I did it all for you! (Jake x MC)

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'Promise me', - Airi read the message she received after weeks of silence, and sighed heavily. She could almost hear Jake's voice, quiet and worried. Even through the text, she could feel the young man's concern for her. He didn't want she to come to Duskwood, he thought it was too dangerous. In fact, Airi herself was well aware she was taking a big risk, but just sitting there, safe, after all... How could she?

'I wish I could look you in the eye and say I promise' Airi wrote. She just wanted to help her new friends. So why did the guilt now wash over her like a wave, like a huge thundercloud? Airi felt incredibly guilty about the hacker. In front of a man she barely knew and yet was deeply in love with.


She was silent, unable to find the words, unable to find the strength to answer. Jake didn't give up.

'Airi are you all right? What are you hiding?'

'Jake, it's okay. I just' she did not finish the message, just not finding the strength for a full response. She sighed and decided sometimes pictures are better than words, so she took a photo with a Welcome to Duskwood sign in the background. The message was read in an instant - now Jake knew what was bothering her. Airi was even a little afraid to look at the screen, to see his reaction. But when she did, there was no reaction. Only the "Jake is now offline" notification. Airi sighed. What's that supposed to mean? Was he offended or something? She wrote another message - of course, nothing had changed. All that remained was to hide the phone and go ahead along the road between the forest trees - further into the town.

She finally got to Duskwood and now... She wasn't sure what to do now. Until a couple of days ago, Airi could have said that she would have go to the Aurora when she arrived in Duskwood, if only because Phil clearly knew something important about everything that was going on in the town. But Phil's under arrest. Or look in the Garage. But no one was waiting for her there now. Jessy had quit, making her choice between a career and a family, and Richy was struggling to cope on his own, both in the workshop and in the office. He will never admit he needs help, and Airi is not ready to distract him with empty conversations.

They need to find Hannah as soon as possible. The suspense was killing.

She just had to leave things at the motel and... the first thing that came to mind was the forest. She alone will not be as noticeable as the group, which means that she will be able to look around a little. On the other hand, it is difficult to find something in the forest so difficult and for a well-organized group - what can say about one person? Especially if it is a person who interferes with the criminal. Airi was in the way, judging by all the calls. Besides, it was already evening. She tousled her hair and pulled out her phone, quickly dialed a message:

"Hey... I'm at a loss. I don't know where to go or what to do. I would be very happy if you would get in online and tell me something". But the messenger continued to glow with only one inscription - "offline". Airi sighed again. Perhaps she could explore Duskwood - at least the places Jessy had shown her during the tour. The photos were beautiful, but nothing can replace a personal impression. And she could go to the pawnshop and try to find out something about the bracelet. She had a picture and a pretty good tongue. Sometimes that's enough.

Airi didn't have time: the pawnshop closed ten minutes before she arrived. Knowing that I would have to repeat the journey tomorrow, I wandered back, looking at the cozy houses and cobbled streets that took on unreal shapes in the light of the lit round lanterns. The twilight was turning the town into a magical postcard, and Airi was lost in thought, looking at the sign of the Rainbow Cafe. At first, she didn't hear footsteps behind her. Then she didn't pay much attention - well, who knows, maybe it was just someone from the passers-by hurrying home? Finally, she remembered Jessy and the attack on her. In a public place, she was unlikely to be touched, Airi decided, but how long would people be here? Better hurry up and get to the room, while there is a chance not to walk through the Duskwood streets alone. And first she quickened her pace, then, without realizing it, she broke into a run. The footsteps did not stop - the man accelerated with her, became her shadow.

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