, but it just turns into a heavy frown on her ethereal features.

"I wish we could have seen each other in better circumstances," Thalia begins, and Carlisle holds her hand out for her to take. She gently holds it, and he says, "We could make it up for breakfast tomorrow?" Carlisle just wants to take her mind off for a while because they both know, that this is the start of chaotic occurrences.

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