54. A Unique Proposal (Season 2)

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Samar's POV:
Oh god I have asked Pritha for a date, but what to do now... I don't have any plan, how to propose her... I need help, but from whom... Yes Buddy, both Buddy and Pritha are the same... Buddy can help me... I went outside my room... I asked a servant where he is, he told me that he is in living room... I went to the living room... I saw there were few Kings and Rana Ji was introducing them with Buddy... I went inside... Rana Ji said...

Bhupinder: Kuwar Samar aap yaha... Come here have a seat...
I smile and went towards them and sit beside Buddy... I whisper in Buddy's ear...
Samar(Whisper): Buddy I need your help...
Prithvi: for what???...
Samar: I can't tell you here, come with me...
Prithvi: but I can't... I am stuck with this meeting...

We were whispering, when Rana Ji said...
Bhupinder: why you both are whispering???...
Samar: actually Rana Ji, I have an important work with Buddy... If you allow me can I take him with me???...
Bhupinder: of course you can... Actually I just want him to meet them, it will easy for him in future to handle everything...
Samar: thank you so much Rana Ji...

I dragged him to my room and closed the door, so that no one can hear our talks... He said...
Prithvi: what is the emergency???... Why you dragged me here???...
Samar: Buddy I need your help...
Prithvi: yeah tell me...
Samar: actually I ask Pritha for a date and she said yes... But now I don't know what to do, I don't have any plan...
Prithvi: who told you to ask her for a date without any plan???...
Samar: Manu told me to ask her for a date and propose her...
Prithvi: She would say that na, because she doesn't have to do the preparation... You know what I think I should be a dating planner... I will plan everyone's date... First Karan&Janvi and Jai&Rimi... And now you and Pritha...
Samar: why you are pissed of???...
Prithvi: because of your sister I am pissed of... I have said sorry to her I don't know how many times... But she is not forgiving me...
Samar: OK fine, you help me and I will help you... I will talk with Manu and ask her to forgive you...

He look at me and said...
Prithvi: OK tell me if you have any idea for the date...
Samar: well how about a romantic candle light dinner date... I will book a restaurant for her...
Prithvi: Boring... Sam, Pritha is fun loving... She has miss the enjoyment in her life for past ten years... So try to think about a date in which she can enjoy...
Samar: OK so how about a movie date, I will book a multiplex for her... Then shopping and dinner...

He palmed his head... I think he didn't like my idea... He said...
Prithvi: Dude if you want to take Pritha for a date then forget that you are the Prince of Marwar, the Kuwar Samar Singh Rathore and forget that she is the Princess of Mewar, Rajkuwari Pritha Kanwar Sisodia... If you want to propose her then you have to become an ordinary man... You have to become only Samar, who loves Pritha... She don't want these luxury dude, because she have it in her life... Try to give her those things which she doesn't have in her life... The fun which she misses in these ten years...
Samar: I get your point, but I don't have any idea...
Prithvi: OK fine... I am helping you but don't tell her... There is a fair going on in Udaipur... Take her there, she will be more than happy to go there...
Samar: WHAT!!!... But how will I propose her in a fair???...
Prithvi: that is your problem not mine... You ask me for suggestions, I give you my opinion... How to propose her, where to propose her that is your problem... You have to think about it...

I was in deep thought, how will I propose her that too in a fair... Buddy went to the door and open it... But he stop and turn around and said...
Prithvi: one more free advice... Take some cash with you, because credit card doesn't work there...
Samar: Buddy please tell Pritha to wear something simple...
Prithvi: OK I will, but you don't forget your promise...
Samar: yeah yeah I will talk with Manu when I will be back from the date...

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