Makoto searched the hallways of a high school, scanning the student's features for one familiar face in particular...
"Haru!" He found him and yelled, "Matte!"
Haru stopped and turned to his distressed friend. His eyes widened, "Makoto..."
"I missed you..." Makoto said, eyes tearing up. "I decided to find you--Haru... I-I'm so sor--"
The brunette's words were interrupted by Haru moving toward him. He angled Makoto's head down to him, taking his face into his hands gently... and was suddenly kissing him.
Makoto's eyes widened. Haru deepened the kiss and Makoto savored it. Students walked past them left and right, but they didn't care. Only they existed in that moment.
Haru pulled away. "I missed you, too..." he said and began to walk back down the hall.
Makoto broke from his daze. "Ne, Haru!"
Haru stopped again and turned toward his "friend".
"Let's swim again. Together." Makoto said, smiling, tears of relief and joy threatened to spill.
Haru looked at Makoto and smiled, tears forming in his own eyes as well. "Yeah. Let's swim again." He said before he turned around and made his way swiftly down the hall, leaving Makoto standing there, lovestruck.
Makoharu Oneshots (boyxboy)
Fiksi Penggemarthe name says it all ♡ oneshots of my otp Makoharu