𝖝𝖎. Taking Time

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Taking Time


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It says that time heals everything, seconds into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into a day, a day into a week, a week into months, months into a year, a year turns into a decade, a decade turns into a century.

Healing can take an enormous amount of time.

For Thalia, she can say neither. Time does or does not heal everything. Yes, the memories, the pain, and the emotions can be eased with time, but it can never heal entirely or forget everything.

It does get better.

It gets lighter.

It gets easier.

Time does help.

Moving forward, not moving on.

Twenty-six years of living a life full of trials, first; with her mother and father dying of a tragic death, second; her banshee side making itself known and making her see the traumatic and unforgettable thing, witnessing death, and lastly, third; being manipulated and abused by a man who thought you loved wholeheartedly, and being a fool, she stayed, because of one reason, love.

We can never really just forgive and forget and move on.

Thalia can't say if she's afraid of love or just hesitant to love. But she is sure of this one thing, she needed time to love someone again, and for some reason, being with Carlisle Cullen, she forgets every sense of being scared to/of love.

Everyone just wants to be loved.

And Thalia Elie Bennet wants to be loved by Carlisle Cullen, and Carlisle Cullen wants to love Thalia Elie Bennet with all his undead heart.

Every person is scared, but what is life if you're not afraid of something? Or anything at all? What is life without a bit of doubt? Without a little hesitancy?

However, what is life without a bit of risk?

Oh, how Thalia Elie Bennet just wanted to be loved despite it all.

And oh, how Carlisle Cullen is just ready to sacrifice it all.

Two people that just wanted to love.

Two people that just wanted to love

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Author's Note:➵Happy 2K reads, my loves!!<3➵Just a little peak of their emotions, so this is just a really short chapter, but the next one will be a lot longer!!<3➵Decide for a ship name!! Maybe CarLie? Honestly, I'm not good with ship names :-<

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Author's Note:
➵Happy 2K reads, my loves!!<3
➵Just a little peak of their emotions, so this is just a really short chapter, but the next one will be a lot longer!!<3
➵Decide for a ship name!!
Maybe CarLie? Honestly, I'm not good with ship names :-<

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